Warning, /plasma/libplasma/examples/applets/bugreport/contents/ui/main.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 /* 0002 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2014 Sebastian Kügler <sebas@kde.org> 0003 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 ivan tkachenko <me@ratijas.tk> 0004 0005 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later 0006 */ 0007 0008 import QtQuick 0009 import QtQuick.Layouts 0010 0011 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 0012 import org.kde.plasma.components as PlasmaComponents 0013 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami 0014 0015 PlasmoidItem { 0016 id: root 0017 0018 switchWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10 0019 switchHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 5 0020 0021 Plasmoid.icon: "tools-report-bug" 0022 0023 fullRepresentation: PlasmaComponents.ScrollView { 0024 Layout.minimumWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 10 0025 Layout.preferredWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 20 0026 0027 PlasmaComponents.ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: PlasmaComponents.ScrollBar.AlwaysOff 0028 0029 contentWidth: availableWidth 0030 contentHeight: Math.ceil(col.implicitHeight + col.anchors.margins * 2) 0031 0032 Item { 0033 width: parent.width 0034 0035 Kirigami.Icon { 0036 id: icon 0037 0038 anchors { 0039 top: col.top 0040 right: col.right 0041 } 0042 width: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.large 0043 height: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.large 0044 source: root.Plasmoid.icon 0045 } 0046 0047 ColumnLayout { 0048 id: col 0049 0050 anchors { 0051 fill: parent 0052 margins: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit 0053 } 0054 spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing 0055 0056 Kirigami.Heading { 0057 level: 1 0058 text: i18n("Reporting Bugs") 0059 wrapMode: Text.Wrap 0060 Layout.fillWidth: true 0061 Layout.rightMargin: icon.width 0062 } 0063 Kirigami.Heading { 0064 level: 3 0065 text: i18n("So you found something wrong in Plasma…") 0066 wrapMode: Text.Wrap 0067 Layout.fillWidth: true 0068 Layout.rightMargin: icon.width 0069 } 0070 PlasmaComponents.Label { 0071 Layout.fillWidth: true 0072 wrapMode: Text.Wrap 0073 textFormat: Text.StyledText 0074 text: i18n("You are running a development version of Plasma. This software is not fit for production use. We do, however encourage testing and reporting the results. A few easy steps to report a bug: <br />\ 0075 <ul>\ 0076 <li>Check <a href=\"\">here if the bug already exists</li>\ 0077 <li>Report it using the form <a href=\"\">here</li>\ 0078 <li>Be ready to provide us feedback, so we can debug the problem</li>\ 0079 </ul>\ 0080 <br />If you would like to participate in development, or have a question, you can ask them on the plasma-devel@kde.org mailing list.\ 0081 ") 0082 } 0083 } 0084 } 0085 } 0086 }