Warning, /plasma/breeze-gtk/src/gtk3/widgets/_tooltips.scss is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 @charset "UTF-8";
0003 /************
0004  * Tooltips *
0005  ************/
0007 tooltip {
0008         &.background {
0009                 // background-color needs to be set this way otherwise it gets drawn twice
0010                 // see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=736155 for details.
0011                 background-color: gtk("@tooltip_background");
0012                 background-clip: padding-box;
0013         }
0015         color: gtk("@tooltip_text");
0016         padding: 4px; /* not working */
0017         border-radius: $r;
0018         box-shadow: none; // otherwise it gets inherited by windowframe.csd
0019         text-shadow: none;
0020         border: 1px solid gtk("@tooltip_border");
0021         &.window-frame.csd {
0022                 background-color: transparent;
0023                 box-shadow: none;
0024         }
0025         decoration {
0026                 background-color: transparent;
0027         }
0028 }
0030 tooltip * {
0031         //Yeah this is ugly
0032         padding: 0px;
0033         background-color: transparent;
0034         color: gtk("@tooltip_text"); // just to be sure
0035 }