File indexing completed on 2025-02-16 11:18:35

0001 /*  -*- mode: C++ -*-
0002     This file is part of Akonadi.
0003     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005 Andreas Gungl <>
0004     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company <>
0005     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Leo Franchi <>
0007     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0009 #pragma once
0011 #include <QDebug>
0012 #include <QSet>
0014 class QString;
0016 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0017 /**
0018   @short Akonadi KMime Message Status.
0019   @author Andreas Gungl <>
0021   The class encapsulates the handling of the different flags
0022   which describe the status of a message.
0023   The flags themselves are not intended to be used outside this class.
0025   In the status pairs Watched/Ignored and Spam/Ham, there both
0026   values can't be set at the same time, however they can
0027   be unset at the same time.
0029   Note that this class does not sync with the Akonadi storage. It is
0030   used as an in-memory helper when manipulating Akonadi items.
0032   @since 4.6.
0033 */
0034 class MessageStatus
0035 {
0036     Q_GADGET
0037     Q_PROPERTY(bool isOfUnknownStatus READ isOfUnknownStatus)
0038     Q_PROPERTY(bool isRead READ isRead WRITE setRead)
0039     Q_PROPERTY(bool isDeleted READ isDeleted WRITE setDeleted)
0040     Q_PROPERTY(bool isReplied READ isReplied WRITE setReplied)
0041     Q_PROPERTY(bool isForwarded READ isForwarded WRITE setForwarded)
0042     Q_PROPERTY(bool isQueued READ isQueued WRITE setQueued)
0043     Q_PROPERTY(bool isSent READ isSent WRITE setSent)
0044     Q_PROPERTY(bool isImportant READ isImportant WRITE setImportant)
0045     Q_PROPERTY(bool isWatched READ isWatched WRITE setWatched)
0046     Q_PROPERTY(bool isIgnored READ isIgnored WRITE setIgnored)
0047     Q_PROPERTY(bool isSpam READ isSpam WRITE setSpam)
0048     Q_PROPERTY(bool isHam READ isHam WRITE setHam)
0049     Q_PROPERTY(bool isToAct READ isToAct WRITE setToAct)
0050     Q_PROPERTY(bool hasAttachment READ hasAttachment WRITE setHasAttachment)
0051     Q_PROPERTY(bool hasInvitation READ hasInvitation WRITE setHasInvitation)
0052     Q_PROPERTY(bool isEncrypted READ isEncrypted WRITE setEncrypted)
0053     Q_PROPERTY(bool isSigned READ isSigned WRITE setSigned)
0054     Q_PROPERTY(bool hasError READ hasError WRITE setHasError)
0056 public:
0057     /** Constructor - sets status initially to unknown. */
0058     MessageStatus();
0060     /** Compare the status with that from another instance.
0061         @return true if the stati are equal, false if different.
0062         @param other message status to compare with current object
0063     */
0064     bool operator==(MessageStatus other) const;
0066     /** Compare the status with that from another instance.
0067         @return true if the stati are equal, false if different.
0068         @param other message status to compare with current object
0069     */
0070     bool operator!=(MessageStatus other) const;
0072     /** Check, if some of the flags in the status match
0073         with those flags from another instance.
0074         @return true if at least one flag is set in both stati.
0075         @param other message status to compare objects' flags
0076     */
0077     bool operator&(MessageStatus other) const;
0079     /** Clear all status flags, this resets to unknown. */
0080     void clear();
0082     /** Set / add stati described by another MessageStatus object.
0083         This can be used to merge in multiple stati at once without
0084         using the single setter methods.
0085         However, internally the setters are used anyway to ensure the
0086         integrity of the resulting status.
0087         @param other message status to set
0088     */
0089     void set(MessageStatus other);
0091     /** Toggle one or more stati described by another MessageStatus object.
0092         Internally the setters are used to ensure the integrity of the
0093         resulting status.
0094         @param other message status to toggle
0095     */
0096     void toggle(MessageStatus other);
0098     /* ----- getters ----------------------------------------------------- */
0100     /** Check for Unknown status.
0101         @return true if status is unknown.
