Warning, /plasma/latte-dock/containment/package/contents/config/main.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
0002 <kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
0003       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
0004       xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0
0005       http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
0006   <kcfgfile name=""/>
0007   <group name="General">
0008     <entry name="alignment" type="Int">
0009       <default>0</default>
0010       <label>introduced in v0.10, "0" stands for "Center"</label>      
0011     </entry>      
0012     <entry name="appletOrder" type="String">
0013       <label>encoded order of items</label>
0014     </entry>
0015     <entry name="lockedZoomApplets" type="String">
0016       <label>applets that lock the zoom effect</label>
0017     </entry>
0018     <entry name="userBlocksColorizingApplets" type="String">
0019       <label>applets that do not want to be colorized in any case</label>
0020     </entry>
0021     <entry name="zoomLevel" type="Int">
0022       <default>10</default>
0023     </entry>
0024     <entry name="iconSize" type="Int">
0025       <default>64</default>
0026     </entry>
0027     <entry name="editBackgroundOpacity" type="Double">
0028       <default>0.2</default>
0029       <label>opacity value for edit mode background</label>
0030     </entry>
0031     <entry name="lastWindowsVisibilityMode" type="Int">
0032       <default>5</default>
0033       <label>last windows visibility mode used, 5 stands for "Windows Go Below"</label>
0034     </entry>
0035     <entry name="lastDodgeVisibilityMode" type="Int">
0036       <default>3</default>
0037       <label>last dodge visibility mode used, 3 stands for "Dodge Maximized"</label>
0038     </entry>
0039     <entry name="lastSidebarVisibilityMode" type="Int">
0040       <default>8</default>
0041       <label>last dodge visibility mode used, 8 stands for "On Demand Sidebar"</label>
0042     </entry>   
0044     <entry name="appletShadowsEnabled" type="Bool">
0045       <default>true</default>
0046       <label>enable latte drawn applet shadows</label>
0047     </entry>
0049     <!-- this is percentage -->
0050     <entry name="thickMargin" type="Int">
0051       <default>20</default>
0052       <label>this is a percentage value</label>
0053     </entry>
0054     <entry name="lengthExtMargin" type="Int">
0055       <default>0</default>
0056       <label>this is a percentage value</label>
0057     </entry>
0058     <entry name="floatingInternalGapIsForced" type="Bool">
0059       <default>true</default>
0060       <label>floating internal gap is forced and provided to applets and any other view specific user interaction</label>
0061     </entry>   
0062     <entry name="hideFloatingGapForMaximized" type="Bool">
0063         <default>false</default>
0064         <label>floating gap is disabled when there are maximized windows</label>
0065     </entry>
0066     <entry name="floatingGapHidingWaitsMouse" type="Bool">
0067         <default>false</default>
0068         <label>delay floating gap hiding until mouse leaves</label>
0069     </entry>
0070     <entry name="floatingGapIsMirrored" type="Bool">
0071       <default>false</default>
0072       <label>floating gap is mirrored when it is shown in AlwaysVisible visibility mode</label>
0073     </entry>    
0074     <entry name="proportionIconSize" type="Double">
0075       <default>-1</default>
0076       <label>this is a percentage value, -1 means disabled</label>
0077     </entry>
0078     <entry name="screenEdgeMargin" type="Int">
0079       <default>-1</default>
0080       <label>margin from screen edge in pixels, -1 means disabled</label>
0081     </entry>
0082     <entry name="isStickedOnTopEdge" type="Bool">
0083       <default>false</default>
0084       <label>vertical view is sticked at top screen edge at all cases; useful for sidepanels</label>
0085     </entry>
0086     <entry name="isStickedOnBottomEdge" type="Bool">
0087       <default>false</default>
0088       <label>vertical view is sticked at bottom screen edge at all cases; useful for sidepanels</label>
0089     </entry>
0090     <entry name="useThemePanel" type="Bool">
0091       <default>true</default>
0092     </entry>
0093     <entry name="panelSize" type="Int">
0094       <default>6</default>
0095     </entry>
0096     <entry name="panelShadows" type="Bool">
0097       <default>true</default>
0098     </entry>
0099     <entry name="disablePanelShadowForMaximized" type="Bool">
0100       <default>false</default>
0101     </entry>
0102     <entry name="panelTransparency" type="Int">
