Warning, /plasma/latte-dock/shell/package/contents/applet/CompactApplet.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013 Marco Martin <mart@kde.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0006 import QtQuick 2.0
0007 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
0008 import QtQuick.Window 2.0
0009 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
0011 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
0012 import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
0013 import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0
0015 import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore
0017 PlasmaCore.ToolTipArea {
0018     id: root
0019     objectName: "org.kde.desktop-CompactApplet"
0020     anchors.fill: parent
0022     mainText: plasmoid.toolTipMainText
0023     subText: plasmoid.toolTipSubText
0024     location: plasmoid.location
0025     active: !plasmoid.expanded
0026     textFormat: plasmoid.toolTipTextFormat
0027     mainItem: plasmoid.toolTipItem ? plasmoid.toolTipItem : null
0029     property Item fullRepresentation: null
0030     property Item compactRepresentation: null
0031     /*Discover real visual parent - the following code points to Applet::ItemWrapper*/
0032     property Item originalCompactRepresenationParent: null
0033     property Item compactRepresentationVisualParent: originalCompactRepresenationParent && originalCompactRepresenationParent.parent
0034                                                      ? originalCompactRepresenationParent.parent.parent : null
0036     property Item appletItem: compactRepresentationVisualParent
0037                               && compactRepresentationVisualParent.parent
0038                               && compactRepresentationVisualParent.parent.parent ? compactRepresentationVisualParent.parent.parent.parent : null
0040     onCompactRepresentationChanged: {
0041         if (compactRepresentation) {
0042             originalCompactRepresenationParent = compactRepresentation.parent;
0044             compactRepresentation.parent = root;
0045             compactRepresentation.anchors.centerIn = root;
0046             compactRepresentation.width = Qt.binding(function() {
0047                 return root.width;
0048             });
0050             compactRepresentation.height = Qt.binding(function() {
0051                 return root.height;
0052             });
0054             compactRepresentation.visible = true;
0055         }
0056         root.visible = true;
0057     }
0059     onFullRepresentationChanged: {
0061         if (!fullRepresentation) {
0062             return;
0063         }
0065         //if the fullRepresentation size was restored to a stored size, or if is dragged from the desktop, restore popup size
0066         if (fullRepresentation.Layout && fullRepresentation.Layout.preferredWidth > 0) {
0067             popupWindow.mainItem.width = Qt.binding(function() {
0068                 return fullRepresentation.Layout.preferredWidth
0069             })
0070         } else if (fullRepresentation.implicitWidth > 0) {
0071             popupWindow.mainItem.width = Qt.binding(function() {
0072                 return fullRepresentation.implicitWidth
0073             })
0074         } else if (fullRepresentation.width > 0) {
0075             popupWindow.mainItem.width = Qt.binding(function() {
0076                 return fullRepresentation.width
0077             })
0078         } else {
0079             popupWindow.mainItem.width = Qt.binding(function() {
0080                 return PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont).width * 35
0081             })
0082         }
0084         if (fullRepresentation.Layout && fullRepresentation.Layout.preferredHeight > 0) {
0085             popupWindow.mainItem.height = Qt.binding(function() {
0086                 return fullRepresentation.Layout.preferredHeight
0087             })
0088         } else if (fullRepresentation.implicitHeight > 0) {
0089             popupWindow.mainItem.height = Qt.binding(function() {
0090                 return fullRepresentation.implicitHeight
0091             })
0092         } else if (fullRepresentation.height > 0) {
0093             popupWindow.mainItem.height = Qt.binding(function() {
0094                 return fullRepresentation.height
0095             })
0096         } else {
0097             popupWindow.mainItem.height = Qt.binding(function() {
0098                 return PlasmaCore.Theme.mSize(PlasmaCore.Theme.defaultFont).height * 25
0099             })
0100         }
0102         fullRepresentation.parent = appletParent;
0103         fullRepresentation.anchors.fill = fullRepresentation.parent;
0104     }
0106    /* PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem {
0107         id: expandedItem
0108         anchors.fill: parent
0109         imagePath: "widgets/tabbar"
0110         visible: fromCurrentTheme && opacity > 0
0111         prefix: {
0112             var prefix;
0113             switch (plasmoid.location) {
0114                 case PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge:
0115                     prefix = "west-active-tab";
0116                     break;
0117                 case PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge:
0118                     prefix = "north-active-tab";
0119                     break;
0120                 case PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge:
0121                     prefix = "east-active-tab";
0122                     break;
0123                 default:
0124                     prefix = "south-active-tab";
0125                 }
0126                 if (!hasElementPrefix(prefix)) {
0127                     prefix = "active-tab";
0128                 }
0129                 return prefix;
0130             }
0131         opacity: plasmoid.expanded ? 1 : 0
0132         Behavior on opacity {
0133             NumberAnimation {
0134                 duration: PlasmaCore.Units.shortDuration
0135                 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
0136             }
0137         }
0138     }*/
0140     //! This timer is needed in order for the applet popup to not reshow instantly and faulty after the user
0141     //! clicks compact representation to hide it
0142     Timer {
0143         id: expandedSync
0144         interval: 500
0145         onTriggered: plasmoid.expanded = popupWindow.visible;
0146     }
0148     Connections {
0149         target: plasmoid.action("configure")
0150         function onTriggered() { plasmoid.expanded = false }
