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0001 ## Plasma-Bigscreen Voice Application Development Guidelines
0003 - [Plasma-Bigscreen Voice Application Development Guidelines](#plasma-bigscreen-voice-application-development-guidelines)
0004   - [Abstract](#abstract)
0005   - [Developing a skill for Mycroft AI](#developing-a-skill-for-mycroft-ai)
0006     - [Skill Structure](#skill-structure)
0007     - [Skill Sample ___init_ __.py file](#skill-sample-init-py-file)
0008   - [Adding a Graphical User Interface to the skill](#adding-a-graphical-user-interface-to-the-skill)
0009     - [Skill Sample example.qml file](#skill-sample-exampleqml-file)
0010   - [Converting a GUI Skill to a Voice Application](#converting-a-gui-skill-to-a-voice-application)
0011     - [Creating an entry point / homepage for your GUI skill](#creating-an-entry-point--homepage-for-your-gui-skill)
0012     - [Creating a desktop file for your skill](#creating-a-desktop-file-for-your-skill)
0013   - [Adding your Voice Application to the Mycroft Skill Installer](#adding-your-voice-application-to-the-mycroft-skill-installer)
0014     - [The "skill.json" file](#the-%22skilljson%22-file)
0015     - [Adding you application to the Pling Store](#adding-you-application-to-the-pling-store)
0017 ### Abstract
0019 All Voice Applications for Mycroft AI, start out as simple voice skills with a graphical user interface. This documentation will provide you with all the basics of creating new voice applications and also converting your exsisting voice skills or gui skills to complete voice applications.
0021 This tutorial requires Mycroft-Core, Mycroft-GUI and Mycroft-Skill-Installer. We are in this tutorial going to create a graphic user interface skill for Mycroft-AI which can be installed as a Voice Applications on the Plasma Bigscreen Platform.
0023 ### Developing a skill for Mycroft AI
0025 Skills for Mycroft are written using the Python programming language. Creating a skill requires at least basic python experience, a mycroft installation or device, and an idea of what your skill will do, and how people will use it.
0027 We will showcase a simple hello-world example skill below.
0029 #### Skill Structure
0031 - “myexampleskill” should be replaced with name of your skill
0032 - “authorname” should be replaced with your git repository username 
0034 Your directory structure should now be as follows:
0036 ``` myexampleskill.authorname/__init__.py
0037 myexampleskill.authorname/requirements.txt
0038 myexampleskill.authorname/dialog/en-us/example-speak.dialog
0039 myexampleskill.authorname/vocab/en-us/example-one.voc
0040 myexampleskill.authorname/ui/example.qml
0041 myexampleskill.authorname/res/desktop/myexampleskill.desktop
0042 myexampleskill.authorname/res/desktop/myexampleskill_icon.png
0043 myexampleskill.authorname/res/desktop/skill.json
0044 ```
0046 #### Skill Sample ___init_ __.py file
0047 This file is where most of the Skill is defined using Python code. This file will be referenced through out this tutorial as we move along different sections of this tutorial.
0049 To learn more in-depth about concepts of Vocab, Dialogs and creating Mycroft AI skills refer to: https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/skill-development/introduction
0051 ```
0052 import sys
0053 from adapt.intent import IntentBuilder
0054 from mycroft import MycroftSkill, intent_handler
0056 class MyExampleSkill(MycroftSkill):
0058 def __init__(self):
0059     super().__init__("MyExampleSkill")
0061 def initialize(self):
0062     self.add_event('myexampleskill.authorname.home', self.homepage)
0063     self.gui.register_handler("ExampleSkill.ButtonClicked", self.handleButtonClick)
0065 def homepage(self):
0066     self.gui['exampleText'] = "Hello World"
0067     self.gui.show_page("example.qml")
0068     self.speak("Welcome To Hello World")
0070 @intent_handler('handle_example_helloWorld').require('example-one')
0071 def handle_example_helloWorld(self, message):
0072     self.gui['exampleText'] = "Hello World"
0073     self.gui.show_page("example.qml")
0074     self.speak("Welcome To Hello World")
0076 def handleButtonClick(self):
0077     self.speak_dialog("example-speak")
0079 def stop(self):
0080     pass
0082 def create_skill():
0083     return MyExampleSkill()
0084 ```
0086 ### Adding a Graphical User Interface to the skill
0088 Skill Graphical User Interfaces are written using QML user interface markup language.
0090 #### Skill Sample example.qml file
0092 This file is where one can design the UI for the skill, the skill can have multiple pages or a single page to display. 
