Warning, /plasma/plasma-desktop/applets/taskmanager/package/contents/config/main.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile name=""/>
0008   <group name="General">
0009     <entry name="showOnlyCurrentScreen" type="Bool">
0010       <label>Whether to show only window tasks that are on the same screen as the widget.</label>
0011       <default>false</default>
0012     </entry>
0013     <entry name="showOnlyCurrentDesktop" type="Bool">
0014       <label>Whether to only show tasks that are on the current virtual desktop.</label>
0015       <default>true</default>
0016     </entry>
0017     <entry name="showOnlyCurrentActivity" type="Bool">
0018       <label>Whether to show only tasks that are on the current activity.</label>
0019       <default>true</default>
0020     </entry>
0021     <entry name="showOnlyMinimized" type="Int">
0022       <label>Whether to show only window tasks that are minmized.</label>
0023       <default>false</default>
0024     </entry>
0025     <entry name="unhideOnAttention" type="Bool">
0026       <label>Whether to unhide if a window wants attention.</label>
0027       <default>true</default>
0028     </entry>
0029     <entry name="groupingStrategy" type="Enum">
0030       <label>How tasks are grouped: 0 = Do Not Group, 1 = By Program Name</label>
0031       <default>1</default>
0032     </entry>
0033     <entry name="groupedTaskVisualization" type="Enum">
0034       <label>What happens when clicking on a grouped task: 0 = cycle through grouped tasks, 1 = try to show tooltips, 2 = try to show present Windows effect, 3 = show textual list (AKA group dialog)</label>
0035       <default>0</default>
0036     </entry>
0037     <entry name="groupPopups" type="Bool">
0038       <label>Whether groups are to be reduced to a single task button and expand into a popup or task buttons are grouped on the widget itself.</label>
0039       <default>true</default>
0040     </entry>
0041     <entry name="onlyGroupWhenFull" type="Bool">
0042       <label>Whether to group always or only when the widget runs out of space to show additional task buttons comfortably.</label>
0043       <default>true</default>
0044     </entry>
0045     <entry name="groupingAppIdBlacklist" type="StringList">
0046       <label>The id's (usually .desktop file names) of applications that should not have their tasks grouped.</label>
0047       <default></default>
0048     </entry>
0049     <entry name="groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist" type="StringList">
0050       <label>The launcher URLs (usually .desktop file or executable URLs) of applications that should not have their tasks grouped.</label>
0051       <default></default>
0052     </entry>
0053     <entry name="sortingStrategy" type="Int">
0054       <label>How to sort tasks: 0 = Do Not Sort, 1 = Manually, 2 = Alphabetically, 3 = By Desktop, 4 = By Activity</label>
0055       <default>1</default>
0056     </entry>
0057     <entry name="separateLaunchers" type="Bool">
0058       <label>Whether launcher tasks are sorted separately at the left side of the widget or can be mixed with other tasks.</label>
0059       <default>true</default>
0060     </entry>
0061     <entry name="maxStripes" type="Int">
0062       <label>The maximum number of rows (in a horizontal-orientation containment, i.e. panel) or columns (in a vertical-orientation containment) to layout task buttons in.</label>
0063       <default>1</default>
0064       <min>1</min>
0065     </entry>
0066     <entry name="forceStripes" type="Bool">
0067       <label>Whether to try and always layout task buttons in as many rows/columns as set via maxStripes.</label>
0068       <default>false</default>
0069     </entry>
0070     <entry name="showToolTips" type="Bool">
0071       <label>Whether to show tooltips when hovering task buttons.</label>
0072       <default>true</default>
0073     </entry>
0074     <entry name="wheelEnabled" type="Bool">
0075       <label>Whether using the mouse wheel with the mouse pointer above the widget should switch between tasks.</label>
0076       <default>true</default>
0077     </entry>
0078     <entry name="wheelSkipMinimized" type="Bool">
0079       <label>Whether to skip minimized tasks when switching between them using the mouse wheel.</label>
0080       <default>true</default>
0081     </entry>
0082     <entry name="highlightWindows" type="Bool">
0083       <label>Whether to request the window manager highlight windows when hovering corresponding task tooltips.</label>
0084       <default>true</default>
0085     </entry>
0086     <entry name="launchers" type="StringList">
0087       <label>The list of launcher tasks on the widget. Usually .desktop file or executable URLs. Special URLs such as preferred://browser that expand to default applications are supported.</label>
0088       <default>applications:systemsettings.desktop,applications:org.kde.discover.desktop,preferred://filemanager,preferred://browser</default>
0089     </entry>
0090     <entry name="middleClickAction" type="Enum">
0091       <label>What to do on middle-mouse click on a task button.</label>
0092       <choices>
0093             <choice name="None"/>
0094             <choice name="Close"/>
0095             <choice name="NewInstance"/>
0096             <choice name="ToggleMinimized"/>
0097             <choice name="ToggleGrouping"/>
0098             <choice name="BringToCurrentDesktop"/>
0099       </choices>
0100       <default>2</default>
0101     </entry>
0102     <entry name="indicateAudioStreams" type="Bool">
0103       <label>Whether to indicate applications that are playing audio including an option to mute them.</label>
0104       <default>true</default>
0105     </entry>
0106     <entry name="fill" type="Bool">
0107       <label>Whether task manager should occupy all available space.</label>
0108       <default>true</default>
0109     </entry>
0110     <entry name="taskHoverEffect" type="Bool">
0111       <label>Whether task buttons should change in appearance when the mouse pointer is above them.</label>
0112       <default>true</default>
0113     </entry>
0114     <entry name="maxTextLines" type="Int">
0115       <label>The maximum number of text lines to show in a task button. 0 means no limit.</label>
0116       <default>0</default>
0117     </entry>
0118     <entry name="minimizeActiveTaskOnClick" type="Bool">
0119       <label>Whether to minimize the currently-active task when clicked. If false, clicking on the currently-active task will do nothing.</label>
0120       <default>true</default>
0121     </entry>
0122     <entry name="reverseMode" type="Bool">
0123       <label>Whether to grow the tasks in according to system configuration or opposite to system configuration.</label>
0124       <default>false</default>
0125     </entry>
0126     <entry name="iconSpacing" type="Int">
0127       <label> Spacing between icons in task manager. Margin is multiplied by this value.</label>
0128       <default>1</default>
0129     </entry>
0130   </group>
0132 </kcfg>