0151     }
0153     Connections {
0154         target: plasmoid
0155         function onContextualActionsAboutToShow() { root.hideToolTip() }
0156     }
0158     LatteCore.Dialog {
0159         id: popupWindow
0160         objectName: "popupWindow"
0161         flags: Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint
0162         visible: plasmoid.expanded && fullRepresentation
0163         visualParent: compactRepresentationVisualParent ? compactRepresentationVisualParent : (compactRepresentation ? compactRepresentation : null)
0164        // location: PlasmaCore.Types.Floating //plasmoid.location
0165         edge: plasmoid.location /*this way dialog borders are not updated and it is used only for adjusting dialog position*/
0166         hideOnWindowDeactivate: plasmoid.hideOnWindowDeactivate
0167         backgroundHints: (plasmoid.containmentDisplayHints & PlasmaCore.Types.DesktopFullyCovered) ? PlasmaCore.Dialog.SolidBackground : PlasmaCore.Dialog.StandardBackground
0169         property var oldStatus: PlasmaCore.Types.UnknownStatus
0171         //It's a MouseEventListener to get all the events, so the eventfilter will be able to catch them
0172         mainItem: MouseEventListener {
0173             id: appletParent
0175             focus: true
0177             Keys.onEscapePressed: {
0178                 plasmoid.expanded = false;
0179             }
0181             LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft
0182             LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true
0184             Layout.minimumWidth: (fullRepresentation && fullRepresentation.Layout) ? fullRepresentation.Layout.minimumWidth : 0
0185             Layout.minimumHeight: (fullRepresentation && fullRepresentation.Layout) ? fullRepresentation.Layout.minimumHeight: 0
0187             Layout.preferredWidth: (fullRepresentation && fullRepresentation.Layout) ? fullRepresentation.Layout.preferredWidth : -1
0188             Layout.preferredHeight: (fullRepresentation && fullRepresentation.Layout) ? fullRepresentation.Layout.preferredHeight: -1
0190             Layout.maximumWidth: (fullRepresentation && fullRepresentation.Layout) ? fullRepresentation.Layout.maximumWidth : Infinity
0191             Layout.maximumHeight: (fullRepresentation && fullRepresentation.Layout) ? fullRepresentation.Layout.maximumHeight: Infinity
0193             onActiveFocusChanged: {
0194                 if (activeFocus && fullRepresentation) {
0195                     fullRepresentation.forceActiveFocus()
0196                 }
0197             }
0198         }
0200         onVisibleChanged: {
0201             if (!visible) {
0202                 expandedSync.restart();
0203                 plasmoid.status = oldStatus;
0204             } else {
0205                 oldStatus = plasmoid.status;
0206                 plasmoid.status = PlasmaCore.Types.RequiresAttentionStatus;
0207                 // This call currently fails and complains at runtime:
0208                 // QWindow::setWindowState: QWindow::setWindowState does not accept Qt::WindowActive
0209                 popupWindow.requestActivate();
0210             }
0211         }
0212     }
0214     ////Indicators API ////
0215     Binding {
0216         target: compactRepresentation ? compactRepresentation.anchors : null
0217         property: "horizontalCenterOffset"
0218         when: compactRepresentation
0219         value: appletItem ? appletItem.iconOffsetX : 0
0220     }
0222     Binding {
0223         target: compactRepresentation ? compactRepresentation.anchors : null
0224         property: "verticalCenterOffset"
0225         when: compactRepresentation
0226         value: appletItem ? appletItem.iconOffsetY : 0
0227     }
0229     Binding {
0230         target: root
0231         property: "transformOrigin"
0232         value: appletItem && compactRepresentation ? appletItem.iconTransformOrigin : Item.Center
0233     }
0235     Binding {
0236         target: root
0237         property: "opacity"
0238         value: appletItem && compactRepresentation ? appletItem.iconOpacity : 1.0
0239     }
0241     Binding {
0242         target: root
0243         property: "rotation"
0244         value: appletItem && compactRepresentation ? appletItem.iconRotation : 0
0245     }
0247     Binding {
0248         target: root
0249         property: "scale"
0250         value: appletItem && compactRepresentation ? appletItem.iconScale : 1.0
0251     }
0253     ////Clicked Effect ////
0254     BrightnessContrast {
0255         id: _clickedEffect
0256         anchors.centerIn: parent
0257         anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: compactRepresentation ? compactRepresentation.anchors.horizontalCenterOffset : 0
0258         anchors.verticalCenterOffset: compactRepresentation ? compactRepresentation.anchors.verticalCenterOffset : 0
0259         source: compactRepresentation
0260         width: root.width
0261         height: root.height
0262         visible: appletItem && clickedAnimation.running && !appletItem.indicators.info.providesClickedAnimation
0263         z:1000
0264     }
0266     /////Clicked Animation/////
0267     SequentialAnimation{
0268         id: clickedAnimation
0269         alwaysRunToEnd: true
0270         running: appletItem
0271                  && appletItem.animations
0272                  && appletItem.indicators
0273                  && appletItem.isSquare
0274                  && appletItem.pressed
0275                  && !appletItem.originalAppletBehavior
0276                  && (appletItem.animations.speedFactor.current > 0)
0277                  && !appletItem.indicators.info.providesClickedAnimation
0279         ParallelAnimation{
0280             PropertyAnimation {
0281                 target: _clickedEffect
0282                 property: "brightness"
0283                 to: -0.35
0284                 duration: appletItem && appletItem.animations ? appletItem.animations.duration.large : 0
0285                 easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
0286             }
0287         }
0288         ParallelAnimation{
0289             PropertyAnimation {
0290                 target: _clickedEffect
0291                 property: "brightness"
0292                 to: 0
0293                 duration: appletItem && appletItem.animations ? appletItem.animations.duration.large : 0
0294                 easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
0295             }
0296         }
0297     }
0298     //END animations
0299 }