Warning, /plasma/discover/discover/qml/ApplicationDelegate.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Aleix Pol Gonzalez <aleixpol@blue-systems.com>
0003  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2021 Nate Graham <nate@kde.org>
0004  *   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 ivan tkachenko <me@ratijas.tk>
0005  *
0006  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0007  */
0009 import QtQuick
0010 import QtQuick.Controls as QQC2
0011 import QtQuick.Layouts
0012 import org.kde.discover as Discover
0013 import org.kde.kirigami as Kirigami
0015 BasicAbstractCard {
0016     id: root
0018     required property int index
0019     required property Discover.AbstractResource application
0021     property bool compact: false
0022     property bool showRating: true
0023     property bool showSize: false
0025     readonly property bool appIsFromNonDefaultBackend: Discover.ResourcesModel.currentApplicationBackend !== application.backend && application.backend.hasApplications
0026     showClickFeedback: true
0028     function trigger() {
0029         ListView.currentIndex = index
0030         Navigation.openApplication(application)
0031     }
0032     padding: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing * 2
0033     highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem
0035     Keys.onReturnPressed: trigger()
0036     onClicked: trigger()
0038     content: Item {
0039         implicitHeight: Math.max(columnLayout.implicitHeight, resourceIconFrame.implicitHeight)
0041         Kirigami.Padding {
0042             id: resourceIconFrame
0043             anchors {
0044                 top: parent.top
0045                 left: parent.left
0046                 bottom: parent.bottom
0047             }
0048             padding: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0049             contentItem: Kirigami.Icon {
0050                 source: root.application.icon
0051                 animated: false
0053                 implicitHeight: root.compact ? Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.large : Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.huge
0054                 implicitWidth: implicitHeight
0055             }
0056         }
0058         // Container for everything but the app icon
0059         ColumnLayout {
0060             id: columnLayout
0062             anchors {
0063                 top: parent.top
0064                 right: parent.right
0065                 bottom: parent.bottom
0066                 left: resourceIconFrame.right
0067                 leftMargin: Kirigami.Units.gridUnit
0068             }
0069             spacing: 0
0071             // Container for app name and backend name labels
0072             RowLayout {
0073                 spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0075                 // App name label
0076                 Kirigami.Heading {
0077                     id: head
0078                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0079                     // We want the heading visually top-aligned with the top margin, the icon background and that in general
0080                     // it's root.padding away from the border. We can't just align the label to the top for it because internally
0081                     // everything is aligned respecting the text boundingRect, which includes blank space on the top as a "line" height, called "leading". Instead we need to base ourselves on tightBoundingRect which is a rect only around the
0082                     // painted area of the label, not including the leading
0083                     topPadding: headMetrics.boundingRect.y - headMetrics.tightBoundingRect.y
0084                     level: root.compact ? 2 : 1
0085                     type: Kirigami.Heading.Type.Primary
0086                     text: root.application.name
0087                     elide: Text.ElideRight
0088                     maximumLineCount: 1
0089                     TextMetrics {
0090                         id: headMetrics
0091                         font: head.font
0092                         text: head.text
0093                     }
0094                 }
0096                 // Backend name label (shown if app is from a non-default backend and
0097                 // we're not using the compact view, where there's no space for it)
0098                 RowLayout {
0099                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
0100                     visible: root.appIsFromNonDefaultBackend && !root.compact
0101                     spacing: Kirigami.Units.smallSpacing
0103                     Kirigami.Icon {
0104                         source: root.application.sourceIcon
0105                         implicitWidth: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.smallMedium
0106                         implicitHeight: Kirigami.Units.iconSizes.smallMedium
0107                     }
0108                     QQC2.Label {
0109                         text: root.application.backend.displayName
0110                         font: Kirigami.Theme.smallFont
0111                     }
0112                 }
0113             }
0115             // Description/"Comment" label
0116             QQC2.Label {
0117                 id: description
0118                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0119                 Layout.preferredHeight: descriptionMetrics.height
0120                 text: root.application.comment
0121                 elide: Text.ElideRight
0122                 maximumLineCount: 1
0123                 textFormat: Text.PlainText
0125                 // reserve space for description even if none is available
0126                 TextMetrics {
0127                     id: descriptionMetrics
0128                     font: description.font
0129                     text: "Sample text"
0130                 }
0131             }
0132             // Container for rating, size, and install button
0133             RowLayout {
0134                 Layout.fillWidth: true
0135                 spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0137                 // Combined condition of both children items
0138                 visible: root.showRating || (!root.compact && root.showSize) || !root.compact
0140                 // Container for rating and size labels
0141                 ColumnLayout {
0142                     Layout.fillWidth: true
0143                     // Include height of sizeInfo for full-sized view even when
0144                     // the actual sizeInfo layout isn't visible. This tightens up
0145                     // the layout and prevents the install button from appearing
0146                     // at a different position based on whether or not the
0147                     // sizeInfo text is visible, because the base layout is
0148                     // vertically centered rather than filling a distinct space.
0149                     Layout.preferredHeight: root.compact ? -1 : rating.implicitHeight + sizeInfo.implicitHeight
0150                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
0151                     spacing: 0
0153                     // Combined condition of both children items
0154                     visible: root.showRating || (!root.compact && root.showSize)
0156                     // Rating stars + label
0157                     RowLayout {
0158                         id: rating
0159                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0160                         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
0161                         visible: root.showRating
0162                         opacity: 0.6
0163                         spacing: Kirigami.Units.largeSpacing
0165                         Rating {
0166                             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
0167                             value: root.application.rating ? root.application.rating.sortableRating : 0
0168                             starSize: root.compact ? description.font.pointSize : head.font.pointSize
0169                             precision: Rating.Precision.HalfStar
0170                             padding: 0
0171                         }
0172                         QQC2.Label {
0173                             Layout.fillWidth: true
0174                             Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
0175                             topPadding: (ratingLabelMetrics.boundingRect.y - ratingLabelMetrics.tightBoundingRect.y)/2
0176                             visible: root.application.rating || (root.application.backend.reviewsBackend && root.application.backend.reviewsBackend.isResourceSupported(root.application))
0177                             text: root.application.rating ? i18np("%1 rating", "%1 ratings", root.application.rating.ratingCount) : i18n("No ratings yet")
0178                             font: Kirigami.Theme.smallFont
0179                             elide: Text.ElideRight
0180                             TextMetrics {
0181                                 id: ratingLabelMetrics
0182                                 font: head.font
0183                                 text: head.text
0184                             }
0185                         }
0186                     }
0188                     // Size label
0189                     QQC2.Label {
0190                         id: sizeInfo
0191                         Layout.fillWidth: true
0192                         Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
0193                         visible: !root.compact && root.showSize
0194                         text: visible ? root.application.sizeDescription : ""
0195                         horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
0196                         opacity: 0.6;
0197                         font: Kirigami.Theme.smallFont
0198                         elide: Text.ElideRight
0199                         maximumLineCount: 1
0200                     }
0201                 }
0203                 // Install button
0204                 InstallApplicationButton {
0205                     id: installButton
0206                     Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom | Qt.AlignRight
0207                     visible: !root.compact
0208                     application: root.application
0209                 }
0210             }
0211         }
0212     }
0214     Accessible.name: head.text
0215     Accessible.onPressAction: trigger()
0216 }