Warning, /plasma/latte-dock/app/org.kde.latte-dock.desktop.cmake is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 [Desktop Entry] 0002 Name=Latte Dock 0003 Name[ar]=رصيف لاتيه 0004 Name[az]=Latte Dok Paneli 0005 Name[ca]=Acoblador Latte 0006 Name[ca@valencia]=Acoblador Latte 0007 Name[cs]=Dok Latte 0008 Name[da]=Latte-dok 0009 Name[de]=Latte-Dock 0010 Name[el]=Latte Dock 0011 Name[en_GB]=Latte Dock 0012 Name[eo]=Latte Doko 0013 Name[es]=Latte Dock 0014 Name[et]=Latte dokk 0015 Name[eu]=Latte Dock 0016 Name[fi]=Latte-telakka 0017 Name[fr]=Barre des tâches de Latte 0018 Name[gl]=Doca Latte 0019 Name[hsb]=Latte pas 0020 Name[id]=Dock Latte 0021 Name[it]=Latte Dock 0022 Name[ko]=Latte 독 0023 Name[lt]=Latte dokas 0024 Name[nl]=Latte Dock 0025 Name[nn]=Latte-dokk 0026 Name[pl]=Dok Latte 0027 Name[pt]=Área Acoplável do Latte 0028 Name[pt_BR]=Latte Dock 0029 Name[ru]=Latte Dock 0030 Name[sk]=Dok Latte 0031 Name[sl]=Latte Dock 0032 Name[sv]=Latte dockningsfönster 0033 Name[tr]=Latte Rıhtım 0034 Name[uk]=Панель Латте 0035 Name[x-test]=xxLatte Dockxx 0036 Name[zh_CN]=Latte 停靠栏 0037 Name[zh_TW]=Latte Dock 0038 Comment=Dock for the masses 0039 Comment[ar]=رصيف للأمور الكبيرة 0040 Comment[az]=Hər kəs üçün Dok panel 0041 Comment[ca]=Acoblador per a les masses 0042 Comment[ca@valencia]=Acoblador per a les masses 0043 Comment[cs]=Dok pro masy 0044 Comment[da]=Dok til masserene 0045 Comment[de]=Dock für die Massen 0046 Comment[el]=Διαχειριστής εργασιών για όλον τον κόσμο 0047 Comment[en_GB]=Dock for the masses 0048 Comment[eo]=Doko por la masoj 0049 Comment[es]=Un dock para las masas 0050 Comment[et]=Dokk massidele 0051 Comment[eu]=Jendartearen kaia 0052 Comment[fi]=Telakka massoille 0053 Comment[fr]=Une barre des tâches pour tout le monde 0054 Comment[gl]=Doca para as masas. 0055 Comment[hsb]=Pas za wšěch 0056 Comment[id]=Dock untuk mengumpulkan 0057 Comment[it]=Area di aggancio per le masse 0058 Comment[ja]=人々のためのドック 0059 Comment[ko]=모두를 위한 독 0060 Comment[lt]=Dokas masėms 0061 Comment[nl]=Dock voor de massa 0062 Comment[nn]=Dokk for massane 0063 Comment[pl]=Dok dla mas 0064 Comment[pt]=Área acoplável para as massas 0065 Comment[pt_BR]=Área acoplável para todos 0066 Comment[ru]=Док для всех 0067 Comment[sk]=Dok pre davy ľudí 0068 Comment[sl]=Dok za množice 0069 Comment[sv]=Dockningsfönster för alla 0070 Comment[tr]=Kitleler için rıhtım 0071 Comment[uk]=Панель для усіх 0072 Comment[x-test]=xxDock for the massesxx 0073 Comment[zh_CN]=给大众使用的停靠栏 0074 Comment[zh_TW]=給大眾使用的 Dock 0075 GenericName=Dock 0076 GenericName[ar]=مرسى 0077 GenericName[az]=Dok 0078 GenericName[ca]=Acobla 0079 GenericName[ca@valencia]=Acobla 0080 GenericName[cs]=Dok 0081 GenericName[da]=Dok 0082 GenericName[de]=Dock 0083 GenericName[el]=Dock 0084 GenericName[en_GB]=Dock 0085 GenericName[eo]=Doko 0086 GenericName[es]=Dock 0087 GenericName[et]=Dokk 0088 GenericName[eu]=Kaia 0089 GenericName[fi]=Telakka 0090 GenericName[fr]=Barre des tâches 0091 GenericName[gl]=Doca 0092 GenericName[hsb]=Pas 0093 GenericName[ia]=Bassino 0094 GenericName[id]=Dok 0095 GenericName[it]=Aggancio 0096 GenericName[ja]=ドック 0097 GenericName[ka]=მიმაგრება 0098 GenericName[ko]=독 0099 GenericName[lt]=Dokas 0100 GenericName[nl]=Dock 0101 GenericName[nn]=Dokk 0102 GenericName[pl]=Dok 0103 GenericName[pt]=Área Acoplável 0104 GenericName[pt_BR]=Área acoplável 0105 GenericName[ru]=Док 0106 GenericName[sk]=Dok 0107 GenericName[sl]=Dok 0108 GenericName[sv]=Dockningsfönster 0109 GenericName[tr]=Rıhtım 0110 GenericName[uk]=Панель 0111 GenericName[x-test]=xxDockxx 0112 GenericName[zh_CN]=停靠栏 0113 GenericName[zh_TW]=Dock 0114 Icon=latte-dock 0115 Categories=Utility;X-SuSE-DesktopUtility; 0116 Exec=@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@/bin/latte-dock 0117 InitialPreference=1 0118 StartupNotify=false 0119 Terminal=false 0120 Type=Application 0121 StartupWMClass=latte-dock 0122 X-DBUS-ServiceName=org.kde.lattedock 0123 X-DBUS-StartupType=unique 0124 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=@AUTHOR@ 0125 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=@EMAIL@ 0126 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Version=@VERSION@ 0127 X-KDE-PluginInfo-Website=@WEBSITE@ 0128 X-KDE-StartupNotify=false 0129 X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false 0130 X-KDE-Wayland-Interfaces=org_kde_plasma_window_management,org_kde_kwin_keystate,zkde_screencast_unstable_v1 0131