0103       <default>-1</default>
0104     </entry>
0105     <entry name="panelOutline" type="Bool">
0106       <default>false</default>
0107     </entry>
0108     <entry name="backgroundAllCorners" type="Bool">
0109       <default>false</default>
0110     </entry>
0111     <entry name="backgroundRadius" type="Int">
0112       <default>-1</default>
0113       <label>override plasma theme background svg provided radius; -1 stands for default plasma theme behavior, and value represents percentage</label>
0114     </entry>
0115     <entry name="backgroundShadowSize" type="Int">
0116       <default>-1</default>
0117       <label>override plasma theme background shadow; -1 stands for default plasma theme behavior and value represents pixels</label>
0118     </entry>
0119     <entry name="blurEnabled" type="Bool">
0120       <default>true</default>
0121     </entry>
0122     <entry name="autoDecreaseIconSize" type="Bool">
0123       <default>true</default>
0124     </entry>
0125     <entry name="smallAutomaticIconJumps" type="Bool">
0126       <default>true</default>
0127     </entry>
0128     <entry name="backgroundOnlyOnMaximized" type="Bool">
0129       <default>false</default>
0130     </entry>
0131     <entry name="solidBackgroundForMaximized" type="Bool">
0132       <default>false</default>
0133     </entry>
0134     <entry name="plasmaBackgroundForPopups" type="Bool">
0135       <default>false</default>
0136     </entry>
0137     <entry name="themeColors" type="Enum">
0138       <choices>
0139             <choice name="PlasmaThemeColors"/>
0140             <choice name="ReverseThemeColors"/>
0141             <choice name="SmartThemeColors"/>
0142             <choice name="DarkThemeColors"/>
0143             <choice name="LightThemeColors"/>
0144       </choices>
0145       <default>0</default>
0146       <label>which theme color palette is going to be used</label>
0147     </entry>
0148     <entry name="windowColors" type="Enum">
0149       <choices>
0150             <choice name="NoneWindowColors"/>
0151             <choice name="ActiveWindowColors"/>
0152             <choice name="TouchingWindowColors"/>
0153       </choices>
0154       <default>0</default>
0155       <label>which color palette is going to be used based on windows</label>
0156     </entry>
0157     <entry name="splitterPosition" type="Int">
0158       <default>-1</default>
0159     </entry>
0160     <entry name="splitterPosition2" type="Int">
0161       <default>-1</default>
0162     </entry>
0163     <entry name="shadowColorType" type="Enum">
0164       <label>Applets shadow color type</label>
0165         <choices>
0166           <choice name="Default"/>
0167           <choice name="Theme"/>
0168           <choice name="User"/>
0169         </choices>
0170       <default>0</default>
0171     </entry>
0172     <entry name="shadowOpacity" type="Int">
0173       <default>70</default>
0174     </entry>
0175     <entry name="shadowSize" type="Int">
0176       <default>30</default>
0177     </entry>
0178     <entry name="shadowColor" type="String">
0179       <default>080808</default>
0180     </entry>
0181     <entry name="showGlow" type="Bool">
0182        <default>false</default>
0183     </entry>
0184     <entry name="minLength" type="Double">
0185       <default>0</default>
0186     </entry>
0187     <entry name="maxLength" type="Double">
0188       <default>100</default>
0189     </entry>
0190     <entry name="offset" type="Double">
0191       <default>0</default>
0192     </entry>
0193     <entry name="maximizeWhenMaximized" type="Bool">
0194       <default>false</default>
0195       <label>Maximize panel in presense of maximized windows</label>
0196     </entry>
0197     <entry name="dragActiveWindowEnabled" type="Bool">
0198       <default>false</default>
0199       <label>Drag and maximize/restore active window from empty areas</label>
0200     </entry>
0201     <entry name="closeActiveWindowEnabled" type="Bool">
0202       <default>false</default>
0203       <label>Close active window from empty areas</label>
0204     </entry>    
0205     <entry name="activeWindowFilter" type="Enum">
0206       <choices>
0207             <choice name="InCurrentScreen"/>
0208             <choice name="FromAllScreens"/>
0209       </choices>
0210       <default>0</default>
0211     </entry>
0212     <entry name="mouseWheelActions" type="Bool">
0213       <default>true</default>
0214     </entry>
0215     <entry name="autoSizeEnabled" type="Bool">
0216       <default>true</default>
0217     </entry>
0218     <entry name="scrollAction" type="Enum">
0219       <choices>
0220             <choice name="ScrollNone"/>