0102     */
0103     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isOfUnknownStatus() const;
0105     /** Check for Read status. Note that ignored messages are read.
0106         @return true if status is read.
0107     */
0108     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isRead() const;
0110     /** Check for Deleted status.
0111         @return true if status is deleted.
0112     */
0113     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isDeleted() const;
0115     /** Check for Replied status.
0116         @return true if status is replied.
0117     */
0118     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isReplied() const;
0120     /** Check for Forwarded status.
0121         @return true if status is forwarded.
0122     */
0123     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isForwarded() const;
0125     /** Check for Queued status.
0126         @return true if status is queued.
0127     */
0128     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isQueued() const;
0130     /** Check for Sent status.
0131         @return true if status is sent.
0132     */
0133     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isSent() const;
0135     /** Check for Important status.
0136         @return true if status is important.
0137     */
0138     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isImportant() const;
0140     /** Check for Watched status.
0141         @return true if status is watched.
0142     */
0143     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isWatched() const;
0145     /** Check for Ignored status.
0146         @return true if status is ignored.
0147     */
0148     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isIgnored() const;
0150     /** Check for ToAct status.
0151         @return true if status is action item.
0152     */
0153     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isToAct() const;
0155     /** Check for Spam status.
0156         @return true if status is spam.
0157     */
0158     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isSpam() const;
0160     /** Check for Ham status.
0161         @return true if status is not spam.
0162     */
0163     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isHam() const;
0165     /** Check for Attachment status.
0166         @return true if status indicates an attachment.
0167     */
0168     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool hasAttachment() const;
0170     /** Check for Invitation status.
0171         @return true if status indicates an invitation.
0172     */
0173     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool hasInvitation() const;
0175     /** Check for Signed status.
0176         @return true if status is signed.
0177     */
0178     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isSigned() const;
0180     /** Check for Encrypted status.
0181         @return true if status is encrypted.
0182     */
0183     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool isEncrypted() const;
0185     /** Check for error status.
0186         @return true if status indicates an error.
0187     */
0188     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT bool hasError() const;
0190     /* ----- setters ----------------------------------------------------- */
0192     /**
0193      * Set the status to read
0194      * @param read new read status
0195      */
0196     void setRead(bool read = true);
0198     /** Set the status for deleted.
0199         @param deleted Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0200     */
0201     void setDeleted(bool deleted = true);
0203     /** Set the status for replied.
0204         @param replied Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0205     */
0206     void setReplied(bool replied = true);
0208     /** Set the status for forwarded.
0209         @param forwarded Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0210     */
0211     void setForwarded(bool forwarded = true);
0213     /** Set the status for queued.
0214         @param queued Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0215     */
0216     void setQueued(bool queued = true);
0218     /** Set the status for sent.
0219         @param sent Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0220     */
0221     void setSent(bool sent = true);
0223     /** Set the status for important.
0224         @param important Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0225     */
0226     void setImportant(bool important = true);
0228     /** Set the status to watched.
0229         @param watched Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0230     */
0231     void setWatched(bool watched = true);
0233     /** Set the status to ignored.
0234         @param ignored Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0235     */
0236     void setIgnored(bool ignored = true);
0238     /** Set the status to action item.
0239         @param toAct Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0240     */
0241     void setToAct(bool toAct = true);
0243     /** Set the status to spam.
0244         @param spam Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0245     */
0246     void setSpam(bool spam = true);
0248     /** Set the status to not spam.
0249         @param ham Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0250     */
0251     void setHam(bool ham = true);
0253     /** Set the status for an attachment.
0254         @param hasAttachment Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0255     */
0256     void setHasAttachment(bool hasAttachment = true);
0258     /** Set the status for an invitation.
0259         @param hasInvitation Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0260     */
0261     void setHasInvitation(bool hasInvitation = true);
0263     /** Set the status to signed.
0264         @param value Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0265     */
0266     void setSigned(bool value = true);
0268     /** Set the status to encrypted.
0269         @param value Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0270     */
0271     void setEncrypted(bool value = true);
0273     /** Set the status to error.
0274         @param value Set (true) or unset (false) this status flag.
