Warning, /plasma/latte-dock/containment/package/contents/ui/BindingsExternal.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com>
0003     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0004 */
0006 import QtQuick 2.1
0008 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
0009 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
0011 import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore
0012 import org.kde.latte.private.containment 0.1 as LatteContainment
0014 Item {
0015     property bool updateIsEnabled: autosize.inCalculatedIconSize
0016                                    && !visibilityManager.inSlidingIn
0017                                    && !visibilityManager.inSlidingOut
0018                                    && !visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding
0020     //! Latte::View Main Bindings 
0021     Binding{
0022         target: latteView
0023         property:"maxThickness"
0024         //! prevents updating window geometry during closing window in wayland and such fixes a crash
0025         when: latteView && !visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding && !visibilityManager.inClientSideScreenEdgeSliding //&& !inStartup
0026         value: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel : metrics.maxThicknessForView
0027     }
0029     Binding{
0030         target: latteView
0031         property:"normalThickness"
0032         when: latteView && updateIsEnabled
0033         value: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel : metrics.mask.screenEdge + metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItemsWithoutScreenEdge
0034     }
0036     Binding{
0037         target: latteView
0038         property:"maxNormalThickness"
0039         when: latteView && updateIsEnabled
0040         value: metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormal
0041     }
0043     Binding {
0044         target: latteView
0045         property: "headThicknessGap"
0046         when: latteView && updateIsEnabled && !visibilityManager.inClientSideScreenEdgeSliding
0047         value: {
0048             if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel || root.viewType === LatteCore.Types.PanelView || (latteView && latteView.byPassWM)) {
0049                 return 0;
0050             }
0052             return metrics.maxThicknessForView - metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItems;
0053         }
0054     }
0056     Binding{
0057         target: latteView
0058         property: "type"
0059         when: latteView
0060         value: root.viewType
0061     }
0063     Binding{
0064         target: latteView
0065         property: "behaveAsPlasmaPanel"
0066         when: latteView
0067         value: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel
0068     }
0070     Binding{
0071         target: latteView
0072         property: "fontPixelSize"
0073         when: theme
0074         value: theme.defaultFont.pixelSize
0075     }
0077     Binding{
0078         target: latteView
0079         property: "maxLength"
0080         when: latteView
0081         value: root.maxLengthPerCentage/100
0082     }
0084     Binding{
0085         target: latteView
0086         property: "offset"
0087         when: latteView
0088         value: plasmoid.configuration.offset/100
0089     }
0091     Binding{
0092         target: latteView
0093         property: "screenEdgeMargin"
0094         when: latteView
0095         value: Math.max(0, plasmoid.configuration.screenEdgeMargin)
0096     }
0098     Binding{
0099         target: latteView
0100         property: "screenEdgeMarginEnabled"
0101         when: latteView
0102         value: root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled && !root.hideThickScreenGap
0103     }
0105     Binding{
0106         target: latteView
0107         property: "alignment"
0108         when: latteView
0109         value: myView.alignment
0110     }
0112     Binding{
0113         target: latteView
0114         property: "isTouchingTopViewAndIsBusy"
0115         when: root.viewIsAvailable
0116         value: {
0117             if (!root.viewIsAvailable) {
0118                 return false;
0119             }
0121             var isTouchingTopScreenEdge = (latteView.y === latteView.screenGeometry.y);
0122             var isStickedOnTopBorder = (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Justify && plasmoid.configuration.maxLength===100)
0123                     || (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Top && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0);
0125             return root.isVertical && !latteView.visibility.isHidden && !isTouchingTopScreenEdge && isStickedOnTopBorder && background.isShown;
0126         }
0127     }
0129     Binding{
0130         target: latteView
0131         property: "isTouchingBottomViewAndIsBusy"
0132         when: latteView
0133         value: {
0134             if (!root.viewIsAvailable) {
0135                 return false;
0136             }
0138             var latteBottom = latteView.y + latteView.height;
0139             var screenBottom = latteView.screenGeometry.y + latteView.screenGeometry.height;
0140             var isTouchingBottomScreenEdge = (latteBottom === screenBottom);
0142             var isStickedOnBottomBorder = (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Justify && plasmoid.configuration.maxLength===100)
0143                     || (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Bottom && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0);
0145             return root.isVertical && !latteView.visibility.isHidden && !isTouchingBottomScreenEdge && isStickedOnBottomBorder && background.isShown;
0146         }
0147     }
0149     Binding{
0150         target: latteView
0151         property: "colorizer"
0152         when: latteView
0153         value: colorizerManager
0154     }
0156     Binding{
0157         target: latteView
0158         property: "metrics"
0159         when: latteView
0160         value: metrics
0161     }
0163     //! View::Effects bindings
0164     Binding{
