Warning, file /plasma/kdeplasma-addons/applets/comic/engine/comicproviderwrapper.h was not indexed or was modified since last indexation (in which case cross-reference links may be missing, inaccurate or erroneous).

0001 /*
0002  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Petri Damstén <damu@iki.fi>
0003  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Matthias Fuchs <mat69@gmx.net>
0004  *
0005  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-only
0006  */
0011 #include "comicprovider.h"
0012 #include "types.h"
0014 #include <QBuffer>
0015 #include <QByteArray>
0016 #include <QImage>
0017 #include <QImageReader>
0018 #include <QJSValue>
0020 namespace KPackage
0021 {
0022 class Package;
0023 }
0024 class ComicProviderKross;
0025 class QJSEngine;
0027 class ImageWrapper : public QObject
0028 {
0029     Q_OBJECT
0030     Q_PROPERTY(QImage image READ image WRITE setImage)
0031     Q_PROPERTY(QByteArray rawData READ rawData WRITE setRawData)
0032 public:
0033     explicit ImageWrapper(QObject *parent = nullptr, const QByteArray &image = QByteArray());
0035     QImage image() const;
0036     /**
0037      * Sets the image, rawData is changed to the new set image
0038      */
0039     void setImage(const QImage &image);
0040     QByteArray rawData() const;
0042     /**
0043      * Sets the rawData, image is changed to the new rawData
0044      */
0045     void setRawData(const QByteArray &rawData);
0047 public Q_SLOTS:
0048     /**
0049      * Returns the numbers of images contained in the image
0050      * 0 if there is just one image, > 0 if the image format supports animation (the number of frames),
0051      * -1 if there was an error
0052      * @since 4600
0053      */
0054     int imageCount() const;
0056     /**
0057      * Returns an image, if it did not work an null image is returned
0058      * For animations returns the next frame upon each call, if there are no frames left returns a null image
0059      * @see imageCount()
0060      * @since 4600
0061      */
0062     QImage read();
0064 private:
0065     void resetImageReader();
0067 private:
0068     QImage mImage;
0069     mutable QByteArray mRawData;
0070     QBuffer mBuffer;
0071     QImageReader mImageReader;
0072 };
0074 class DateWrapper
0075 {
0076     Q_GADGET
0077     Q_PROPERTY(QDate date READ date WRITE setDate)
0078 public:
0079     explicit DateWrapper(const QDate &date = QDate());
0081     QDate date() const;
0082     void setDate(const QDate &date);
0083     static QDate fromVariant(const QVariant &variant);
0085     Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(const QString &format) const;
0086     Q_INVOKABLE QString toString(int format = 0) const;
0088 public Q_SLOTS:
0089     DateWrapper addDays(int ndays);
0090     DateWrapper addMonths(int nmonths);
0091     DateWrapper addYears(int nyears);
0092     int day() const;
0093     int dayOfWeek() const;
0094     int dayOfYear() const;
0095     int daysInMonth() const;
0096     int daysInYear() const;
0097     int daysTo(const QVariant d) const;
0098     bool isNull() const;
0099     bool isValid() const;
0100     int month() const;
0101     bool setDate(int year, int month, int day);
0102     int toJulianDay() const;
0103     int weekNumber() const;
0104     int year() const;
0106 private:
0107     QDate mDate;
0108 };
0110 class StaticDateWrapper : public QObject
0111 {
0112     Q_OBJECT
0113 public:
0114     explicit StaticDateWrapper(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0116 public Q_SLOTS:
0117     DateWrapper currentDate();
0118     DateWrapper fromJulianDay(int jd);
0119     DateWrapper fromString(const QString &string, int format = Qt::TextDate);
0120     DateWrapper fromString(const QString &string, const QString &format);
0121     bool isLeapYear(int year);
0122     bool isValid(int year, int month, int day);
0123     QString longDayName(int weekday);
0124     QString longMonthName(int month);
0125     QString shortDayName(int weekday);
0126     QString shortMonthName(int month);
0127 };
0129 class ComicProviderWrapper : public QObject
0130 {
0131     Q_OBJECT
0132     Q_PROPERTY(bool identifierSpecified READ identifierSpecified)
0133     Q_PROPERTY(QString textCodec READ textCodec WRITE setTextCodec)
0134     Q_PROPERTY(QString comicAuthor READ comicAuthor WRITE setComicAuthor)
0135     Q_PROPERTY(QString websiteUrl READ websiteUrl WRITE setWebsiteUrl)
0136     Q_PROPERTY(QString shopUrl READ shopUrl WRITE setShopUrl)
0137     Q_PROPERTY(QString title READ title WRITE setTitle)
0138     Q_PROPERTY(QString additionalText READ additionalText WRITE setAdditionalText)
0139     Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue identifier READ identifier WRITE setIdentifier)
