File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 13:29:37

0001 /*
0002  * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Dimitris Kardarakos <>
0003  *
0004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
0005  */
0007 #ifndef INCIDENCE_MODEL_H
0008 #define INCIDENCE_MODEL_H
0010 #include <QAbstractListModel>
0011 #include <KCalendarCore/Incidence>
0012 #include <KCalendarCore/Event>
0013 #include <KCalendarCore/Todo>
0014 #include <KCalendarCore/CalFilter>
0015 #include "localcalendar.h"
0017 using namespace KCalendarCore;
0019 class IncidenceModel : public QAbstractListModel
0020 {
0021     Q_OBJECT
0023     Q_PROPERTY(int filterMode READ filterMode WRITE setFilterMode NOTIFY filterModeChanged)
0024     Q_PROPERTY(QDate filterDt READ filterDt WRITE setFilterDt NOTIFY filterDtChanged)
0025     Q_PROPERTY(int filterHour READ filterHour WRITE setFilterHour NOTIFY filterHourChanged)
0026     Q_PROPERTY(bool filterHideCompleted READ filterHideCompleted WRITE setFilterHideCompleted NOTIFY filterHideCompletedChanged)
0027     Q_PROPERTY(QLocale appLocale READ appLocale WRITE setAppLocale NOTIFY appLocaleChanged)
0029 public:
0030     explicit IncidenceModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);
0031     ~IncidenceModel() override;
0033     enum FilterModes {
0034         Invalid = 0,
0035         HourIncidences,
0036         HourEvents,
0037         HourTodos,
0038         DayIncidences,
0039         DayEvents,
0040         DayTodos,
0041         AllIncidences,
0042         AllEvents,
0043         AllTodos,
0044         OrganizerName
0045     };
0047     enum Roles {
0048         Uid = Qt::UserRole + 1,
0049         LastModified,
0050         DtStart,
0051         AllDay,
0052         Description,
0053         Summary,
0054         Location,
0055         Categories,
0056         Priority,
0057         Created,
0058         Secrecy,
0059         EndDate,
0060         IsRepeating,
0061         RepeatPeriodType,
0062         RepeatEvery,
0063         RepeatStopAfter,
0064         DisplayStartDate,
0065         Completed,
0066         IncidenceType,
0067         DisplayStartEndTime,
0068         DisplayDueDate,
0069         DisplayDueTime,
0070         DisplayStartTime,
0071         DisplayType,
0072         Due,
0073         ValidStartDt,
0074         ValidEndDt,
0075         ValidDueDt,
0076         AttendeeEmails,
0077         DisplayAttendeeEmails,
0078         DisplaytAttendeeNames,
0079         IncidenceStatus
0080     };
0082     // Copied from KCalendarCore::Incidence
0083     enum Status {
0084         StatusNone, /**< No status */
0085         StatusTentative, /**< event is tentative */
0086         StatusConfirmed, /**< event is definite */
0087         StatusCompleted, /**< to-do completed */
0088         StatusNeedsAction, /**< to-do needs action */
0089         StatusCanceled, /**< event or to-do canceled; journal removed */
0090         StatusInProcess, /**< to-do in process */
0091         StatusDraft, /**< journal is draft */
0092         StatusFinal, /**< journal is final */
0093         StatusX, /**< a non-standard status string */
0094     };
0095     Q_ENUM(Status)
0097     QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
0098     QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override;
0099     int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
0101     QDate filterDt() const;
0102     void setFilterDt(const QDate &filterDate);
0104     int filterHour() const;
0105     void setFilterHour(const int hour);
0107     int filterMode() const;
0108     void setFilterMode(const int mode);
0110     bool filterHideCompleted() const;
0111     void setFilterHideCompleted(const bool hideCompleted);
0113     QLocale appLocale() const;
0114     void setAppLocale(const QLocale &qmlLocale);
0117     void filterDtChanged();
0118     void filterHourChanged();
0119     void filterHideCompletedChanged();
0120     void calendarFilterChanged();
0121     void calendarChanged();
0122     void filterModeChanged();
0123     void appLocaleChanged();
0125 private:
0126     /**
0127      * @return The INTERVAL of RFC 5545. It contains a positive integer representing at
0128       which intervals the recurrence rule repeats.
0129      */
0130     int repeatEvery(const int idx) const;
0132     /**
0133      * @return The COUNT of RFC 5545. It defines the number of occurrences at which to
0134       range-bound the recurrence.  The "DTSTART" property value always
0135       counts as the first occurrence.
0136      */
0137     int repeatStopAfter(const int idx) const;
0139     /**
0140      * return The FREQ rule part which identifies the type of recurrence rule
0141      */
0142     ushort repeatPeriodType(const int idx) const;
0144     void loadIncidences();
0145     Incidence::List hourIncidences() const;
0146     Incidence::List hourEvents() const;
0147     Incidence::List hourTodos() const;
0148     Incidence::List dayIncidences() const;
0149     Incidence::List dayEvents() const;
0150     Incidence::List dayTodos() const;
0151     Incidence::List allIncidences() const;
0152     Incidence::List allEvents() const;
0153     Incidence::List allTodos() const;
0154     Incidence::List toIncidences(const Event::List &eventList) const;
0155     Incidence::List toIncidences(const Todo::List &todoList) const;
0156     Incidence::List toIncidences(const Event::List &eventList, const Todo::List &todoList) const;
0157     QString displayStartEndTime(const int idx) const;
0158     QString eventDisplayStartEndTime(const Event::Ptr event) const;
0159     QString displayStartDate(const int idx) const;
0160     QString displayDueDate(const int idx) const;
0161     QString displayDueTime(const int idx) const;
0162     QString displayStartTime(const int idx) const;
0163     bool isHourEvent(const Event::Ptr event) const;
0164     bool withinFilter(const KCalendarCore::Event::Ptr event, const QDate &filterDate) const;
0165     void setCalendarFilter();
0166     QStringList attendeeEmails(const int idx) const;
0167     QStringList attendeeNames(const int idx) const;
0169     int m_filter_mode;
0170     QDate m_filter_dt;
0171     int m_filter_hour;
0172     bool m_filter_hide_completed;
0173     LocalCalendar *m_calendar;
0174     Incidence::List m_incidences;
0175     QLocale m_locale;
0176     CalFilter *m_cal_filter;
0177 };
0179 #endif //INCIDENCE_MODEL_H