Warning, /plasma/kdeplasma-addons/applets/timer/package/contents/ui/configTimes.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Ɓukasz Korbel <corebell.it@gmail.com>
0003  *
0004  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 import QtQuick
0008 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 as QQC2
0009 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
0010 import org.kde.kirigami 2.20 as Kirigami
0011 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
0012 import org.kde.kcmutils as KCM
0014 KCM.ScrollViewKCM {
0015     id: timesPage
0016     property var cfg_predefinedTimers: []
0017     readonly property int maxListSize: 15
0019     signal configurationChanged()
0021     Component.onCompleted: {
0022         for (var i of plasmoid.configuration.predefinedTimers) {
0023             timeListModel.append({"time": i})
0024         }
0025     }
0027     ListModel {
0028         id: timeListModel
0029         function addTimer(value) {
0030             timeListModel.append({"time": value})
0031             cfg_predefinedTimers.splice(count, 0, value)
0032             timesPage.configurationChanged()
0033         }
0034         function removeTimer(index) {
0035             remove(index)
0036             cfg_predefinedTimers.splice(index, 1)
0037             timesPage.configurationChanged()
0038         }
0039         function moveTimer(oldIndex, newIndex) {
0040             move(oldIndex, newIndex, 1)
0041             cfg_predefinedTimers[oldIndex] = get(oldIndex).time
0042             cfg_predefinedTimers[newIndex] = get(newIndex).time
0043             timesPage.configurationChanged()
0044         }
0045         function setTimer(index, newValue) {
0046             setProperty(index, "time", newValue)
0047             cfg_predefinedTimers[index] = newValue
0048             timesPage.configurationChanged()
0049         }
0050     }
0052     view: ListView {
0053         id: timeListView
0054         anchors.margins: 4
0055         model: timeListModel
0056         spacing: parent.spacing
0057         clip: true
0058         reuseItems: true
0059         delegate: timeEditDelegate
0060         add: Transition {
0061             NumberAnimation { properties: "y"; duration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration }
0062         }
0063         displaced: Transition {
0064             NumberAnimation { properties: "y"; duration: Kirigami.Units.longDuration }
0065         }
0067         Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage {
0068             visible: timeListView.count === 0
0069             anchors.centerIn: parent
0070             width: parent.width - (Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 4)
0071             text: i18n("If you add predefined timers here, they will appear in plasmoid context menu.");
0072         }
0073     }
0075     footer: RowLayout {
0076         QQC2.Button {
0077             icon.name: "list-add"
0078             text: i18n("Add")
0079             enabled: timeListModel.count < maxListSize
0080             onClicked: {
0081                 timeListModel.addTimer("0")
0082                 timeListView.positionViewAtEnd()
0083             }
0084         }
0085     }
0087     Component {
0088         id: timeEditDelegate
0089         Kirigami.SwipeListItem {
0090             id: timeEditItem
0091             width: timeListView.width
0092             contentItem: Row {
0093                 spacing: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
0094                 Kirigami.ListItemDragHandle {
0095                     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0096                     enabled: !editor.editable
0097                     listItem: timeEditItem
0098                     listView: timeListView
0099                     onMoveRequested: (oldIndex, newIndex) => {
0100                         timeListModel.moveTimer(oldIndex, newIndex)
0101                     }
0102                 }
0103                 TimerEdit {
0104                     id: editor
0105                     alertMode: editable
0106                     value: time
0107                     property int oldValue: 0
0108                     onDigitModified: valueDelta => {
0109                         set(value + valueDelta)
0110                     }
0111                     function set(newValue) {
0112                         timeListModel.setTimer(index, (newValue).toString())
0113                     }
0114                     Component.onCompleted: editable = (value === 0)
0115                 }
0116                 QQC2.Label {
0117                     id: hintText
0118                     visible: editor.editable
0119                     text: i18n("Scroll over digits to change time")
0120                     textFormat: Text.PlainText
0121                     anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
0122                 }
0123             }
0124             actions: [
0125                 Kirigami.Action {
0126                     text: i18n("Apply")
0127                     icon.name: "dialog-ok-apply"
0128                     visible: editor.editable
0129                     onTriggered: {
0130                         editor.editable = false
0131                     }
0132                 },
0133                 Kirigami.Action {
0134                     text: i18n("Cancel")
0135                     icon.name: "dialog-cancel"
0136                     visible: editor.editable
0137                     onTriggered: {
0138                         editor.editable = false
0139                         editor.set(editor.oldValue)
0140                     }
0141                 },
0142                 Kirigami.Action {
0143                     text: i18n("Edit")
0144                     icon.name: "edit-entry"
0145                     visible: editor.editable === false
0146                     onTriggered: {
0147                         editor.oldValue = editor.value
0148                         editor.editable = true
0149                     }
0150                 },
0151                 Kirigami.Action {
0152                     text: i18n("Delete")
0153                     icon.name: "entry-delete"
0154                     visible: editor.editable === false
0155                     onTriggered: {
0156                         timeListModel.removeTimer(index)
0157                     }
0158                 }
0159             ]
0160         }
0161     }
0162 }