0275     */
0276     void setHasError(bool value = true);
0278     /* ----- state representation  --------------------------------------- */
0280     /** Get the status as a whole e.g. for storage in an index.
0281      D on't manipulte the *index via this value, this bypasses
0282      all integrity checks in the setter methods.
0283      @return The status encoded in bits.
0284      */
0285     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT qint32 toQInt32() const;
0287     /** Set the status as a whole e.g. for reading from an index.
0288         Don't manipulte the index via this value, this bypasses
0289         all integrity checks in the setter methods.
0290         @param status The status encoded in bits to be set in this instance.
0291     */
0292     void fromQInt32(qint32 status);
0294     /** Convert the status to a string representation.
0295         @return A string containing coded uppercase letters
0296                 which describe the status.
0298         @note This code is legacy for the KMail1 indexes
0299     */
0300     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QString statusStr() const;
0302     /** Set the status based on a string representation.
0303         @param aStr The status string to be analyzed.
0304                     Normally it is a string obtained using
0305                     getStatusStr().
0307         @note This code is legacy for the KMail1 indexes
0308     */
0309     void setStatusFromStr(const QString &aStr);
0311     /** Get the status as a whole e.g. for storage as IMAP flags.
0312         @return The status encoded in flags.
0313     */
0314     Q_REQUIRED_RESULT QSet<QByteArray> statusFlags() const;
0316     /** Set the status as a whole e.g. for reading from IMAP flags.
0317         @param flags set of flags for status as a whole
0318     */
0319     void setStatusFromFlags(const QSet<QByteArray> &flags);
0321     /* ----- static accessors to simple states --------------------------- */
0323     /** Return a special status that expresses Unread.
0324         This status can only be used for comparison with other states.
0325     */
0326     static const MessageStatus statusUnread();
0328     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Read as is useful
0329         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0330         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Read.
0331     */
0332     static const MessageStatus statusRead();
0334     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Deleted as is useful
0335         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0336         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Deleted.
0337     */
0338     static const MessageStatus statusDeleted();
0340     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Replied as is useful
0341         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0342         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Replied.
0343     */
0344     static const MessageStatus statusReplied();
0346     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Forwarded as is useful
0347         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0348         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Forwarded.
0349     */
0350     static const MessageStatus statusForwarded();
0352     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Queued as is useful
0353         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0354         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Queued.
0355     */
0356     static const MessageStatus statusQueued();
0358     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Sent as is useful
0359         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0360         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Sent.
0361     */
0362     static const MessageStatus statusSent();
0364     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Important as is useful
0365         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0366         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Important.
0367     */
0368     static const MessageStatus statusImportant();
0370     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Watched as is useful
0371         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0372         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Watched.
0373     */
0374     static const MessageStatus statusWatched();
0376     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Ignored as is useful
0377         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0378         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Ignored.
0379     */
0380     static const MessageStatus statusIgnored();
0382     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Action Item as is useful
0383         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0384         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as ToAct.
0385     */
0386     static const MessageStatus statusToAct();
0388     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Spam as is useful
0389         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0390         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Spam.
0391     */
0392     static const MessageStatus statusSpam();
0394     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Ham as is useful
0395         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0396         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Ham.
0397     */
0398     static const MessageStatus statusHam();
0400     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Attachment as is useful
0401         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0402         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Attachment.
0403     */
0404     static const MessageStatus statusHasAttachment();
0406     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Invitation as is useful
0407         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0408         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Invitation.
0409     */
0410     static const MessageStatus statusHasInvitation();
0412     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Signed as is useful
0413         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0414         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Signed.
0415     */
0416     static const MessageStatus statusSigned();
0418     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Encrypted as is useful
0419         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0420         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Encrypted.
0421     */
0422     static const MessageStatus statusEncrypted();
0424     /** Return a predefined status initialized as Error as is useful
0425         e.g. when providing a state for comparison.
0426         @return A reference to a status instance initialized as Error.
0427     */
0428     static const MessageStatus statusHasError();
0430 private:
0431     quint32 mStatus;
0432 };
0434 QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const MessageStatus &t);