Warning, /plasma/kwin/src/plugins/desktopchangeosd/package/contents/ui/osd.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002     KWin - the KDE window manager
0003     This file is part of the KDE project.
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012, 2013 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0009 import QtQuick
0010 import QtQuick.Window
0011 import org.kde.plasma.core as PlasmaCore
0012 import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami
0013 import org.kde.ksvg 1.0 as KSvg
0014 import org.kde.kwin
0016 PlasmaCore.Dialog {
0017     id: dialog
0018     location: PlasmaCore.Types.Floating
0019     visible: false
0020     flags: Qt.X11BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt.FramelessWindowHint
0021     outputOnly: true
0023     mainItem: Item {
0024         function loadConfig() {
0025             dialogItem.animationDuration = KWin.readConfig("PopupHideDelay", 1000);
0026             if (KWin.readConfig("TextOnly", "false") == "true") {
0027                 dialogItem.showGrid = false;
0028             } else {
0029                 dialogItem.showGrid = true;
0030             }
0031         }
0033         id: dialogItem
0034         property int screenWidth: 0
0035         property int screenHeight: 0
0036         property int currentIndex: 0
0037         property int previousIndex: 0
0038         property int animationDuration: 1000
0039         property bool showGrid: true
0041         width: dialogItem.showGrid ? view.itemWidth * view.columns : Math.ceil(textElement.implicitWidth)
0042         height: dialogItem.showGrid ? view.itemHeight * view.rows + textElement.height : textElement.height
0044         Kirigami.Heading {
0045             id: textElement
0046             anchors.top: dialogItem.showGrid ? parent.top : undefined
0047             anchors.left: parent.left
0048             anchors.right: parent.right
0049             horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
0050             wrapMode: Text.NoWrap
0051             elide: Text.ElideRight
0052             text: Workspace.currentDesktop.name
0053         }
0055         Grid {
0056             id: view
0057             columns: 1
0058             rows: 1
0059             property int itemWidth: dialogItem.screenWidth * Math.min(0.8/columns, 0.1)
0060             property int itemHeight: Math.min(itemWidth * (dialogItem.screenHeight / dialogItem.screenWidth), dialogItem.screenHeight * Math.min(0.8/rows, 0.1))
0061             anchors {
0062                 top: textElement.bottom
0063                 left: parent.left
0064                 right: parent.right
0065                 bottom: parent.bottom
0066             }
0067             visible: dialogItem.showGrid
0068             Repeater {
0069                 id: repeater
0070                 model: Workspace.desktops
0071                 Item {
0072                     width: view.itemWidth
0073                     height: view.itemHeight
0074                     KSvg.FrameSvgItem {
0075                         anchors.fill: parent
0076                         imagePath: "widgets/pager"
0077                         prefix: "normal"
0078                     }
0079                     KSvg.FrameSvgItem {
0080                         id: activeElement
0081                         anchors.fill: parent
0082                         imagePath: "widgets/pager"
0083                         prefix: "active"
0084                         opacity: 0.0
0085                         Behavior on opacity {
0086                             NumberAnimation { duration: dialogItem.animationDuration/2 }
0087                         }
0088                     }
0089                     Item {
0090                         id: arrowsContainer
0091                         anchors.fill: parent
0092                         Kirigami.Icon {
0093                             anchors.fill: parent
0094                             source: "go-up"
0095                             visible: false
0096                         }
0097                         Kirigami.Icon {
0098                             anchors.fill: parent
0099                             source: "go-down"
0100                             visible: {
0101                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex <= index) {
0102                                     // don't show for target desktop
0103                                     return false;
0104                                 }
0105                                 if (index < dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0106                                     return false;
0107                                 }
0108                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex < dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0109                                     // we only go down if the new desktop is higher
0110                                     return false;
0111                                 }
0112                                 if (Math.floor(dialogItem.currentIndex/view.columns) == Math.floor(index/view.columns)) {
0113                                     // don't show icons in same row as target desktop
0114                                     return false;
0115                                 }
0116                                 if (dialogItem.previousIndex % view.columns == index % view.columns) {
0117                                     // show arrows for icons in same column as the previous desktop
0118                                     return true;
0119                                 }
0120                                 return false;
0121                             }
0122                         }
0123                         Kirigami.Icon {
0124                             anchors.fill: parent
0125                             source: "go-up"
0126                             visible: {
0127                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex >= index) {
0128                                     // don't show for target desktop
0129                                     return false;
0130                                 }
0131                                 if (index > dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0132                                     return false;
0133                                 }
0134                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex > dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0135                                     // we only go down if the new desktop is higher
0136                                     return false;
0137                                 }
0138                                 if (Math.floor(dialogItem.currentIndex/view.columns) == Math.floor(index/view.columns)) {
0139                                     // don't show icons in same row as target desktop
0140                                     return false;
0141                                 }
0142                                 if (dialogItem.previousIndex % view.columns == index % view.columns) {
0143                                     // show arrows for icons in same column as the previous desktop
0144                                     return true;
0145                                 }
0146                                 return false;
0147                             }
0148                         }
0149                         Kirigami.Icon {
0150                             anchors.fill: parent
