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0001 # Plasma Remotecontrollers
0003 This project translates events from various input devices to keypresses on a keyboard and pointer events (mouse movement).
0005 # Device support
0007 | Devices | Support status | Notes |
0008 | ------- | -------------- | ----- |
0009 | TV remotes | Fully supported through [libcec](https://github.com/Pulse-Eight/libcec) | Not all TV remotes emit the same key events when buttons are being pressed, so particular remotes might need to map their buttons in the config file |
0010 | Wiimotes | partial, only Wiimote and Nunchuk buttons so far | Only official Wiimotes and Wii Plus remotes are supported. Devices connected through e.g. a [DolphinBar](https://www.mayflash.com/product/showproduct.php?id=6) are not supported yet |