File indexing completed on 2024-05-19 05:32:48

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Vlad Zahorodnii <>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005 */
0007 #pragma once
0009 #include "kwin_export.h"
0011 #include <QObject>
0012 #include <QSharedDataPointer>
0014 #include <chrono>
0015 #include <memory>
0017 struct wl_resource;
0019 namespace KWin
0020 {
0021 class Display;
0022 class OutputInterface;
0023 class SeatInterface;
0024 class SurfaceInterface;
0025 class SurfaceRole;
0026 class XdgShellInterfacePrivate;
0027 class XdgSurfaceInterfacePrivate;
0028 class XdgToplevelInterfacePrivate;
0029 class XdgPopupInterfacePrivate;
0030 class XdgPositionerData;
0031 class XdgToplevelInterface;
0032 class XdgPopupInterface;
0033 class XdgSurfaceInterface;
0035 /**
0036  * The XdgShellInterface class represents an extension for destrop-style user interfaces.
0037  *
0038  * The XdgShellInterface class provides a way for a client to extend a regular Wayland surface
0039  * with functionality required to construct user interface elements, e.g. toplevel windows or
0040  * menus.
0041  *
0042  * XdgShellInterface corresponds to the WaylandInterface \c xdg_wm_base.
0043  */
0044 class KWIN_EXPORT XdgShellInterface : public QObject
0045 {
0046     Q_OBJECT
0048 public:
0049     /**
0050      * Constructs an XdgShellInterface object with the given wayland display \a display.
0051      */
0052     XdgShellInterface(Display *display, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0053     /**
0054      * Destructs the XdgShellInterface object.
0055      */
0056     ~XdgShellInterface() override;
0058     /**
0059      * Returns the wayland display of the XdgShellInterface.
0060      */
0061     Display *display() const;
0063     /**
0064      * Sends a ping event to the client with the given xdg-surface \a surface. If the client
0065      * replies to the event within a reasonable amount of time, pongReceived signal will be
0066      * emitted.
0067      */
0068     quint32 ping(XdgSurfaceInterface *surface);
0070     /**
0071      * Returns the ping timeout.
0072      */
0073     std::chrono::milliseconds pingTimeoutInterval() const;
0075     /**
0076      * Set the ping timeout.
0077      */
0078     void setPingTimeoutInterval(std::chrono::milliseconds pingTimeout);
0081     /**
0082      * This signal is emitted when a new XdgToplevelInterface object is created.
0083      */
0084     void toplevelCreated(XdgToplevelInterface *toplevel);
0086     /**
0087      * This signal is emitted when a new XdgPopupInterface object is created.
0088      */
0089     void popupCreated(XdgPopupInterface *popup);
0091     /**
0092      * This signal is emitted when the client has responded to a ping event with serial \a serial.
0093      */
0094     void pongReceived(quint32 serial);
0096     /**
0097      * @todo Drop this signal.
0098      *
0099      * This signal is emitted when the client has not responded to a ping event with serial
0100      * \a serial within a reasonable amount of time and the compositor gave up on it.
0101      */
0102     void pingTimeout(quint32 serial);
0104     /**
0105      * This signal is emitted when the client has not responded to a ping event with serial
0106      * \a serial within a reasonable amount of time.
0107      */
0108     void pingDelayed(quint32 serial);
0110 private:
0111     std::unique_ptr<XdgShellInterfacePrivate> d;
0112     friend class XdgShellInterfacePrivate;
0113 };
0115 /**
0116  * The XdgSurfaceInterface class provides a base set of functionality required to construct
0117  * user interface elements.
0118  *
0119  * XdgSurfaceInterface corresponds to the Wayland interface \c xdg_surface.
0120  */
0121 class KWIN_EXPORT XdgSurfaceInterface : public QObject
0122 {
0123     Q_OBJECT
0125 public:
0126     /**
0127      * Constructs an XdgSurfaceInterface for the given \a shell and \a surface.
0128      */
0129     XdgSurfaceInterface(XdgShellInterface *shell, SurfaceInterface *surface, ::wl_resource *resource);
0130     /**
0131      * Destructs the XdgSurfaceInterface object.
0132      */
0133     ~XdgSurfaceInterface() override;
0135     /**
0136      * Returns the XdgToplevelInterface associated with this XdgSurfaceInterface.
0137      *
0138      * This method will return \c null if no xdg_toplevel object is associated with this surface.
0139      */
0140     XdgToplevelInterface *toplevel() const;
0142     /**
0143      * Returns the XdgPopupInterface associated with this XdgSurfaceInterface.