0140     Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue nextIdentifier READ nextIdentifier WRITE setNextIdentifier)
0141     Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue previousIdentifier READ previousIdentifier WRITE setPreviousIdentifier)
0142     Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue firstIdentifier READ firstIdentifier WRITE setFirstIdentifier)
0143     Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue lastIdentifier READ lastIdentifier WRITE setLastIdentifier)
0144     Q_PROPERTY(bool isLeftToRight READ isLeftToRight WRITE setLeftToRight)
0145     Q_PROPERTY(bool isTopToBottom READ isTopToBottom WRITE setTopToBottom)
0146     Q_PROPERTY(int apiVersion READ apiVersion)
0147 public:
0148     enum PositionType {
0149         Left = 0,
0150         Top,
0151         Right,
0152         Bottom,
0153     };
0154     Q_ENUM(PositionType)
0156     enum RedirectedUrlType {
0157         PreviousUrl = 0,
0158         CurrentUrl = 1,
0159         NextUrl = 2,
0160         FirstUrl = 3,
0161         LastUrl = 4,
0162         UserUrl = 10,
0163     };
0164     Q_ENUM(RedirectedUrlType)
0166     explicit ComicProviderWrapper(ComicProviderKross *parent);
0167     ~ComicProviderWrapper() override;
0169     int apiVersion() const
0170     {
0171         return 4600;
0172     }
0174     Q_INVOKABLE void print(const QJSValue &str)
0175     {
0176         qWarning() << str.toString();
0177     }
0179     IdentifierType identifierType() const;
0180     QImage comicImage();
0181     void pageRetrieved(int id, const QByteArray &data);
0182     void pageError(int id, const QString &message);
0183     void redirected(int id, const QUrl &newUrl);
0185     bool identifierSpecified() const;
0186     QString textCodec() const;
0187     void setTextCodec(const QString &textCodec);
0188     QString comicAuthor() const;
0189     void setComicAuthor(const QString &author);
0190     QString websiteUrl() const;
0191     void setWebsiteUrl(const QString &websiteUrl);
0192     QString shopUrl() const;
0193     void setShopUrl(const QString &shopUrl);
0194     QString title() const;
0195     void setTitle(const QString &title);
0196     QString additionalText() const;
0197     void setAdditionalText(const QString &additionalText);
0198     QJSValue identifier();
0199     void setIdentifier(const QJSValue &identifier);
0200     QJSValue nextIdentifier();
0201     void setNextIdentifier(const QJSValue &nextIdentifier);
0202     QJSValue previousIdentifier();
0203     void setPreviousIdentifier(const QJSValue &previousIdentifier);
0204     QJSValue firstIdentifier();
0205     void setFirstIdentifier(const QJSValue &firstIdentifier);
0206     QJSValue lastIdentifier();
0207     void setLastIdentifier(const QJSValue &lastIdentifier);
0208     bool isLeftToRight() const;
0209     void setLeftToRight(bool ltr);
0210     bool isTopToBottom() const;
0211     void setTopToBottom(bool ttb);
0213     QVariant identifierVariant() const;
0214     QVariant firstIdentifierVariant() const;
0215     QVariant lastIdentifierVariant() const;
0216     QVariant nextIdentifierVariant() const;
0217     QVariant previousIdentifierVariant() const;
0219 public Q_SLOTS:
0220     void finished() const;
0221     void error() const;
0223     void requestPage(const QString &url, int id, const QVariantMap &infos = QVariantMap());
0224     void requestRedirectedUrl(const QString &url, int id, const QVariantMap &infos = QVariantMap());
0225     void combine(const QVariant &image, PositionType position = Top);
0226     QObject *image();
0228     void init();
0230 protected:
0231     QVariant callFunction(const QString &name, const QJSValueList &args = {});
0232     bool functionCalled() const;
0233     QJSValue identifierToScript(const QVariant &identifier);
0234     QVariant identifierFromScript(const QJSValue &identifier) const;
0235     void setIdentifierToDefault();
0236     void checkIdentifier(QVariant *identifier);
0238 private:
0239     QJSEngine *m_engine = nullptr;
0240     ComicProviderKross *mProvider;
0241     QStringList mFunctions;
0242     bool mFuncFound;
0243     ImageWrapper *mKrossImage;
0244     static QStringList mExtensions;
0245     KPackage::Package *mPackage;
0247     QByteArray mTextCodec;
0248     QString mWebsiteUrl;
0249     QString mShopUrl;
0250     QString mTitle;
0251     QString mAdditionalText;
0252     QVariant mIdentifier;
0253     QVariant mNextIdentifier;
0254     QVariant mPreviousIdentifier;
0255     QVariant mFirstIdentifier;
0256     QVariant mLastIdentifier;
0257     int mRequests;
0258     bool mIdentifierSpecified;
0259     bool mIsLeftToRight;
0260     bool mIsTopToBottom;
0261 };
0263 #endif