Warning, /plasma/oxygen/cursors/src/setup.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 find_program(TAR tar)
0002 # TODO abort if tar not found (or does not understand cjf?)
0003 if(NOT WIN32)
0004 find_program(INKSCAPE inkscape)
0005 # TODO abort if inkscape not found
0007 find_program(XCURSORGEN xcursorgen)
0008 # TODO abort if xcursorgen not found
0009 else(NOT WIN32)
0010 find_program(INKSCAPE inkscape "$ENV{PROGRAMFILES}/Inkscape" "$ENV{INKSCAPE_DIR}")
0011 endif(NOT WIN32)
0013 # For a given cursor, this macro defines a variable ${cursor}_inputs that contains
0014 # a list of the necessary png files.
0015 macro(set_dependencies cursor)
0016     file(READ ${CONFIGDIR}/${cursor}.in config_contents)
0017     string(REPLACE "\n" ";" config_contents ${config_contents})
0018     set(${cursor}_inputs)
0019     foreach(png ${config_contents})
0020         string(REGEX REPLACE "[0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]* " "" png ${png})
0021         string(REGEX REPLACE "[.]png [0-9]*$" ".png" png ${png})
0022         list(APPEND ${cursor}_inputs ${png})
0023     endforeach(png)
0024 endmacro(set_dependencies)
0026 set(CURSORS)
0027 foreach(config ${CONFIGS})
0028     string(REGEX REPLACE ".*/" "" cursor ${config})
0029     string(REGEX REPLACE "[.]in" "" cursor ${cursor})
0030     list(APPEND CURSORS ${cursor})
0031     set_dependencies(${cursor})
0032 endforeach(config)