Warning, /plasma/oxygen-gtk/demo/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # For config.h to be available
0002 include_directories( ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} )
0004 ########### next target ###############
0005 set( oxygen_gtk_demo_SOURCES
0006     oxygenbuttondemowidget.cpp
0007     oxygendemodialog.cpp
0008     oxygendemowidget.cpp
0009     oxygenframedemowidget.cpp
0010     oxygeninfowidget.cpp
0011     oxygeninputdemowidget.cpp
0012     oxygenlistdemowidget.cpp
0013     oxygensignal.cpp
0014     oxygensignalhandler.cpp
0015     oxygensliderdemowidget.cpp
0016     oxygentimer.cpp
0017     oxygentabdemowidget.cpp
0018     oxygenversion.cpp
0019     oxygengtkdemo_main.cpp
0020  )
0022 IF( WIN32 )
0023     add_executable( oxygen-gtk-demo WIN32 ${oxygen_gtk_demo_SOURCES} )
0024 ELSE( WIN32 )
0025     add_executable( oxygen-gtk-demo ${oxygen_gtk_demo_SOURCES} )
0026 ENDIF( WIN32 )
0028 target_link_libraries( oxygen-gtk-demo ${GTK_LIBRARIES} ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${X11_X11_LIB} )
0029 install( TARGETS oxygen-gtk-demo DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin )
0031 ########### next target ###############
0032 if( BUILD_DECO_TEST )
0033     set( deco_test_SOURCES oxygenversion.cpp oxygengtkdeco_main.cpp )
0034     add_executable( oxygen-gtk-deco ${deco_test_SOURCES} )
0035     target_link_libraries( oxygen-gtk-deco ${GTK_LIBRARIES} ${CAIRO_LIBRARIES} ${X11_X11_LIB} ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} )
0036     install( TARGETS oxygen-gtk-deco DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin )
0037 endif( BUILD_DECO_TEST )