Warning, /plasma/oxygen-gtk/rc/argb-apps.conf is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #################################################################
0002 # this file is part of the oxygen gtk engine
0003 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Hugo Pereira Da Costa <hugo.pereira@free.fr>
0004 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Ruslan Kabatsayev <b7.10110111@gmail.com>
0005 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0006 #################################################################
0008 #################################################################
0009 # syntax:
0010 # enable/disable argb colormap for applications
0011 # syntax is the following
0012 # enable:app1:app2:app3 will enable argb for app1, app2, etC.
0013 # disable:app1:app2:app3 will disable argb for app1, app2, etc.
0014 #
0015 # rules:
0016 # 1/ if an application is not found in the file, argb support will be _enabled_
0017 # 2/ if an application is found in both an "enable:" and a "disable:" lines,
0018 #    the last line containing the application is used to decide whether argb support
0019 #    is enabled or disabled.
0020 # 3/ lines that begin neither with enable or disable are ignored.
0021 #
0022 # additional keywords:
0023 # disable:all can be used to disable all applications except the ones appearing in "enable:" lines
0024 # enable:all can be used to enable all applications no matter what, therefore ignoring all "disable:"
0025 # lines, consistently with rull 2/ above
0026 #
0027 ###########################################################
0029 # enable all applications, by default
0030 # note that this line is not necessary since applications not found
0031 # in this file have argb support enabled anyway
0032 enable:all
0034 ############################################################
0035 # The list of disabled applications is now empty, because the way argb is handled should now be safe for all applications
0036 # if you have non-empty user argb-apps.conf file, it is recommanded to try empty it.
0037 disable:xfrun4