Warning, /plasma/kactivitymanagerd/src/service/plugins/krunner/org.kde.krunner1.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd">
0002 <node>
0003   <interface name="org.kde.krunner1">
0004     <!--
0005         This method can be used to set runner config at runtime. In case the service wildcard is used
0006         the config is only for one service requested.
0007         It gets only called when the X-Plasma-Api value is set to DBus2
0009         Possible values for the response map are:
0010         MatchRegex (String)
0011         MinLetterCount (int)
0012         TriggerWords (StringList)
0013         Actions (RemoteActions), see X-Plasma-Request-Actions-Once property docs
0015         See API documentation of the AbstractRunner class for details about these values.
0016     -->
0017     <method name="Config">
0018       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="QVariantMap" />
0019       <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="out">
0020       </arg>
0021     </method>
0023     <!--
0024         Returns a list of actions supported by this runner.
0025         For example, a song match returned by a music player runner can be queued, added to the playlist, or played.
0026         This should be constant
0027       Structure is:
0028          - ID
0029          - Text
0030          - IconName
0031     -->
0032     <method name="Actions">
0033       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="RemoteActions" />
0034       <arg name="matches" type="a(sss)" direction="out">
0035       </arg>
0036     </method>
0038     <!--
0039         Execute an action
0040     -->
0041     <method name="Run">
0042         <!--
0043         The Unique ID from Match.
0044         -->
0045       <arg name="matchId" type="s" direction="in"/>
0046         <!--
0047         The action ID to run. For the default action this will be empty.
0048         -->
0049       <arg name="actionId" type="s" direction="in"/>
0050     </method>
0051     <!--
0052         Fetch matching results for a given query.
0054         Note: Multiple Match calls may be made with new queries before a call has returned
0055         has returned.
0056     -->
0057     <method name="Match">
0058       <arg name="query" type="s" direction="in"/>
0059       <!--
0060         Return a list of items that match the
0061         Structure is:
0062          - Id
0063          - Text
0064          - IconName
0065          - Type (see PlasmaQuery::Type)
0066          - Relevance
0067          - Properties (VariantMap)
0068             - Urls (StringList)
0069             - Category
0070             - Subtext
0071             - Action Ids (StringList). In case you don't want to display any actions set this to an empty list.
0072               Otherwise all the actions will be shown for compatibility with the previous versions of the D-Bus API.
0073               When the actions only need to be fetched once you can set the X-Plasma-Request-Actions-Once property of
0074               the service file to true.
0075             - icon-data (iiibiiay). Custom icon pixmap. Icon name should be preferred, if available.
0076               Format is the same as org.freedesktop.Notifications icon-data, in order: width, height, row stride,
0077               has alpha, bits per sample, number of channels, pixmap data.
0078       -->
0079       <annotation name="org.qtproject.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0" value="RemoteMatches"/>
0080       <arg name="matches" type="a(sssida{sv})" direction="out"/>
0081     </method>
0082   </interface>
0083 </node>