Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/design/plasma-desktop-screen-handling is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 How Screens Get Managed
0002 -----------------------
0003 * PlasmaApp handles the views
0004 * DesktopCorona handles the containments with the help of Activity classes
0006 So:
0007 * When a screen is added: DesktopCorona tells the current Activity, which adds a new containment if needed. PlasmaApp responds to their creation
0008 * When a screen is removed: PlasmaApp removes the associated view(s); we don't want the Containment to go away, however, since the screen may return
0009 * When a screen changes geometry: the Views (DesktopView, PanelView) change their geometry and that of their containments if needed
0011 Future work:
0012 * Migration of panels from non-existent screens to existing screens (perhaps asking if the user would like them to migrate?)
0013 * 'hibernation' of containments from non-existent screens (Activity will handle this)