0165         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0166         property: "backgroundAllCorners"
0167         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0168         value: plasmoid.configuration.backgroundAllCorners
0169                && (!root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled /*no-floating*/
0170                    || (root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled /*floating with justify alignment and 100% maxlength*/
0171                        && plasmoid.configuration.maxLength===100
0172                        && myView.alignment===LatteCore.Types.Justify
0173                        && !root.hideLengthScreenGaps))
0174     }
0176     Binding{
0177         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0178         property: "backgroundRadius"
0179         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0180         value: background.customRadius
0181     }
0183     Binding{
0184         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0185         property: "backgroundRadiusEnabled"
0186         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0187         value: background.customRadiusIsEnabled
0188     }
0190     Binding{
0191         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0192         property: "backgroundOpacity"
0193         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0194         value: plasmoid.configuration.panelTransparency===-1 /*Default option*/ ? -1 : background.currentOpacity
0195     }
0197     Binding{
0198         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0199         property: "drawEffects"
0200         when: latteView && latteView.effects && !root.inStartup
0201         value: LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive
0202                && (((root.blurEnabled && root.useThemePanel) || (root.blurEnabled && root.forceSolidPanel))
0203                    && (!root.inStartup || visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding))
0204     }
0206     Binding{
0207         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0208         property: "drawShadows"
0209         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0210         value: root.drawShadowsExternal && (!root.inStartup || visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding) && !(latteView && latteView.visibility.isHidden)
0211     }
0213     Binding{
0214         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0215         property:"editShadow"
0216         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0217         value: root.editShadow
0218     }
0220     Binding{
0221         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0222         property:"innerShadow"
0223         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0224         value: background.shadows.headThickness
0225     }
0227     Binding{
0228         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0229         property: "panelBackgroundSvg"
0230         when: latteView && latteView.effects
0231         value: background.panelBackgroundSvg
0232     }
0234     Binding{
0235         target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null
0236         property:"appletsLayoutGeometry"
0237         when: latteView && latteView.effects && visibilityManager.inNormalState
0238         value: {
0239             if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel
0240                     || !LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive
0241                     || (!parabolic.isEnabled && root.userShowPanelBackground && plasmoid.configuration.panelSize===100)) {
0242                 var paddingtail = background.tailRoundness + background.tailRoundnessMargin;
0243                 var paddinghead = background.headRoundness + background.headRoundnessMargin;
0245                 if (root.isHorizontal) {
0246                     return Qt.rect(latteView.localGeometry.x + paddingtail,
0247                                    latteView.localGeometry.y,
0248                                    latteView.localGeometry.width - paddingtail - paddinghead,
0249                                    latteView.localGeometry.height);
0250                 } else {
0251                     return Qt.rect(latteView.localGeometry.x,
0252                                    latteView.localGeometry.y + paddingtail,
0253                                    latteView.localGeometry.width,
0254                                    latteView.localGeometry.height - paddingtail - paddinghead);
0255                 }
0256             }
0258             return Qt.rect(-1, -1, 0, 0);
0259         }
0260     }
0262     //! View::Positioner bindings
0263     Binding{
0264         target: latteView && latteView.positioner ? latteView.positioner : null
0265         property: "isStickedOnTopEdge"
0266         when: latteView && latteView.positioner
0267         value: plasmoid.configuration.isStickedOnTopEdge
0268     }
0270     Binding{
0271         target: latteView && latteView.positioner ? latteView.positioner : null
0272         property: "isStickedOnBottomEdge"
0273         when: latteView && latteView.positioner
0274         value: plasmoid.configuration.isStickedOnBottomEdge
0275     }
0277     //! View::VisibilityManager
0278     Binding{
0279         target: latteView && latteView.visibility ? latteView.visibility : null
0280         property: "isShownFully"
0281         when: latteView && latteView.visibility
0282         value: myView.isShownFully
0283     }
0285     Binding{
0286         target: latteView && latteView.visibility ? latteView.visibility : null
0287         property: "strutsThickness"
0288         when: latteView && latteView.visibility
0289         value: {
0290             var isCapableToHideScreenGap = root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled && plasmoid.configuration.hideFloatingGapForMaximized
0291             var mirrorGapFactor = root.mirrorScreenGap ? 2 : 1;
0293             //! Hide Thickness Screen Gap scenario provides two different struts thicknesses.
