File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 05:02:36

0001 /*
0002     KWin - the KDE window manager
0003     This file is part of the KDE project.
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Martin Gräßlin <>
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0009 #ifndef MOCK_LIBINPUT_H
0010 #define MOCK_LIBINPUT_H
0011 #include <libinput.h>
0013 #include <QByteArray>
0014 #include <QList>
0015 #include <QPointF>
0016 #include <QSizeF>
0018 #include <array>
0019 #include <chrono>
0021 struct libinput_device
0022 {
0023     void *userData = nullptr;
0024     bool keyboard = false;
0025     bool pointer = false;
0026     bool touch = false;
0027     bool tabletTool = false;
0028     bool gestureSupported = false;
0029     bool switchDevice = false;
0030     QByteArray name;
0031     QByteArray sysName = QByteArrayLiteral("event0");
0032     QByteArray outputName;
0033     quint32 product = 0;
0034     quint32 vendor = 0;
0035     int tapFingerCount = 0;
0036     QSizeF deviceSize;
0037     int deviceSizeReturnValue = 0;
0038     bool tapEnabledByDefault = false;
0039     bool tapToClick = false;
0040     bool tapAndDragEnabledByDefault = false;
0041     bool tapAndDrag = false;
0042     bool tapDragLockEnabledByDefault = false;
0043     bool tapDragLock = false;
0044     bool supportsDisableWhileTyping = false;
0045     bool supportsPointerAcceleration = false;
0046     bool supportsLeftHanded = false;
0047     bool supportsCalibrationMatrix = false;
0048     bool supportsDisableEvents = false;
0049     bool supportsDisableEventsOnExternalMouse = false;
0050     bool supportsMiddleEmulation = false;
0051     bool supportsNaturalScroll = false;
0052     quint32 supportedScrollMethods = 0;
0053     bool middleEmulationEnabledByDefault = false;
0054     bool middleEmulation = false;
0055     enum libinput_config_tap_button_map defaultTapButtonMap = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_TAP_MAP_LRM;
0056     enum libinput_config_tap_button_map tapButtonMap = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_TAP_MAP_LRM;
0057     int setTapButtonMapReturnValue = 0;
0058     enum libinput_config_dwt_state disableWhileTypingEnabledByDefault = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_DWT_DISABLED;
0059     enum libinput_config_dwt_state disableWhileTyping = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_DWT_DISABLED;
0060     int setDisableWhileTypingReturnValue = 0;
0061     qreal defaultPointerAcceleration = 0.0;
0062     qreal pointerAcceleration = 0.0;
0063     int setPointerAccelerationReturnValue = 0;
0064     bool leftHandedEnabledByDefault = false;
0065     bool leftHanded = false;
0066     int setLeftHandedReturnValue = 0;
0067     bool naturalScrollEnabledByDefault = false;
0068     bool naturalScroll = false;
0069     int setNaturalScrollReturnValue = 0;
0070     enum libinput_config_scroll_method defaultScrollMethod = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_NO_SCROLL;
0071     enum libinput_config_scroll_method scrollMethod = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SCROLL_NO_SCROLL;
0072     int setScrollMethodReturnValue = 0;
0073     quint32 defaultScrollButton = 0;
0074     quint32 scrollButton = 0;
0075     int setScrollButtonReturnValue = 0;
0076     Qt::MouseButtons supportedButtons;
0077     QList<quint32> keys;
0078     bool enabled = true;
0079     int setEnableModeReturnValue = 0;
0080     int setTapToClickReturnValue = 0;
0081     int setTapAndDragReturnValue = 0;
0082     int setTapDragLockReturnValue = 0;
0083     int setMiddleEmulationReturnValue = 0;
0084     quint32 supportedPointerAccelerationProfiles = 0;
0085     enum libinput_config_accel_profile defaultPointerAccelerationProfile = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_ACCEL_PROFILE_NONE;
0086     enum libinput_config_accel_profile pointerAccelerationProfile = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_ACCEL_PROFILE_NONE;
0087     bool setPointerAccelerationProfileReturnValue = 0;
0088     std::array<float, 6> defaultCalibrationMatrix{{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0089                                                    0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}};
0090     std::array<float, 6> calibrationMatrix{{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0091                                             0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}};
0092     bool defaultCalibrationMatrixIsIdentity = true;
0093     bool calibrationMatrixIsIdentity = true;
0095     bool lidSwitch = false;
0096     bool tabletModeSwitch = false;
0097     quint32 supportedClickMethods = 0;
0098     enum libinput_config_click_method defaultClickMethod = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_CLICK_METHOD_NONE;
0099     enum libinput_config_click_method clickMethod = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_CLICK_METHOD_NONE;
0100     bool setClickMethodReturnValue = 0;
0101     uint32_t buttonCount = 0;
0102     uint32_t stripCount = 0;
0103     uint32_t ringCount = 0;
0104 };
0106 struct libinput_event
0107 {
0108     virtual ~libinput_event()
0109     {
0110     }
0111     libinput_device *device = nullptr;
0112     libinput_event_type type = LIBINPUT_EVENT_NONE;
0113     std::chrono::microseconds time = std::chrono::microseconds::zero();
0114 };
0116 struct libinput_event_keyboard : libinput_event
0117 {
0118     libinput_event_keyboard()
0119     {
0120         type = LIBINPUT_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY;
0121     }
0122     libinput_key_state state = LIBINPUT_KEY_STATE_RELEASED;
0123     quint32 key = 0;
0124 };
0126 struct libinput_event_pointer : libinput_event
0127 {
0128     libinput_button_state buttonState = LIBINPUT_BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED;
0129     quint32 button = 0;
0130     bool verticalAxis = false;
0131     bool horizontalAxis = false;
0132     qreal horizontalScrollValue = 0.0;
0133     qreal verticalScrollValue = 0.0;
0134     qreal horizontalScrollValueV120 = 0.0;
0135     qreal verticalScrollValueV120 = 0.0;
0136     QPointF delta;
0137     QPointF absolutePos;
0138 };
0140 struct libinput_event_touch : libinput_event
0141 {
0142     qint32 slot = -1;
0143     QPointF absolutePos;
0144 };
0146 struct libinput_event_gesture : libinput_event
0147 {
0148     int fingerCount = 0;
0149     bool cancelled = false;
0150     QPointF delta = QPointF(0, 0);
0151     qreal scale = 0.0;
0152     qreal angleDelta = 0.0;
0153 };
0155 struct libinput_event_switch : libinput_event
0156 {
0157     enum class State {
0158         Off,
0159         On
0160     };
0161     State state = State::Off;
0162 };
0164 struct libinput
0165 {
0166     int refCount = 1;
0167     QByteArray seat;
0168     int assignSeatRetVal = 0;
0169 };
0171 #endif