Warning, /plasma/libplasma/KF5PlasmaMacros.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # To not mess up the ECM_FIND_VERSION we only include ECM if the required variables are not set
0003     find_package(ECM 5.83.0 CONFIG REQUIRED)
0004     include(${ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR}/KDEInstallDirs.cmake)
0005 endif()
0010 # plasma_install_package(path componentname [root] [type])
0011 #
0012 # Use plasma_install_bundled_package instead.
0013 # Installs a Plasma package to the system path
0014 # @arg path The source path to install from, location of metadata.desktop
0015 # @arg componentname The plugin name of the component, corresponding to the
0016 #       X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name key in metadata.desktop
0017 # @arg root The subdirectory to install to, default: plasmoids
0018 # @arg type The type, default to applet, or applet, package, containment,
0019 #       wallpaper, shell, lookandfeel, etc.
0020 # @see Types column in kpackagetool5 --list-types
0021 #
0022 # Examples:
0023 # plasma_install_package(mywidget org.kde.plasma.mywidget) # installs an applet
0024 # plasma_install_package(declarativetoolbox org.kde.toolbox packages package) # installs a generic package
0025 #
0026 macro(plasma_install_package dir component)
0027    set(root ${ARGV2})
0028    set(type ${ARGV3})
0029    if(NOT root)
0030       set(root plasmoids)
0031    endif()
0032    if(NOT type)
0033       set(type applet)
0034    endif()
0036    kpackage_install_package(${dir} ${component} ${root} ${PLASMA_RELATIVE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR} NO_DEPRECATED_WARNING)
0038    # TODO KF6 Remove
0039    get_filename_component(metadata_desktop_file_absolute_path ${dir}/metadata.desktop REALPATH)
0040    if (EXISTS ${metadata_desktop_file_absolute_path})
0041       install(FILES ${dir}/metadata.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICESDIR} RENAME plasma-${type}-${component}.desktop)
0042    endif()
0043 endmacro()
0046 # plasma_install_bundled_package(path componentname [root] [type])
0047 #
0048 # Installs a Plasma package to the system path,
0049 # compressing all its files in a binary rcc qresources file.
0050 # @arg path The source path to install from, location of metadata.desktop
0051 # @arg componentname The plugin name of the component, corresponding to the
0052 #       X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name key in metadata.desktop
0053 # @arg root The subdirectory to install to, default: plasmoids
0054 # @arg type The type, default to applet, or applet, package, containment,
0055 #       wallpaper, shell, lookandfeel, etc.
0056 # @see Types column in kpackagetool5 --list-types
0057 #
0058 # Examples:
0059 # plasma_install_bundled_package(mywidget org.kde.plasma.mywidget) # installs an applet
0060 # plasma_install_bundled_package(declarativetoolbox org.kde.toolbox packages package) # installs a generic package
0061 #
0062 macro(plasma_install_bundled_package dir component)
0063    set(root ${ARGV2})
0064    set(type ${ARGV3})
0065    if(NOT root)
0066       set(root plasmoids)
0067    endif()
0068    if(NOT type)
0069       set(type applet)
0070    endif()
0072    kpackage_install_bundled_package(${dir} ${component} ${root} ${PLASMA_RELATIVE_DATA_INSTALL_DIR})
0074    # TODO KF6 Remove
0075    get_filename_component(metadata_desktop_file_absolute_path ${dir}/metadata.desktop REALPATH)
0076    if (EXISTS ${metadata_desktop_file_absolute_path})
0077       install(FILES ${dir}/metadata.desktop DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_KSERVICESDIR} RENAME plasma-${type}-${component}.desktop)
0078    endif()
0079 endmacro()
0082 # plasma_add_plugin(pluginname sources_SRC)
0083 #
0084 # Use instead of add_library. Replacement for kde4_add_plugin
0085 # Basically does add_library and removes the prefix of the library
0086 #
0087 # @arg pluginname The name of the plugin,
0088 # @arg sources_SRC The source files to be built
0089 #
0090 # Example:
0091 # plasma_add_plugin(plasma_engine_statusnotifieritem ${statusnotifieritem_engine_SRCS})
0092 #
0093 macro(plasma_add_plugin plugin)
0094     message(WARNING "plasma_add_plugin() is deprecated, use add_library(MODULE) instead. You can use the porting scripts in plasma-framework/tools")
0095     set(plugin_sources ${ARGN} )
0096     add_library(${plugin} MODULE ${plugin_sources} )
0097     set_target_properties(${plugin} PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
0098 endmacro()