Warning, /plasma/kwin/src/scripts/CMakeLists.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 function(add_kwin_script name)
0002     kpackage_install_package(${name} ${name} scripts kwin)
0004     # Copy the script to the build directory so one can run tests without prior
0005     # make install. FIXME: use add_custom_command.
0006     file(COPY ${name} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/kwin/scripts/)
0007 endfunction()
0009 add_kwin_script(videowall)
0010 add_kwin_script(synchronizeskipswitcher)
0011 add_kwin_script(desktopchangeosd)
0012 add_kwin_script(minimizeall)