0094 - A skill page can be called from the Mycroft Skill with ***self.gui.show_page(*pagename*)*** where *pagename* is replaced by the page that you want to display
0095 - Skill page can be provided data from the skill with ***self.gui['exampleText'] = 'Hello World'*** where *exampleText* key, value is replaced by the data you want to show on your skill page
0097 For more in-depth tutorial on creating skill graphical user interfaces, understanding Mycroft-GUI modules, available delegates and more detailed examples refer to: https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/skill-development/displaying-information/mycroft-gui
0099 ```
0100 import Mycroft 1.0 as Mycroft
0102 Mycroft.Delegate {
0104     ColumnLayout {
0105         anchors.fill: parent
0107         Label {
0108             id: labelId
0109             Layout.fillWidth: true
0110             Layout.preferredHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 4
0111             text: sessionData.exampleText           
0112         }
0114         Button {
0115             id: buttonExample
0116             Layout.fillWidth: true
0117             Layout.preferredHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 2
0118             text: "Speak"
0119             onClicked: triggerGuiEvent("ExampleSkill.ButtonClicked", {})
0120         }
0121     }
0122 }
0123 ```
0124 ### Converting a GUI Skill to a Voice Application 
0126 Mycroft voice skills with a GUI can easily be converted to a Voice Application by adding the following to your skill:
0128 - A homepage entry point: a main page to the skill that can show an inital page of the skill or list of voice commands a skill can use for example when the voice application is started
0130 - Desktop File: defines the skill as an voice application with an entry point 
0132 ```
0133 myexampleskill.authorname/res/desktop/myexampleskill.desktop 
0134 ```
0135 - Voice Application Icon: icon for the voice application
0137 ```
0138 myexampleskill.authorname/res/desktop/myexampleskill_icon.png
0139 ```
0140 - Skill.json: required for uploading to the store and making the voice application available to the skill installer
0141 ```
0142 myexampleskill.authorname/res/desktop/skill.json
0143 ```
0145 #### Creating an entry point / homepage for your GUI skill
0147 Homepage for skills is the starting point of an voice application, In the example below we see the corresponding function defined in the __init_ _.py file that is called when the application is opened.
0149 *part of the __init_ _.py example above*
0151 ```
0152 def initialize(self):
0153     ### 
0154     - Adding an event to the skill to display the homepage when start voice application event is sent by mycroft-gui
0155     - The start event will always be called "yourskillname.authorname.home"
0156     - In this example the event is liked to a function defined: self.homepage
0157     ###
0159     self.add_event('myexampleskill.authorname.home', self.homepage)
0160     ...
0162 def homepage(self):
0163     ###
0164     - Function called when asked to display homepage
0165     - Sends sample data 'exampleText' to hompage
0166     - Shows the 'example.qml' file as the homapage
0167     - Speaks the welcome message
0168     ###
0170     self.gui['exampleText'] = "Hello World"
0171     self.gui.show_page("example.qml")
0172     self.speak("Welcome To Hello World")
0174 ```
0176 #### Creating a desktop file for your skill
0178 The desktop file provides the application launcher with all the information about the voice application, it also defines the starting entry point of the skill.
