Warning, /plasma/latte-dock/containment/package/metadata.desktop is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 [Desktop Entry]
0002 Encoding=UTF-8
0003 Name=Latte
0004 Name[ast]=Latte
0005 Name[ca]=Latte
0006 Name[ca@valencia]=Latte
0007 Name[cs]=Latte
0008 Name[da]=Latte
0009 Name[de]=Latte
0010 Name[el]=Latte
0011 Name[en_GB]=Latte
0012 Name[es]=Latte
0013 Name[et]=Latte
0014 Name[eu]=Latte
0015 Name[fi]=Latte
0016 Name[fr]=Latte
0017 Name[gl]=Latte
0018 Name[id]=Latte
0019 Name[it]=Latte
0020 Name[ko]=Latte
0021 Name[nl]=Latte
0022 Name[nn]=Latte
0023 Name[pl]=Latte
0024 Name[pt]=Latte
0025 Name[pt_BR]=Latte
0026 Name[ru]=Latte
0027 Name[sk]=Latte
0028 Name[sl]=Latte
0029 Name[sv]=Latte
0030 Name[uk]=Латте
0031 Name[x-test]=xxLattexx
0032 Name[zh_CN]=Latte
0033 Name[zh_TW]=Latte
0034 Comment=Containment provided for the Latte Dock
0035 Comment[ca]=Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte
0036 Comment[ca@valencia]=Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte
0037 Comment[cs]=Kontejner pro Latte Dock
0038 Comment[da]=Beholder til Latte-dokken
0039 Comment[de]=Containment für Latte-Dock
0040 Comment[el]=Περιέκτης της εφαρμογής Latte
0041 Comment[en_GB]=Containment provided for the Latte Dock
0042 Comment[es]=Contenedor proporcionada para Latte Dock
0043 Comment[et]=Latte doki konteiner
0044 Comment[eu]=Konfinamendua hornitu da Latte Dockentzako
0045 Comment[fi]=Latte-telakalla tarjottu sisällytys
0046 Comment[fr]=Confinement fourni par le panneau « Latte »
0047 Comment[gl]=Contedor fornecido para a doca Latte.
0048 Comment[id]=Kontainmen disediakan untuk Dock Latte
0049 Comment[it]=Contenitore fornito per Latte Dock
0050 Comment[ko]=Latte 독 컨테이너
0051 Comment[nl]=Container geleverd voor de Latte Dock
0052 Comment[nn]=Behaldar for Latte-dokk
0053 Comment[pl]=Pojemnik dla doku Latte
0054 Comment[pt]=Contentor oferecido para a área acoplável do Latte
0055 Comment[pt_BR]=Contêiner fornecido pelo Latte Dock
0056 Comment[ru]=Контейнер Latte Dock
0057 Comment[sk]=Politika poskytovaná pre dok Latte
0058 Comment[sl]=Zadrževalni prostor za Latte dok
0059 Comment[sv]=Omgivning tillhandahållen för Latte dockningsfönster
0060 Comment[uk]=Контейнер панелі Латте
0061 Comment[x-test]=xxContainment provided for the Latte Dockxx
0062 Comment[zh_CN]=用于 Latte 停靠栏的容器
0063 Comment[zh_TW]=提供 Latte Dock 使用的容器
0065 Type=Service
0066 NoDisplay=true
0068 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar
0069 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=mvourlakos@gmail.com, audoban@openmailbox.org
0070 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name=org.kde.latte.containment
0071 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=0.9.12
0072 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website=https://userbase.kde.org/LatteDock
0073 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category=X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends=
0074 X-KDE-PluginInfo-License=GPL
0075 X-KDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault=true
0076 X-KDE-ServiceTypes=Plasma/Applet,Plasma/Containment
0077 X-Plasma-API=declarativeappletscript
0078 X-Plasma-MainScript=ui/main.qml
0079 X-Plasma-ContainmentType=Panel