0144      *
0145      * This method will return \c null if no xdg_popup object is associated with this surface.
0146      */
0147     XdgPopupInterface *popup() const;
0149     /**
0150      * Returns the XdgShellInterface associated with this XdgSurfaceInterface.
0151      */
0152     XdgShellInterface *shell() const;
0154     /**
0155      * Returns the SurfaceInterface assigned to this XdgSurfaceInterface.
0156      */
0157     SurfaceInterface *surface() const;
0159     /**
0160      * Returns \c true if the surface has been configured; otherwise returns \c false.
0161      */
0162     bool isConfigured() const;
0164     /**
0165      * Returns the window geometry of the XdgSurfaceInterface.
0166      *
0167      * This method will return an invalid QRect if the window geometry is not set by the client.
0168      */
0169     QRect windowGeometry() const;
0171     /**
0172      * Returns the XdgSurfaceInterface for the specified wayland resource object \a resource.
0173      */
0174     static XdgSurfaceInterface *get(::wl_resource *resource);
0177     /**
0178      * This signal is emitted when the xdg-surface is about to be destroyed.
0179      */
0180     void aboutToBeDestroyed();
0182     /**
0183      * This signal is emitted when a configure event with serial \a serial has been acknowledged.
0184      */
0185     void configureAcknowledged(quint32 serial);
0187     /**
0188      * This signal is emitted when the window geometry has been changed.
0189      */
0190     void windowGeometryChanged(const QRect &rect);
0192     /**
0193      * This signal is emitted when the surface has been unmapped and its state has been reset.
0194      */
0195     void resetOccurred();
0197 private:
0198     std::unique_ptr<XdgSurfaceInterfacePrivate> d;
0199     friend class XdgSurfaceInterfacePrivate;
0200 };
0202 /**
0203  * The XdgToplevelInterface class represents a surface with window-like functionality such
0204  * as maximize, fullscreen, resizing, minimizing, etc.
0205  *
0206  * XdgToplevelInterface corresponds to the Wayland interface \c xdg_toplevel.
0207  */
0208 class KWIN_EXPORT XdgToplevelInterface : public QObject
0209 {
0210     Q_OBJECT
0212 public:
0213     enum State {
0214         MaximizedHorizontal = 0x1,
0215         MaximizedVertical = 0x2,
0216         FullScreen = 0x4,
0217         Resizing = 0x8,
0218         Activated = 0x10,
0219         TiledLeft = 0x20,
0220         TiledTop = 0x40,
0221         TiledRight = 0x80,
0222         TiledBottom = 0x100,
0223         Suspended = 0x200,
0224         Maximized = MaximizedHorizontal | MaximizedVertical,
0225     };
0226     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(States, State)
0228     enum class ResizeAnchor {
0229         None = 0,
0230         Top = 1,
0231         Bottom = 2,
0232         Left = 4,
0233         TopLeft = 5,
0234         BottomLeft = 6,
0235         Right = 8,
0236         TopRight = 9,
0237         BottomRight = 10,
0238     };
0239     Q_ENUM(ResizeAnchor)
0241     enum class Capability {
0242         WindowMenu = 0x1,
0243         Maximize = 0x2,
0244         FullScreen = 0x4,
0245         Minimize = 0x8,
0246     };
0247     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Capabilities, Capability)
0249     /**
0250      * Constructs an XdgToplevelInterface for the given xdg-surface \a surface.
0251      */
0252     XdgToplevelInterface(XdgSurfaceInterface *surface, ::wl_resource *resource);
0253     /**
0254      * Destructs the XdgToplevelInterface object.
0255      */
0256     ~XdgToplevelInterface() override;
0258     static SurfaceRole *role();
0260     /**
0261      * Returns the XdgShellInterface for this XdgToplevelInterface.
0262      *
0263      * This is equivalent to xdgSurface()->shell().
0264      */
0265     XdgShellInterface *shell() const;
0267     /**
0268      * Returns the XdgSurfaceInterface associated with the XdgToplevelInterface.
0269      */
0270     XdgSurfaceInterface *xdgSurface() const;
0272     /**
0273      * Returns the SurfaceInterface associated with the XdgToplevelInterface.
0274      */
0275     SurfaceInterface *surface() const;
0277     /**
0278      * Returns the parent XdgToplevelInterface above which this toplevel is stacked.
0279      */
0280     XdgToplevelInterface *parentXdgToplevel() const;
0282     /**
0283      * Returns \c true if the toplevel has been configured; otherwise returns \c false.
