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0022 \title{Trojita: A Qt IMAP Client}
0023 \author{Jan Kundrát}
0025 \newcommand{\trojita}{Trojita\xspace}
0027 \hyphenation{WebKit Imap Trojita}
0029 %\date{}
0031 \begin{document}
0034 \begin{titlepage}
0035 \begin{center}
0036 %\ \\
0038 \vspace{15mm}
0040 \large
0041 Charles University in Prague\\
0042 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics\\
0044 \vspace{5mm}
0046 {\Large\bf BACHELOR THESIS}
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0050 \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{logo.eps}
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0054 %\normalsize
0055 {\Large Jan Kundrát}\\
0056 \vspace{5mm}
0057 {\Large\bf IMAP E-mail Client}\\
0058 \vspace{5mm}
0059 Department of Software Engineering\\
0060 %\end{center}
0061 \vspace{15mm}
0063 \large
0064 \noindent Supervisor: Mgr. Vlastimil Babka
0065 \vspace{1mm} 
0067 \noindent Study Program: Computer Science, Programming
0069 \vspace{20mm}
0071 %\begin{center}
0072 2009
0073 \end{center}
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0081 \noindent I'd like to thank my supervisor, Mgr. Vlastimil Babka, for his
0082 numerous advices during the writing of this thesis, Ms. Anna Adamcová for her
0083 great patience and support, and my parents for supporting my studies.
0085 \vspace{\fill}
0086 \noindent I hereby declare that I wrote this thesis myself using the referenced
0087 sources only. I also agree with lending and publishing of this thesis.
0089 \vspace{5mm}
0090 \bigskip
0091 \noindent Prague, May 29, 2009 \hspace{\fill}Jan Kundrát\\
0093 \tableofcontents
0095 \newpage
0097 \noindent
0098 Název práce: IMAP E-mail Client\\
0099 Autor: Jan Kundrát\\
0100 Katedra (ústav): Katedra softwarového inženýrství\\
0101 Vedoucí bakalářské práce: Mgr. Vlastimil Babka\\
0102 E-mail vedoucího: Vlastimil.Babka@mff.cuni.cz\\
0104 \noindent Abstrakt:  Předložená práce popisuje implementaci pokročilého klienta
0105 pro práci s~poštou pomocí protokolu IMAP.  Hlavním zaměřením je podpora
0106 relevantních standardů s~důrazem na efektivní implementaci; využívá se
0107 pokročilých vlastností IMAPu, jako například IDLE notifikací, parsování zpráv na
0108 straně serveru či lokálního ukládání e-mailů s možností práce offline.  Spojení
0109 s~IMAP serverem je realizováno protokolem TCP s~volitelnou možností TLS
0110 šifrování či přes lokálně bežící proces.  Projekt umožňuje psaní a odesílání
0111 jednoduchých mailů, podporováno je odesílání pomocí protokolu SMTP a sendmailem.
0112 Cílová platforma je framework Qt na Linuxu, avšak aplikace je portovatelná i na
0113 jiné platformy.\\
0115 \noindent Klíčová slova: IMAP, e-mail, MIME, Qt, SMTP
0117 \vspace{10mm}
0119 \noindent
0120 Title: IMAP E-mail Client\\
0121 Author: Jan Kundrát\\
0122 Department: Department of Software Engineering\\
0123 Supervisor: Mgr. Vlastimil Babka\\
0124 Supervisor's e-mail address: Vlastimil.Babka@mff.cuni.cz\\
0126 \noindent Abstract: This thesis describes the implementation of an advanced IMAP
0127 e-mail client, \trojita.  Focusing on standards compliance, the client supports
0128 a wide range of IMAP features crucial for an efficient implementation such as IDLE
0129 notifications, server-side message parsing and caching of retrieved body data
0130 for offline operation.  Connecting to the IMAP server is supported over TCP
0131 sockets, optionally secured via the TLS encryption, as well as through a local
0132 process.  Basic message composition and sending via both SMTP and a local
0133 sendmail instance is supported.  The target platform is the Qt framework on
0134 Linux, but the application is reasonably portable.
0135 \\
0137 \noindent Keywords: IMAP, e-mail, MIME, Qt, SMTP
0139 \newpage
0141 \chapter{Introduction}
0143 Although being surpassed in popularity by other technologies like the World Wide
0144 Web and peer-to-peer applications, the electronic mail is still one of the few
0145 services that an average user can name when talking about the Internet.  There are
0146 many ways how to send and receive e-mail, some of them being more popular
0147 than the others.  In this thesis, we try to resurrect the older approach to
0148 reading e-mail, that is, using an standalone application.