0180 The desktop file can be customized as per the skill authour / application developers requirements, but the desktop file must contain the following keys and values for the voice application to launch correctly:
0182 - Exec: This contains how the voice application will be executed, All voice applications are executed inside of the Mycroft GUI skillview and hence are required to start using the following exec:
0184 ```
0185 Exec=mycroft-gui-app --hideTextInput --skill=myexampleskill.authorname.home
0186 ```
0187 - Categories: This contains the application category the voice application is part of, to display it correctly under the voice applications section, the value of this category must be set to:
0189 ```
0190 Categories=VoiceApp
0191 ```
0193 - StartupNotify: As the voice application is started inside the mycroft-gui skill view the generic desktop version of startup notifications do no work with voice applications and hence must always be disabled or set to false to avoid empty windows from being created
0195 A Complete example of how a desktop file must be formatted for the voice application:
0197 ```
0198 [Desktop Entry]
0199 Terminal=false
0200 Type=Application
0201 Name=MyExampleSkill
0202 Exec=mycroft-gui-app --hideTextInput --skill=myexampleskill.authorname.home
0203 Icon=myexampleskill_icon
0204 Categories=VoiceApp
0205 StartupNotify=false
0206 X-DBUS-StartupType=None
0207 X-KDE-StartupNotify=false
0208 ```
0210 ### Adding your Voice Application to the Mycroft Skill Installer
0212 Voice Applications currently can only be installed using the Mycroft Skill Installer, the Mycroft Skill Installer requires the Voice Application to be uploaded to the Pling Store and also to a git repository in order to be available inside the installer. 
0214 #### The "skill.json" file
0216 Let's look at an example skill.json file required to be uploaded to the "Files" section in the add product page of the pling store:
0218 ```
0219 {
0220     "name": "Youtube Skill",
0221     "skillname": "youtube-skill",
0222     "authorname": "aiix",
0223     "foldername": "",
0224     "url": "https://github.com/AIIX/youtube-skill",
0225     "branch": "master",
0226     "desktopFile": true,
0227     "warning": "",
0228     "examples": [
0229         "Youtube metallica",
0230         "Youtube paradise city by guns and roses",
0231         "Pause youtube",
0232         "Resume youtube"
0233     ]
0234 } 
0235 ```
0237 - **name (Value Required)**: The name of the skill as it would show up on the skill installer
0238 - **skillname (Value Required)**: The name of the skill folder which should match the skill name
0239 - **authurname (Value Required)**: The username of the author where the skill repository is uploaded
0240 - **foldername (Value Optional)**: The foldername of an orignal mycroft skill that the current skill is replacing (this is required only when replacing a default skill installed by mycroft for example your weather skill replacing the mycroft-weather.mycroftai skill)
0241 - **url (Value Required)**: The git repository url where the skill is uploaded
0242 - **branch (Value Required)**: The branch inside the git repositry for checkout
0243 - **desktopFile (Value Required)**: This value must be set as true if this voice application is to be displayed under voice applications, it can also be set to false for voice based mycroft skills that aren't complete voice applications
0244 - **warning (Value Optional)**: provides a message to the user incase the author decides to mark the skill as unstable or work in progress
0245 - **examples (Value Required)**: This field populates the voice commands of the skill / voice application inside the Mycroft Skill Installer
0247 #### Adding you application to the Pling Store
0249 The Pling Store is a publishing platform for open source applications, addons, wallpapers, applets and more. The Mycroft Skill Installer leverages the infrastructure provided by the pling store to make installing voice applications a breeze.
0251 - Create an account on https://www.pling.com/
0252 - Start by adding a new product:
0254 <img src="images/addproduct.png"
0255      style="float: center; margin-left: 10px; width: 500px" />
0257 - Under add products, fill out the following required information:
0258     - Product Name: The name of your voice application as you would like it to appear on the Mycroft Skills Installer
0259     - Category: App Addons
0260     - Sub Category: Mycroft Skills
0261     - Sub Category: Can be a selection from Configuration, Entertainment, Information, Productivity
0262     - Product Descriptiton: A short description on what the voice application/skill does
0263     - Link to Source/Code: Link to the git repository where the application/skill have been uploaded
0264     - License: Select the license the code is available under
0265     - Logo: An image icon representing your skill
0267 <img src="images/addproductinformation.png"
0268      style="float: center; margin-left: 10px; width: 1900px" />
0270 - Upload the skill.json file under Files in the add product page
0272 <img src="images/addproductskilljson.png"
0273      style="float: center; margin-left: 10px; width: 1900px" />
0275 - Save the added product
0277 The voice application should show up under the Mycroft Skill Installer as soon as the server has finished updating, ETA: ~60 minutes