0284      */
0285     bool isConfigured() const;
0287     /**
0288      * Returns the window title of the toplevel surface.
0289      */
0290     QString windowTitle() const;
0292     /**
0293      * Returns the window class of the toplevel surface.
0294      */
0295     QString windowClass() const;
0297     /**
0298      * Returns the minimum window geometry size of the toplevel surface.
0299      */
0300     QSize minimumSize() const;
0302     /**
0303      * Returns the maximum window geometry size of the toplevel surface.
0304      */
0305     QSize maximumSize() const;
0307     /**
0308      * Sends a configure event to the client. \a size specifies the new window geometry size. A size
0309      * of zero means the client should decide its own window dimensions.
0310      */
0311     quint32 sendConfigure(const QSize &size, const States &states);
0313     /**
0314      * Sends a close event to the client. The client may choose to ignore this request.
0315      */
0316     void sendClose();
0318     /**
0319      * Sends an event to the client specifying the maximum bounds for the surface size. Must be
0320      * called before sendConfigure().
0321      */
0322     void sendConfigureBounds(const QSize &size);
0324     /**
0325      * Sends an event to the client specifying allowed actions by the compositor.
0326      */
0327     void sendWmCapabilities(Capabilities capabilities);
0329     /**
0330      * Returns the XdgToplevelInterface for the specified wayland resource object \a resource.
0331      */
0332     static XdgToplevelInterface *get(::wl_resource *resource);
0335     /**
0336      * This signal is emitted when the xdg-toplevel is about to be destroyed.
0337      */
0338     void aboutToBeDestroyed();
0340     /**
0341      * This signal is emitted when the xdg-toplevel has commited the initial state and wants to
0342      * be configured. After initializing the toplevel, you must send a configure event.
0343      */
0344     void initializeRequested();
0346     /**
0347      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel has been unmapped and its state has been reset.
0348      */
0349     void resetOccurred();
0351     /**
0352      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel's title has been changed.
0353      */
0354     void windowTitleChanged(const QString &windowTitle);
0356     /**
0357      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel's application id has been changed.
0358      */
0359     void windowClassChanged(const QString &windowClass);
0361     /**
0362      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel has requested the window menu to be shown at
0363      * \a pos. The \a seat and the \a serial indicate the user action that triggerred the request.
0364      */
0365     void windowMenuRequested(KWin::SeatInterface *seat, const QPoint &pos, quint32 serial);
0367     /**
0368      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel's minimum size has been changed.
0369      */
0370     void minimumSizeChanged(const QSize &size);
0372     /**
0373      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel's maximum size has been changed.
0374      */
0375     void maximumSizeChanged(const QSize &size);
0377     /**
0378      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel wants to be interactively moved. The \a seat and
0379      * the \a serial indicate the user action in response to which this request has been issued.
0380      */
0381     void moveRequested(KWin::SeatInterface *seat, quint32 serial);
0383     /**
0384      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel wants to be interactively resized by dragging
0385      * the specified \a anchor. The \a seat and the \a serial indicate the user action
0386      * in response to which this request has been issued.
0387      */
0388     void resizeRequested(KWin::SeatInterface *seat, KWin::XdgToplevelInterface::ResizeAnchor anchor, quint32 serial);
0390     /**
0391      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel surface wants to become maximized.
0392      */
0393     void maximizeRequested();
0395     /**
0396      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel surface wants to become unmaximized.
0397      */
0398     void unmaximizeRequested();
0400     /**
0401      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel wants to be shown in the full screen mode.
0402      */
0403     void fullscreenRequested(KWin::OutputInterface *output);
0405     /**
0406      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel surface wants to leave the full screen mode.
0407      */
0408     void unfullscreenRequested();
0410     /**
0411      * This signal is emitted when the toplevel wants to be iconified.
0412      */
0413     void minimizeRequested();
0415     /**
0416      * This signal is emitted when the parent toplevel has changed.
0417      */
0418     void parentXdgToplevelChanged();
0420 private:
0421     std::unique_ptr<XdgToplevelInterfacePrivate> d;
0422     friend class XdgToplevelInterfacePrivate;
0423 };
0425 /**
0426  * The XdgPositioner class provides a collection of rules for the placement of a popup surface.
0427  *
0428  * XdgPositioner corresponds to the Wayland interface \c xdg_positioner.
0429  */
0430 class KWIN_EXPORT XdgPositioner
0431 {
0432 public:
0433     /**
0434      * Constructs an incomplete XdgPositioner object.
