Warning, /plasma/discover/discover/qml/ReviewDialog.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 import QtQuick
0002 import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
0003 import QtQuick.Layouts
0004 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0005 import org.kde.discover as Discover
0007 Kirigami.PromptDialog {
0008     id: reviewDialog
0010     required property Discover.AbstractResource application
0011     required property Discover.AbstractReviewsBackend backend
0013     readonly property alias rating: ratingInput.value
0014     readonly property alias name: nameInput.text
0015     readonly property alias summary: titleInput.text
0016     readonly property alias review: reviewInput.text
0018     preferredWidth: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 30
0020     title: i18n("Reviewing %1", application.name)
0022     standardButtons: Kirigami.Dialog.NoButton
0024     customFooterActions: [
0025         Kirigami.Action {
0026             id: submitAction
0027             text: i18n("Submit review")
0028             icon.name: "document-send"
0029             enabled: !instructionalLabel.visible
0030             onTriggered: reviewDialog.accept();
0031         }
0032     ]
0034     ColumnLayout {
0035         Kirigami.FormLayout {
0036             Layout.fillWidth: true
0038             Rating {
0039                 id: ratingInput
0040                 Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Rating:")
0041                 readOnly: false
0042             }
0043             QQC2.TextField {
0044                 id: nameInput
0045                 Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Name:")
0046                 visible: page.reviewsBackend !== null && reviewDialog.backend.preferredUserName.length > 0
0047                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0048                 readOnly: !reviewDialog.backend.supportsNameChange
0049                 text: visible ? reviewDialog.backend.preferredUserName : ""
0050             }
0051             QQC2.TextField {
0052                 id: titleInput
0053                 Kirigami.FormData.label: i18n("Title:")
0054                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0055                 validator: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /.{3,70}/ }
0056             }
0057         }
0059         QQC2.TextArea {
0060             id: reviewInput
0061             readonly property bool acceptableInput: length > 15 && length < 3000
0062             Layout.fillWidth: true
0063             Layout.minimumHeight: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit * 8
0064             KeyNavigation.priority: KeyNavigation.BeforeItem
0065             wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap
0066         }
0068         QQC2.Label {
0069             id: instructionalLabel
0070             Layout.fillWidth: true
0071             text: {
0072                 if (rating < 2) {
0073                     return i18n("Enter a rating");
0074                 }
0075                 if (!titleInput.acceptableInput) {
0076                     return i18n("Write the title");
0077                 }
0078                 if (reviewInput.length === 0) {
0079                     return i18n("Write the review");
0080                 }
0081                 if (reviewInput.length < 15) {
0082                     return i18n("Keep writing…");
0083                 }
0084                 if (reviewInput.length > 3000) {
0085                     return i18n("Too long!");
0086                 }
0087                 if (nameInput.visible && nameInput.length < 1) {
0088                     return i18nc("@info:usagetip", "Insert a name");
0089                 }
0090                 return "";
0091             }
0092             wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
0093             opacity: 0.6
0094             visible: text.length > 0
0095         }
0096     }
0098     onOpened: {
0099         ratingInput.forceActiveFocus(Qt.PopupFocusReason);
0100     }
0102     Component.onCompleted: {
0103         const submitButton = customFooterButton(submitAction);
0104         if (submitButton) {
0105             reviewInput.KeyNavigation.tab = submitButton;
0106             submitButton.KeyNavigation.tab = ratingInput;
0107         }
0108     }
0109 }