0221             <choice name="ScrollDesktops"/>
0222             <choice name="ScrollActivities"/>
0223             <choice name="ScrollTasks"/>
0224             <choice name="ScrollToggleMinimized"/>
0225       </choices>
0226       <default>0</default>
0227     </entry>
0228     <entry name="titleTooltips" type="Bool">
0229       <default>true</default>
0230     </entry>
0231 <!-- Config properties  -->
0232     <entry name="configurationSticker" type="Bool">
0233         <default>false</default>
0234     </entry>
0235 <!-- Animations -->
0236     <entry name="animationsEnabled" type="Bool">
0237         <default>true</default>
0238     </entry>
0239     <entry name="durationTime" type="Enum">
0240       <choices>
0241             <choice name="None"/>
0242             <choice name="x1"/>
0243             <choice name="x2"/>
0244             <choice name="x3"/>
0245       </choices>
0246       <default>2</default>
0247     </entry>
0249 <!-- Upgrade Flags -->
0250 <!-- _____________ -->
0251     <entry name="alignmentUpgraded" type="Bool">
0252       <default>false</default>
0253       <label>flag to check it deprecated panelPosition was changed to "alignment"</label>
0254     </entry>
0255     <entry name="shadowsUpgraded" type="Bool">
0256       <default>false</default>
0257       <label>flag to check it deprecated shadows was changed to "appletShadowsEnabled"</label>
0258     </entry>
0259     <entry name="tasksUpgraded" type="Bool">
0260       <default>false</default>
0261       <label>flag to check if Tasks properties were moved to Tasks plasmoid configuration. Since Latte v0.10 we can have multiple Tasks applets in the same dock</label>
0262     </entry>
0264 <!-- Deprecated Section Containment -->
0265 <!-- ______________________________ -->
0266     <entry name="panelPosition" type="Enum">
0267       <choices>
0268             <choice name="Center"/>
0269             <choice name="Left"/>
0270             <choice name="Right"/>
0271             <choice name="Top"/>
0272             <choice name="Bottom"/>
0273       </choices>
0274       <default>0</default>
0275       <label>DEPRECATED in 0.10 in favour of "alignment"</label>
0276     </entry>
0278     <entry name="shadows" type="Enum">
0279       <label>Shadows for the applets</label>
0280         <choices>
0281           <choice name="None"/>
0282           <choice name="Locked"/>
0283           <choice name="All"/>
0284         </choices>
0285       <default>2</default>
0286     </entry>
0288 <!-- Deprecated Section Tasks -->
0289 <!-- ________________________ -->
0290 <!-- All Tasks properties are DEPRECATED and scheduled to be removed in v0.11 or v0.12 -->
0291 <!-- This is happening because these values can now be properly provided from each Tasks applet -->
0292 <!-- BE CAREFUL: Until these values are removed totally and their UPGRADE procedures also, -->
0293 <!-- their default values should be updated both <here> and at their plasmoid configuration file counterpart -->
0295     <entry name="launchersGroup" type="Enum">
0296       <choices>
0297             <choice name="Unique"/>
0298             <choice name="Layout"/>
0299             <choice name="Global"/>
0300       </choices>
0301       <default>0</default>
0302     </entry>
0303     <entry name="showWindowActions" type="Bool">
0304       <default>false</default>
0305     </entry>
0306     <entry name="showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers" type="Bool">
0307       <default>false</default>
0308       <label>show only windows that there is a launcher for them</label>
0309     </entry>
0310     <entry name="groupTasksByDefault" type="Bool">
0311       <default>true</default>
0312       <label>by default group same tasks</label>
0313     </entry>
0314     <entry name="showOnlyCurrentScreen" type="Bool">
0315       <default>false</default>
0316     </entry>
0317     <entry name="showOnlyCurrentDesktop" type="Bool">
0318       <default>false</default>
0319     </entry>
0320     <entry name="showOnlyCurrentActivity" type="Bool">
0321       <default>true</default>
0322     </entry>
0324     <entry name="showInfoBadge" type="Bool">
0325       <default>true</default>
0326     </entry>
0327     <entry name="showProgressBadge" type="Bool">
0328       <default>true</default>
0329     </entry>
0330     <entry name="showAudioBadge" type="Bool">
0331       <default>true</default>
0332     </entry>
0333     <entry name="audioBadgeActionsEnabled" type="Bool">
0334       <default>true</default>
0335     </entry>
0336     <entry name="infoBadgeProminentColorEnabled" type="Bool">
0337       <default>false</default>
