File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 09:36:21

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Marco Martin <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #pragma once
0009 #include <QQuickItem>
0011 #include "sensorfaces_export.h"
0013 namespace KSysGuard
0014 {
0015 class SensorFaceController;
0017 /**
0018  * Base for sensor faces. Use this as root item when creating custom faces.
0019  * @code
0020  * import org.kde.ksysguard.faces 1.0
0021  * SensorFace {
0022  *    contentItem: Label {
0023  *        text: "Custom visualization"
0024  *    }
0025  * }
0026  * @endcode
0027  * @since 5.19
0028  */
0029 class SENSORFACES_EXPORT SensorFace : public QQuickItem
0030 {
0031     Q_OBJECT
0032     /**
0033      * The controller that instantiated this face and is responsible for it. Contains information
0034      * about the sensors that should be displayed and the configuration of the face
0035      */
0036     Q_PROPERTY(KSysGuard::SensorFaceController *controller READ controller CONSTANT)
0037     /**
0038      * The current active formFactor. Describes how the face should display itself
0039      */
0040     Q_PROPERTY(KSysGuard::SensorFace::FormFactor formFactor READ formFactor WRITE setFormFactor NOTIFY formFactorChanged)
0041     /**
0042      * Main item of the face. Assign your custom visualization to it
0043      */
0044     Q_PROPERTY(QQuickItem *contentItem READ contentItem WRITE setContentItem NOTIFY contentItemChanged)
0045 #ifdef K_DOXYGEN // Document proprties from SensorFace.qml
0046     /**
0047      * Primary actions that this face provides
0048      */
0049     Q_PROPERTY(org::kde::kirigami::Action primaryActions)
0050     /**
0051      * Secondary actions this face provides
0052      */
0053     Q_PROPERTY(org::kde::kirigami::Action secondaryActions)
0054     /**
0055      * A color source that can be used  when using charts from KQuickCharts
0056      * @see SensorFaceController::sensorColors
0057      */
0058     Q_PROPERTY(MapProxySource colorSource)
0059 #endif
0060 public:
0061     /**
0062      * Describes how the face should display itself.
0063      */
0064     enum FormFactor {
0065         Planar, ///< Default, the face can expand horizontally and vertically
0066         Vertical, ///< The face is constrained horizontally, but can expand vertically
0067         Horizontal, ///< The face is constrained vertically, but can expand horizontally
0068         Constrained ///< The face is fully constrained, for example when in the edit mode of plasma-systemmonitor
0069     };
0070     Q_ENUM(FormFactor)
0072     SensorFace(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr);
0073     ~SensorFace() override;
0075     SensorFaceController *controller() const;
0076     // Not writable from QML
0077     void setController(SensorFaceController *controller);
0079     SensorFace::FormFactor formFactor() const;
0080     void setFormFactor(SensorFace::FormFactor formFactor);
0082     QQuickItem *contentItem() const;
0083     void setContentItem(QQuickItem *item);
0086     void formFactorChanged();
0087     void contentItemChanged();
0089 protected:
0090     void geometryChange(const QRectF &newGeometry, const QRectF &oldGeometry) override;
0092 private:
0093     class Private;
0094     const std::unique_ptr<Private> d;
0095 };
0096 }