0151                             source: "go-next"
0152                             visible: {
0153                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex <= index) {
0154                                     // we don't show for desktops not on the path
0155                                     return false;
0156                                 }
0157                                 if (index < dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0158                                     // we might have to show this icon in case we go up and to the right
0159                                     if (Math.floor(dialogItem.currentIndex/view.columns) == Math.floor(index/view.columns)) {
0160                                         // can only happen in same row
0161                                         if (index % view.columns >= dialogItem.previousIndex % view.columns) {
0162                                             // but only for items in the same column or after of the previous desktop
0163                                             return true;
0164                                         }
0165                                     }
0166                                     return false;
0167                                 }
0168                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex < dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0169                                     // we only go right if the new desktop is higher
0170                                     return false;
0171                                 }
0172                                 if (Math.floor(dialogItem.currentIndex/view.columns) == Math.floor(index/view.columns)) {
0173                                     // show icons in same row as target desktop
0174                                     if (index % view.columns < dialogItem.previousIndex % view.columns) {
0175                                         // but only for items in the same column or after of the previous desktop
0176                                         return false;
0177                                     }
0178                                     return true;
0179                                 }
0180                                 return false;
0181                             }
0182                         }
0183                         Kirigami.Icon {
0184                             anchors.fill: parent
0185                             source: "go-previous"
0186                             visible: {
0187                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex >= index) {
0188                                     // we don't show for desktops not on the path
0189                                     return false;
0190                                 }
0191                                 if (index > dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0192                                     // we might have to show this icon in case we go down and to the left
0193                                     if (Math.floor(dialogItem.currentIndex/view.columns) == Math.floor(index/view.columns)) {
0194                                         // can only happen in same row
0195                                         if (index % view.columns <= dialogItem.previousIndex % view.columns) {
0196                                             // but only for items in the same column or before the previous desktop
0197                                             return true;
0198                                         }
0199                                     }
0200                                     return false;
0201                                 }
0202                                 if (dialogItem.currentIndex > dialogItem.previousIndex) {
0203                                     // we only go left if the new desktop is lower
0204                                     return false;
0205                                 }
0206                                 if (Math.floor(dialogItem.currentIndex/view.columns) == Math.floor(index/view.columns)) {
0207                                     // show icons in same row as target desktop
0208                                     if (index % view.columns > dialogItem.previousIndex % view.columns) {
0209                                         // but only for items in the same column or before of the previous desktop
0210                                         return false;
0211                                     }
0212                                     return true;
0213                                 }
0214                                 return false;
0215                             }
0216                         }
0217                     }
0218                     states: [
0219                         State {
0220                             name: "NORMAL"
0221                             when: index != dialogItem.currentIndex
0222                             PropertyChanges {
0223                                 target: activeElement
0224                                 opacity: 0.0
0225                             }
0226                         },
0227                         State {
0228                             name: "SELECTED"
0229                             when: index == dialogItem.currentIndex
0230                             PropertyChanges {
0231                                 target: activeElement
0232                                 opacity: 1.0
0233                             }
0234                         }
0235                     ]
0236                     Component.onCompleted: {
0237                         view.state = (index == dialogItem.currentIndex) ? "SELECTED" : "NORMAL"
0238                     }
0239                 }
0240             }
0241         }
0243         Timer {
0244             id: timer
0245             repeat: false
0246             interval: dialogItem.animationDuration
0247             onTriggered: dialog.visible = false
0248         }
0250         Connections {
0251             target: Options
0252             function onConfigChanged() {
0253                 dialogItem.loadConfig()
0254             }
0255         }
0256         Component.onCompleted: {
0257             view.columns = Workspace.desktopGridWidth;
0258             view.rows = Workspace.desktopGridHeight;
0259             dialogItem.loadConfig();
0260         }
0261     }
0263     function show(previous) {
0264         if (Workspace.isEffectActive("overview")) {
0265             return;
0266         }
0267         dialogItem.previousIndex = Workspace.desktops.indexOf(previous);
0268         dialogItem.currentIndex = Workspace.desktops.indexOf(Workspace.currentDesktop);
0269         // screen geometry might have changed
0270         var screen = Workspace.clientArea(KWin.FullScreenArea, Workspace.activeScreen, Workspace.currentDesktop);
0271         dialogItem.screenWidth = screen.width;
0272         dialogItem.screenHeight = screen.height;
0273         if (dialogItem.showGrid) {
0274             // non dependable properties might have changed
0275             view.columns = Workspace.desktopGridWidth;
0276             view.rows = Workspace.desktopGridHeight;
0277         }
0278         dialog.visible = true;
0279         // position might have changed
0280         dialog.x = screen.x + screen.width/2 - dialogItem.width/2;
0281         dialog.y = screen.y + screen.height/2 - dialogItem.height/2;
0282         // start the hide timer
0283         timer.restart();
0284     }
0285 }