Warning, /plasma/drkonqi/src/qml/LoginPage.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
0002 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Harald Sitter <sitter@kde.org>
0004 import QtQuick 2.15
0005 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
0006 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 as QQC2
0007 import org.kde.kirigami 2.12 as Kirigami
0008 import org.kde.syntaxhighlighting 1.0
0010 import org.kde.drkonqi 1.0
0012 Kirigami.ScrollablePage {
0013     id: page
0014     title: i18nc("@title", "Login into the bug tracking system")
0016     property bool loggedIn: false
0018     onLoggedInChanged: {
0019         console.log("logged in changed")
0020         if (loggedIn) {
0021             pageStack.push('qrc:/ui/ReportPage.qml')
0022         }
0023     }
0025     Connections {
0026         target: bugzilla
0027         function onLoginFinished(loggedIn) {
0028             console.log("logged in " + loggedIn)
0029             page.loggedIn = loggedIn
0030             if (rememberBox.checked) {
0031                 credentialStore.email = emailField.text
0032                 credentialStore.password = passwordField.text
0033                 credentialStore.store()
0034             } else {
0035                 credentialStore.drop()
0036             }
0037         }
0038         function onLoginError(error) {
0039             console.log("error " + error)
0040             inlineMessage.text = error
0041             page.enabled = true
0042         }
0043         enabled: !page.loggedIn
0044     }
0046     ColumnLayout {
0047         CredentialStore {
0048             id: credentialStore
0049             onEmailChanged: emailField.text = email
0050             onPasswordChanged: passwordField.text = password
0051             window: root
0052             Component.onCompleted: load()
0053         }
0055        Kirigami.InlineMessage {
0056             id: inlineMessage
0057             Layout.fillWidth: true
0058             type: Kirigami.MessageType.Error
0059             visible: text !== ""
0060         }
0062         QQC2.Label {
0063             Layout.fillWidth: true
0064             wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0065             text: i18nc("@info:status '1' is replaced with the short URL of the bugzilla ",
0066                         "You need to login with your %1 account in order to proceed.", Globals.bugzillaShortUrl);
0067         }
0068         Kirigami.FormLayout {
0069             QQC2.TextField {
0070                 id: emailField
0071                 Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:textbox bugzilla account email", "E-mail Address:")
0072                 Accessible.name: Kirigami.FormData.label
0073                 onAccepted: loginAction.trigger()
0074             }
0075             Kirigami.PasswordField {
0076                 id: passwordField
0077                 Kirigami.FormData.label: i18nc("@label:textbox bugzilla account password", "Password:")
0078                 Accessible.description: Kirigami.FormData.label
0079                 onAccepted: loginAction.trigger()
0080             }
0081             QQC2.CheckBox {
0082                 id: rememberBox
0083                 checked: true
0084                 text: i18nc("@option:check", "Save login information using the KDE Wallet system")
0085             }
0086         }
0087         QQC2.Label {
0088             Layout.fillWidth: true
0089             wrapMode: Text.Wrap
0090             text: xi18nc("@info/rich",
0091 `<note>You need a user account on the <link url='%1'>KDE bug tracking system</link> in order to file a bug report, because we may need to contact you later
0092 for requesting further information. If you do not have one, you can freely <link url='%2'>create one here</link>. Please do not use disposable email accounts.</note>`,
0093                                     CrashedApplication.bugReportAddress,
0094                                     Globals.bugzillaCreateAccountUrl)
0095             onLinkActivated: link => Qt.openUrlExternally(link)
0096         }
0097     }
0099     footer: FooterActionBar {
0100         actions: [
0101             Kirigami.Action {
0102                 id: loginAction
0103                 enabled: emailField.text.length > 0 && passwordField.text.length > 0
0104                 icon.name: "network-connect"
0105                 text: i18nc("@action:button", "Login")
0106                 tooltip: xi18nc("@info:tooltip", "Use this button to login to the KDE bug tracking system using the provided e-mail address and password.")
0107                 onTriggered: {
0108                     bugzilla.tryLogin(emailField.text, passwordField.text)
0109                     page.enabled = false
0110                 }
0111                 Component.onCompleted: { // auto-login if possible
0112                     if (emailField.text !== "" && passwordField.text !== "") {
0113                         trigger()
0114                     }
0115                 }
0116             }
0117         ]
0118     }
0120     Component.onCompleted: emailField.forceActiveFocus()
0121 }