File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 13:30:53

0001 #!/bin/sh
0002 #
0003 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 George Kiagiadakis <>
0004 #
0005 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0008 # This function runs a command in a terminal
0009 # The first argument ($1) must be the full command to run.
0010 # It returns 0 if the command finished or 1 if the user closed
0011 # the terminal without waiting for the command to finish.
0012 # The return value of the command is saved in the $exit_status variable.
0013 run_in_terminal()
0014 {
0015     local fifo=/tmp/drkonqi-fifo-$$
0016     mkfifo $fifo
0018     # start terminal
0019     x-terminal-emulator -e sh -c "echo \$\$ > $fifo; $1; exit_status=\$?; sleep 1; rm $fifo; echo \$exit_status > $fifo" &
0021     # wait for it to finish
0022     local pid=`cat $fifo`
0023     while [ "$?" = "0" ]; do
0024         sleep 1
0025         kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null
0026     done
0028     # check if terminal has finished succesfully and return the command's exit status
0029     local canceled=0
0030     if [ -p $fifo ]; then
0031         # terminal was closed before finishing execution
0032         canceled=1
0033     else
0034         exit_status=`cat $fifo`
0035         #echo "\"$1\" returned: $exit_status"
0036     fi
0037     rm $fifo
0038     return $canceled
0039 }
0041 # check for availability of kdialog
0042 which kdialog >/dev/null
0043 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
0044     xmessage -center "Could not find kdialog (part of kdebase). Please install kdialog and try again."
0045     exit 1
0046 fi
0048 # check misc script dependencies
0049 check_dep()
0050 {
0051     which $1 >/dev/null
0052     if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
0053         kdialog --sorry "$1 was not found on your system. Please install $1 and try again."
0054         exit 1
0055     fi
0056 }
0058 check_dep apt-file
0059 check_dep qdbus
0061 # update apt-file database
0062 run_in_terminal "apt-file update"
0064 if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
0065     exit 3
0066 elif [ "$exit_status" != "0" ]; then
0067     kdialog --sorry "apt-file failed to update package lists."
0068     exit 1
0069 fi
0071 # start searching for packages
0072 packages=""
0073 progress_counter=0
0074 dbus_handle=`kdialog --progressbar "Searching for packages that contain the requested debug symbols..." $#`
0076 while [ "$1" != "" ];
0077 do
0078     # dereference symlinks
0079     cur_file=$1
0080     while [ -L "$cur_file" ]; do
0081         cur_file="`dirname $cur_file`/`ls -l $cur_file | cut -d ' ' -f 10`"
0082     done
0084     # look for the package
0085     expr match "$cur_file" ".*libQt.*" >/dev/null
0086     if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
0087         # HACK for Qt, which doesn't install debug symbols in /usr/lib/debug like everybody else
0088         package="libqt4-dbg"
0089     else
0090         package=`apt-file search --non-interactive --package-only --fixed-string "/usr/lib/debug$cur_file"`
0091     fi
0092     packages="$packages $package"
0094     # update progress dialog
0095     progress_counter=$(($progress_counter+1))
0096     qdbus $dbus_handle Set org.kde.kdialog.ProgressDialog value $progress_counter
0098     # check if dialog was closed
0099     if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
0100         exit 3
0101     fi
0103     shift
0104 done
0106 # filter out duplicates
0107 packages=`echo "$packages" | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq | tr "\n" " "`
0109 # close the progress dialog
0110 qdbus $dbus_handle close
0112 # if there are no packages to install, exit
0113 trimmed_packages=`echo $packages | tr -d "[:blank:]"`
0114 if [ -z "$trimmed_packages" ]; then
0115     exit 2 # note that we don't need to display an error message here. drkonqi will do it for us.
0116 fi
0118 kdialog --yesno "You need to install the following packages: $packages
0119 Would you like drkonqi to attempt to install them now?"
0121 if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
0122     # determine package manager
0123     package_manager=aptitude
0124     which $package_manager >/dev/null
0125     if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
0126         package_manager=apt-get
0127     fi
0129     run_in_terminal "su-to-root -c '$package_manager install $packages'"
0131     if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then
0132         exit 3
0133     elif [ "$exit_status" = "0" ]; then
0134         exit 0
0135     else
0136         exit 1
0137     fi
0138 else
0139     exit 3
0140 fi