0294             //! [1] The first struts thickness is when there is no maximized window and is such case
0295             //!     the view is behaving as in normal AlwaysVisible visibility mode. This is very useful
0296             //!     when users tile windows. [bug #432122]
0297             //! [2] The second struts thickness is when there is a maximized window present and in such case
0298             //!     the view is hiding all of its screen edges. It is used mostly when the view is wanted
0299             //!     to act as a window titlebar.
0300             var thicknessForIsCapableToHideScreenGap = (root.hideThickScreenGap ? 0 : mirrorGapFactor * metrics.mask.screenEdge);
0302             if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) {
0303                 return isCapableToHideScreenGap ?
0304                             (visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel + thicknessForIsCapableToHideScreenGap) :
0305                             (mirrorGapFactor*metrics.mask.screenEdge) + visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel;
0306             }
0308             var edgeThickness = isCapableToHideScreenGap ? thicknessForIsCapableToHideScreenGap : metrics.mask.screenEdge * mirrorGapFactor;
0309             return edgeThickness + metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItemsWithoutScreenEdge;
0310         }
0311     }
0313     Binding {
0314         target: latteView && latteView.visibility ? latteView.visibility : null
0315         property: "isFloatingGapWindowEnabled"
0316         when: latteView && latteView.visibility
0317         value: root.hasFloatingGapInputEventsDisabled
0318                && (latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.AutoHide
0319                    || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.DodgeActive
0320                    || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.DodgeAllWindows
0321                    || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.DodgeMaximized
0322                    || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.SidebarAutoHide)
0323     }
0325     //! View::WindowsTracker bindings
0326     Binding{
0327         target: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker ? latteView.windowsTracker : null
0328         property: "enabled"
0329         //! During startup phase windows tracking is not enabled and does not
0330         //! influence startup sequence at all. At the same time no windows tracking
0331         //! takes place during startup and as such startup time is reduced
0332         when: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker && latteView.visibility && !root.inStartup
0333         value: (latteView && latteView.visibility
0334                 && !(latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.AlwaysVisible /* Visibility */
0335                      || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.WindowsGoBelow
0336                      || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.AutoHide))
0337                || indexer.clientsTrackingWindowsCount  > 0                   /*Applets Need Windows Tracking */
0338                || root.dragActiveWindowEnabled                               /*Dragging Active Window(Empty Areas)*/
0339                || ((root.backgroundOnlyOnMaximized                           /*Dynamic Background */
0340                     || plasmoid.configuration.solidBackgroundForMaximized
0341                     || root.disablePanelShadowMaximized
0342                     || root.windowColors !== LatteContainment.Types.NoneWindowColors))
0343                || (root.screenEdgeMarginsEnabled                             /*Dynamic Screen Edge Margin*/
0344                    && plasmoid.configuration.hideFloatingGapForMaximized)
0345     }
0347     //! View::ExtendedInterface bindings
0348     Binding{
0349         target: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface ? latteView.extendedInterface : null
0350         property: "plasmoid"
0351         when: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface
0352         value: plasmoid
0353     }
0355     Binding{
0356         target: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface ? latteView.extendedInterface : null
0357         property: "layoutManager"
0358         when: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface
0359         value: fastLayoutManager
0360     }
0361 }