Warning, file /plasma/kwin/src/wayland/textinput_v2_interface.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /*
0002     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
0004     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only OR LGPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-LGPL
0005 */
0006 #pragma once
0008 #include <QObject>
0009 #include <memory>
0011 #include "textinput.h"
0013 struct wl_resource;
0014 namespace KWaylandServer
0015 {
0016 class ClientConnection;
0017 class Display;
0018 class SeatInterface;
0019 class SurfaceInterface;
0020 class TextInputV2Interface;
0021 class TextInputV2InterfacePrivate;
0022 class TextInputManagerV2InterfacePrivate;
0024 /**
0025  * @brief Represent the Global for the interface.
0026  *
0027  * The class can represent different interfaces. Which concrete interface is represented
0028  * can be determined through {@link interfaceVersion}.
0029  *
0030  * To create a TextInputManagerV2Interface use {@link Display::createTextInputManager}
0031  */
0032 class KWIN_EXPORT TextInputManagerV2Interface : public QObject
0033 {
0034     Q_OBJECT
0035 public:
0036     explicit TextInputManagerV2Interface(Display *display, QObject *parent = nullptr);
0037     ~TextInputManagerV2Interface() override;
0039 private:
0040     std::unique_ptr<TextInputManagerV2InterfacePrivate> d;
0041 };
0043 /**
0044  * @brief Represents a generic Resource for a text input object.
0045  *
0046  * This class does not directly correspond to a Wayland resource, but is a generic contract
0047  * for any interface which implements a text input, e.g. the unstable wl_text_input interface.
0048  *
0049  * It does not expose the actual interface to cover up the fact that the interface is unstable
0050  * and might change. If one needs to know the actual used protocol, use the method {@link interfaceVersion}.
0051  *
0052  * A TextInputV2Interface gets created by the {@link TextInputManagerV2Interface}. The individual
0053  * instances are not exposed directly. The SeatInterface provides access to the currently active
0054  * TextInputV2Interface. This is evaluated automatically based on which SurfaceInterface has
0055  * keyboard focus.
0056  *
0057  * @see TextInputManagerV2Interface
0058  * @see SeatInterface
0059  */
0060 class KWIN_EXPORT TextInputV2Interface : public QObject
0061 {
0062     Q_OBJECT
0063 public:
0064     ~TextInputV2Interface() override;
0066     enum class UpdateReason : uint32_t {
0067         StateChange = 0, // updated state because it changed
0068         StateFull = 1, // full state after enter or input_method_changed event
0069         StateReset = 2, // full state after reset
0070         StateEnter = 3, // full state after switching focus to a different widget on client side
0071     };
0072     Q_ENUM(UpdateReason)
0073     /**
0074      * The preferred language as a RFC-3066 format language tag.
0075      *
0076      * This can be used by the server to show a language specific virtual keyboard layout.
0077      * @see preferredLanguageChanged
0078      */
0079     QString preferredLanguage() const;
0081     /**
0082      * @see cursorRectangleChanged
0083      */
0084     QRect cursorRectangle() const;
0086     /**
0087      * @see contentTypeChanged
0088      */
0089     TextInputContentPurpose contentPurpose() const;
0091     /**
0092      *@see contentTypeChanged
0093      */
0094     TextInputContentHints contentHints() const;
0096     /**
0097      * @returns The plain surrounding text around the input position.
0098      * @see surroundingTextChanged
0099      * @see surroundingTextCursorPosition
0100      * @see surroundingTextSelectionAnchor
0101      */
0102     QString surroundingText() const;
0103     /**
0104      * @returns The byte offset of current cursor position within the {@link surroundingText}
0105      * @see surroundingText
0106      * @see surroundingTextChanged
0107      */
0108     qint32 surroundingTextCursorPosition() const;
0109     /**
0110      * The byte offset of the selection anchor within the {@link surroundingText}.
0111      *
0112      * If there is no selected text this is the same as cursor.
0113      * @return The byte offset of the selection anchor
0114      * @see surroundingText
0115      * @see surroundingTextChanged
0116      */
0117     qint32 surroundingTextSelectionAnchor() const;
0119     /**
0120      * @return The surface the TextInputV2Interface is enabled on
0121      * @see isEnabled
0122      * @see enabledChanged
0123      */
0124     QPointer<SurfaceInterface> surface() const;
0126     /**
0127      * @return whether @p client supports text-input-v2
0128      */
0129     bool clientSupportsTextInput(ClientConnection *client) const;
0131     /**
0132      * @return Whether the TextInputV2Interface is currently enabled for a SurfaceInterface.
0133      * @see surface
0134      * @see enabledChanged
0135      */
0136     bool isEnabled() const;
0138     /**
0139      * Notify when a new composing @p text (pre-edit) should be set around the
0140      * current cursor position. Any previously set composing text should
0141      * be removed.
0142      *
0143      * The @p commitText can be used to replace the preedit text on reset
0144      * (for example on unfocus).
0145      *
0146      * @param text The new utf8-encoded pre-edit text
0147      * @param commitText Utf8-encoded text to replace preedit text on reset
0148      * @see commit
0149      * @see preEditCursor
0150      */
0151     void preEdit(const QString &text, const QString &commitText);
0153     /**
0154      * Notify when @p text should be inserted into the editor widget.