0435      */
0436     XdgPositioner();
0437     /**
0438      * Constructs a copy of the XdgPositioner object.
0439      */
0440     XdgPositioner(const XdgPositioner &other);
0441     /**
0442      * Destructs the XdgPositioner object.
0443      */
0444     ~XdgPositioner();
0446     /**
0447      * Assigns the value of \a other to this XdgPositioner object.
0448      */
0449     XdgPositioner &operator=(const XdgPositioner &other);
0451     /**
0452      * Returns \c true if the positioner object is complete; otherwise returns \c false.
0453      *
0454      * An xdg positioner considered complete if it has a valid size and a valid anchor rect.
0455      */
0456     bool isComplete() const;
0458     /**
0459      * Returns the window geometry size of the surface that is to be positioned.
0460      */
0461     QSize size() const;
0463     /**
0464      * Returns whether the surface should respond to movements in its parent window.
0465      */
0466     bool isReactive() const;
0468     /**
0469      * Returns the unconstrained geometry of the popup. The \a bounds is in the parent local
0470      * coordinate space.
0471      */
0472     QRectF placement(const QRectF &bounds) const;
0474     /**
0475      * Returns the current state of the xdg positioner object identified by \a resource.
0476      */
0477     static XdgPositioner get(::wl_resource *resource);
0479 private:
0480     XdgPositioner(const QSharedDataPointer<XdgPositionerData> &data);
0481     QSharedDataPointer<XdgPositionerData> d;
0482 };
0484 /**
0485  * The XdgPopupInterface class represents a surface that can be used to implement context menus,
0486  * popovers and other similar short-lived user interface elements.
0487  *
0488  * XdgPopupInterface corresponds to the Wayland interface \c xdg_popup.
0489  */
0490 class KWIN_EXPORT XdgPopupInterface : public QObject
0491 {
0492     Q_OBJECT
0494 public:
0495     XdgPopupInterface(XdgSurfaceInterface *surface, SurfaceInterface *parentSurface, const XdgPositioner &positioner, ::wl_resource *resource);
0496     /**
0497      * Destructs the XdgPopupInterface object.
0498      */
0499     ~XdgPopupInterface() override;
0501     static SurfaceRole *role();
0503     XdgShellInterface *shell() const;
0505     /**
0506      * Returns the parent surface for this popup surface. If the initial state hasn't been
0507      * committed yet, this function may return \c null.
0508      */
0509     SurfaceInterface *parentSurface() const;
0511     /**
0512      * Returns the XdgSurfaceInterface associated with the XdgPopupInterface.
0513      */
0514     XdgSurfaceInterface *xdgSurface() const;
0516     /**
0517      * Returns the SurfaceInterface associated with the XdgPopupInterface.
0518      */
0519     SurfaceInterface *surface() const;
0521     /**
0522      * Returns the XdgPositioner assigned to this XdgPopupInterface.
0523      */
0524     XdgPositioner positioner() const;
0526     /**
0527      * Returns \c true if the popup has been configured; otherwise returns \c false.
0528      */
0529     bool isConfigured() const;
0531     /**
0532      * Sends a configure event to the client and returns the serial number of the event.
0533      */
0534     quint32 sendConfigure(const QRect &rect);
0536     /**
0537      * Sends a popup done event to the client.
0538      */
0539     void sendPopupDone();
0541     /**
0542      * Sends a popup repositioned event to the client.
0543      */
0544     void sendRepositioned(quint32 token);
0546     /**
0547      * Returns the XdgPopupInterface for the specified wayland resource object \a resource.
0548      */
0549     static XdgPopupInterface *get(::wl_resource *resource);
0552     /**
0553      * This signal is emitted when the xdg-popup is about to be destroyed.
0554      */
0555     void aboutToBeDestroyed();
0557     /**
0558      * This signal is emitted when the xdg-popup has commited the initial state and wants to
0559      * be configured. After initializing the popup, you must send a configure event.
0560      */
0561     void initializeRequested();
0562     void grabRequested(SeatInterface *seat, quint32 serial);
0563     void repositionRequested(quint32 token);
0565 private:
0566     std::unique_ptr<XdgPopupInterfacePrivate> d;
0567     friend class XdgPopupInterfacePrivate;
0568 };
0570 } // namespace KWin
0572 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KWin::XdgToplevelInterface::States)
0573 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(KWin::XdgToplevelInterface::Capabilities)
0574 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWin::XdgToplevelInterface::State)
0575 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWin::XdgToplevelInterface::States)