Warning, /plasma-mobile/spacebar/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 <!--
0002 - SPDX-FileCopyrightText: None
0003 - SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
0004 -->
0006 # Spacebar <img src="logo.png" width="40"/>
0007 Spacebar is a SMS/MMS messaging client. It allows you to send text messages, pictures and other files over a cellular network.
0009 ## Get it
0010 A stable release [is available](https://apps.kde.org/spacebar) for download for Linux distributions.
0012 ## Links
0013 * Project page: https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/spacebar
0014 * File issues: https://bugs.kde.org/describecomponents.cgi?product=spacebar
0015 * Development channel: https://matrix.to/#/#plasmamobile:matrix.org
0017 ## Building and Installing
0018 ```sh
0019 git clone https://invent.kde.org/plasma-mobile/spacebar.git
0020 cd spacebar
0021 cmake -B build && cmake --build build
0022 sudo cmake --install build
0023 ```
0025 ## Dependencies
0026 ```
0027 Qt5Qml
0028 Qt5Quick
0029 Qt5QuickControls2
0030 Qt5Sql
0031 Gettext
0032 PkgConfig
0033 PhoneNumber
0034 Qt5Core
0035 QCoro5
0036 CURL
0037 c-ares
0039 (Required version >= 5.88.0)
0040 ECM
0041 KF5Kirigami2
0042 KF5I18n
0043 KF5People
0044 KF5Notifications
0045 KF5Config
0046 KF5CoreAddons
0047 KF5DBusAddons
0048 KF5ModemManagerQt
0049 KF5
0051 (Required version >= 5.15.2)
0052 Qt5QmlModels
0053 Qt5Gui
0054 Qt5Widgets
0055 Qt5Xml
0057 (Required version >= 5.15.0)
0058 Qt5
0059 ```
0061 ## Components
0062 Spacebar is split into two components: **spacebar** (front-end), and **spacebar-daemon** (backend-daemon).
0064 ### spacebar-daemon
0065 The background daemon, which is configured to autostart, has the following responsibilities:
0066 * Handles the sending and receiving of messages.
0067 * Saves messages to the database.
0068 * Creates notifications when a new message arrives.
0070 `spacebar-daemon` exposes its API in D-Bus under the service name `org.kde.spacebar.Daemon`. Front-end applications like `spacebar` depend on it for messaging functionality. It manages incoming messages and notifications in the background without needing a front-end app running.
0072 ### spacebar
0073 A front-end app for spacebar-daemon written in Kirigami.
0075 Run with these environment variables to have mobile controls:
0076 ```
0077 QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_MOBILE=true spacebar
0078 ```