Warning, /plasma/kwayland/metainfo.yaml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 maintainer: graesslin
0002 description: Qt-style API to interact with the wayland-client and wayland-server API
0003 tier: 1
0004 type: integration
0005 platforms:
0006     - name: Linux
0007     - name: FreeBSD
0008 portingAid: false
0009 deprecated: false
0010 release: true
0011 libraries:
0012  - qmake: KWaylandClient
0013    cmake: "KF5::WaylandClient"
0014  - qmake: KWaylandServer
0015    cmake: "KF5::WaylandServer"
0016 cmakename: KF5Wayland
0018 public_lib: true
0019 group: Frameworks
0020 subgroup: Tier 1