0338     </entry>
0340     <entry name="animationLauncherBouncing" type="Bool">
0341         <default>true</default>
0342     </entry>
0343     <entry name="animationWindowInAttention" type="Bool">
0344         <default>true</default>
0345     </entry>
0346     <entry name="animationNewWindowSliding" type="Bool">
0347         <default>true</default>
0348     </entry>
0349     <entry name="animationWindowAddedInGroup" type="Bool">
0350         <default>true</default>
0351     </entry>
0352     <entry name="animationWindowRemovedFromGroup" type="Bool">
0353         <default>true</default>
0354     </entry>
0356     <entry name="scrollTasksEnabled" type="Bool">
0357       <default>false</default>
0358     </entry>
0359     <entry name="autoScrollTasksEnabled" type="Bool">
0360       <default>true</default>
0361     </entry>
0362     <entry name="manualScrollTasksType" type="Enum">
0363       <choices>
0364             <choice name="Disabled"/>
0365             <choice name="Parallel"/>
0366             <choice name="VerticalHorizontal"/>
0367       </choices>
0368       <default>1</default>
0369     </entry>
0370     <entry name="leftClickAction" type="Enum">
0371       <choices>
0372             <choice name="None"/>
0373             <choice name="Close"/>
0374             <choice name="NewInstance"/>
0375             <choice name="ToggleMinimized"/>
0376             <choice name="CycleThroughTasks"/>
0377             <choice name="ToggleGrouping"/>
0378             <choice name="PresentWindows"/>
0379             <choice name="PreviewWindows"/>
0380             <choice name="HighlightWindows"/>
0381             <choice name="PreviewAndHighlightWindows"/>
0382       </choices>
0383       <default>6</default>
0384     </entry>
0385     <entry name="middleClickAction" type="Enum">
0386       <choices>
0387             <choice name="None"/>
0388             <choice name="Close"/>
0389             <choice name="NewInstance"/>
0390             <choice name="ToggleMinimized"/>
0391             <choice name="CycleThroughTasks"/>
0392             <choice name="ToggleGrouping"/>
0393             <choice name="PresentWindows"/>
0394             <choice name="PreviewWindows"/>
0395             <choice name="HighlightWindows"/>
0396             <choice name="PreviewAndHighlightWindows"/>
0397       </choices>
0398       <default>2</default>
0399     </entry>
0400     <entry name="hoverAction" type="Enum">
0401       <choices>
0402             <choice name="None"/>
0403             <choice name="Close"/>
0404             <choice name="NewInstance"/>
0405             <choice name="ToggleMinimized"/>
0406             <choice name="CycleThroughTasks"/>
0407             <choice name="ToggleGrouping"/>
0408             <choice name="PresentWindows"/>
0409             <choice name="PreviewWindows"/>
0410             <choice name="HighlightWindows"/>
0411             <choice name="PreviewAndHighlightWindows"/>
0412       </choices>
0413       <default>0</default>
0414     </entry>
0415     <entry name="taskScrollAction" type="Enum">
0416       <choices>
0417             <choice name="ScrollNone"/>
0418             <choice name="ScrollTasks"/>
0419             <choice name="ScrollToggleMinimized"/>
0420       </choices>
0421       <default>1</default>
0422     </entry>
0423     <entry name="modifierClickAction" type="Enum">
0424       <choices>
0425             <choice name="None"/>
0426             <choice name="Close"/>
0427             <choice name="NewInstance"/>
0428             <choice name="ToggleMinimized"/>
0429             <choice name="CycleThroughTasks"/>
0430             <choice name="ToggleGrouping"/>
0431             <choice name="PresentWindows"/>
0432             <choice name="PreviewWindows"/>
0433             <choice name="HighlightWindows"/>
0434             <choice name="PreviewAndHighlightWindows"/>
0435       </choices>
0436       <default>0</default>
0437     </entry>
0438     <entry name="modifier" type="Enum">
0439       <choices>
0440             <choice name="Shift"/>
0441             <choice name="Control"/>
0442             <choice name="Alt"/>
0443             <choice name="Meta"/>
0444       </choices>
0445       <default>1</default>
0446     </entry>
0447     <entry name="modifierClick" type="Enum">
0448       <choices>
0449             <choice name="LeftClick"/>
0450             <choice name="MiddleClick"/>
0451             <choice name="RightClick"/>
0452       </choices>
0453       <default>0</default>
0454     </entry>
0455     <entry name="addLaunchersInTaskManager" type="Bool">
0456       <default>true</default>
0457     </entry>
0458   </group>
0459 </kcfg>