0155      * The text to commit could be either just a single character after a key press or the
0156      * result of some composing ({@link preEdit}). It could be also an empty text
0157      * when some text should be removed (see {@link deleteSurroundingText}) or when
0158      * the input cursor should be moved (see {@link cursorPosition}).
0159      *
0160      * Any previously set composing text should be removed.
0161      * @param text The utf8-encoded text to be inserted into the editor widget
0162      * @see preEdit
0163      * @see deleteSurroundingText
0164      */
0165     void commitString(const QString &text);
0167     /**
0168      * Sets the cursor position inside the composing text (as byte offset) relative to the
0169      * start of the composing text. When @p index is a negative number no cursor is shown.
0170      *
0171      * The Client applies the @p index together with {@link preEdit}.
0172      * @param index The cursor position relative to the start of the composing text
0173      * @see preEdit
0174      */
0175     void setPreEditCursor(qint32 index);
0177     /**
0178      * Sets the style for a range of text for the composing text (as byte offset).
0179      *
0180      * The Client applies the @p index together with {@link preEdit}.
0181      * @param index The position relative to the start of the composing text
0182      * @param length The length of the style to apply on
0183      * @param style style flag
0184      * @see preEdit
0185      */
0186     void preEditStyling(uint32_t index, uint32_t length, uint32_t style);
0188     /**
0189      * Notify when the text around the current cursor position should be deleted.
0190      *
0191      * The Client processes this event together with the commit string
0192      *
0193      * @param beforeLength length of text before current cursor position.
0194      * @param afterLength length of text after current cursor position.
0195      * @see commit
0196      */
0197     void deleteSurroundingText(quint32 beforeLength, quint32 afterLength);
0199     /**
0200      * Notify when the cursor @p index or @p anchor position should be modified.
0201      *
0202      * The Client applies this together with the commit string.
0203      */
0204     void setCursorPosition(qint32 index, qint32 anchor);
0206     /**
0207      * Sets the text @p direction of input text.
0208      */
0209     void setTextDirection(Qt::LayoutDirection direction);
0211     void keysymPressed(quint32 keysym, quint32 modifiers = 0);
0212     void keysymReleased(quint32 keysym, quint32 modifiers = 0);
0214     /**
0215      * Informs the client about changes in the visibility of the input panel (virtual keyboard).
0216      *
0217      * The @p overlappedSurfaceArea defines the area overlapped by the input panel (virtual keyboard)
0218      * on the SurfaceInterface having the text focus in surface local coordinates.
0219      *
0220      * @param visible Whether the input panel is currently visible
0221      * @param overlappedSurfaceArea The overlapping area in surface local coordinates
0222      */
0223     void setInputPanelState(bool visible, const QRect &overlappedSurfaceArea);
0225     /**
0226      * Sets the language of the input text. The @p languageTag is a RFC-3066 format language tag.
0227      */
0228     void setLanguage(const QString &languageTag);
0230     /**
0231      * Sets the modifiers map to use when modifiers are included in a key event.
0232      */
0233     void setModifiersMap(const QByteArray &modifiersMap);
0236     /**
0237      * Requests input panels (virtual keyboard) to show.
0238      * @see requestHideInputPanel
0239      */
0240     void requestShowInputPanel();
0241     /**
0242      * Requests input panels (virtual keyboard) to hide.
0243      * @see requestShowInputPanel
0244      */
0245     void requestHideInputPanel();
0246     /**
0247      * Emitted whenever the preferred @p language changes.
0248      * @see preferredLanguage
0249      */
0250     void preferredLanguageChanged(const QString &language);
0251     /**
0252      * @see cursorRectangle
0253      */
0254     void cursorRectangleChanged(const QRect &rect);
0255     /**
0256      * Emitted when the {@link contentPurpose} and/or {@link contentHints} changes.
0257      * @see contentPurpose
0258      * @see contentHints
0259      */
0260     void contentTypeChanged();
0261     /**
0262      * Emitted when the {@link surroundingText}, {@link surroundingTextCursorPosition}
0263      * and/or {@link surroundingTextSelectionAnchor} changed.
0264      * @see surroundingText
0265      * @see surroundingTextCursorPosition
0266      * @see surroundingTextSelectionAnchor
0267      */
0268     void surroundingTextChanged();
0269     /**
0270      * Emitted whenever this TextInputV2Interface gets enabled or disabled for a SurfaceInterface.
0271      * @see isEnabled
0272      * @see surface
0273      */
0274     void enabledChanged();
0275     /**
0276      * Emitted whenever TextInputInterface should update the current state.
0277      */
0278     void stateUpdated(uint32_t serial, UpdateReason reason);
0280 private:
0281     friend class TextInputManagerV2InterfacePrivate;
0282     friend class SeatInterface;
0283     friend class SeatInterfacePrivate;
0284     friend class TextInputV2InterfacePrivate;
0285     explicit TextInputV2Interface(SeatInterface *seat);
0287     std::unique_ptr<TextInputV2InterfacePrivate> d;
0288 };
0290 }
0292 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWaylandServer::TextInputV2Interface *)
0293 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(KWaylandServer::TextInputV2Interface::UpdateReason)