0150 In the recent years, the improvements in the field of web browsers and related
0151 technologies allowed rapid development of new features that were not conceivable
0152 just five years ago.  Using these new functions, the popularity of web-based
0153 e-mail readers grew accordingly.  However, using a proper standalone application
0154 has numerous benefits from being able to work when not connected to the Internet
0155 to providing a truly instant feedback, a feature that is still somewhat missing
0156 from most of the web applications.  Managing e-mail over a standardized protocol
0157 also avoids vendor lock-in, a highly dangerous phenomenon associated with
0158 using proprietary messaging solutions.  To date, the {\em Internet Message
0159 Access Protocol}~\cite{rfc-imap} (or IMAP) is the only such protocol.
0161 \section{Motivation}
0163 Implementing an IMAP client is far from trivial.  While there are certainly
0164 numerous stable and widely-used Mail User Agents on the market, none of them
0165 fulfills all the expectations of reasonable performance and efficiency.  Indeed,
0166 most of these applications started as MUAs speaking the POP3 protocol only,
0167 adding support for IMAP later on.  Typically, this support was implemented long
0168 since the initial design phase of the product was completed, resulting in
0169 suboptimal design choices~\cite{crispin-ten-commandments}.  Therefore, we
0170 believe there is still a place on the market for a stable, highly performing
0171 IMAP e-mail application.
0173 \section{Structure of the thesis}
0175 In the following chapter, we provide a gentle introduction to the world of IMAP
0176 and related standards such as MIME.  Chapter \ref{trojita-design} explains some
0177 of the design choices made during the development process of \trojita, as well as
0178 elaborates on the internal application architecture and structure.  An overview
0179 of other IMAP implementations on the market is provided in
0180 chapter \ref{other-imap-implementations}, including a comparison about how well
0181 they operate when compared to \trojita.  The User's Guide is
0182 available in chapter \ref{users-guide}.  Finally, the whole thesis is concluded by a
0183 wrap-up providing an overview of what we implemented and how the result is
0184 usable.
0186 \chapter{IMAP and Related Technologies}
0188 Electronic mail, or a SMTP-mail, is a public service suitable for automated
0189 message exchange among connected entities.  Interoperability is guaranteed by
0190 several {\em Internet standards}, usually codified in the form of RFC documents.
0191 Subject to these standards are various protocols specifying the rules of what
0192 entities can communicate to each other as well as definition of the format of
0193 all transmitted messages. In this section, we provide a gentle introduction to
0194 the numerous standards which deal with this highly complex topic.
0196 \section{Basic Concepts}
0198 An {\em email message}, or a RFC-822\footnote{As defined by the RFC~822 standard
0199 and subsequently modified by RFC~2822~\cite{rfc-2822} and others} message,
0200 consists of three parts: {\em Envelope}, {\em Header} and {\em Body}. The {\em
0201 envelope} is the only relevant part for mail exchange among Internet
0202 hosts; it includes basic information like addresses of the sender and recipient.
0203 A {\em header} provides more detailed metadata about the message, from
0204 human-readable sender addresses and message route traces to user-defined
0205 fields.  Some pieces of this information are used when the original delivery
0206 fails for some reason, like the {\tt Return-Path} header.  The {\em header} also
0207 serves as a basis for an {\em IMAP envelope data} which is explained later
0208 in chapter \ref{imap-envelope}.  Finally, a {\em message body} is what an
0209 average user typically refers to as ``the e-mail''.  It might contain just a
0210 plain US-ASCII text, an HTML message with embedded images or it could be a
0211 recursively defined entity with rich tree structure.
0213 An {\em IMAP server} is a host in the Internet which provides access to local
0214 mail store via the standard protocol, IMAP4rev1 in this case. The IMAP server
0215 might be located in an employer's data center or on the user's laptop, for
0216 example.
0218 An {\em MTA}\footnote{Mail Transfer Agent} or an {\em SMTP Server} is an
0219 Internet host whose purpose is delivery of the RFC 2822 mail.  MTAs in the
0220 Internet communicate with each other, determining routing information from
0221 MX-records\footnote{Mail eXchange, a special record in the Domain Name Service
0222 which specifies what servers are responsible for accepting all incoming e-mail
0223 for the particular domain} in the DNS.  As a common practice nowadays, these
0224 servers also accept outgoing e-mail from their own users, provided the
0225 connection is properly authenticated, either by simple fact that it originates
0226 from a trusted network or that the user has provided her credentials, typically as
0227 a user name and password combination or in the form of an X.509 certificate.
0229 A {\em Mailbox} or a {\em Mail Folder} is a place on the IMAP server where the
0230 messages are logically stored.  A mailbox might contain number of child
0231 mailboxes if the server implementation allows it.  Certain IMAP servers have to
0232 be told in advance whether the mailbox just being created is supposed to contain
0233 only other mailboxes or only regular e-mail messages, while others allow free
0234 mixing of both.
0236 \section{IMAP-specific Attributes}
0238 A message in the IMAP sense is {\em immutable}, that is, its contents (e.g.,
0239 header, structure of the body or the actual message parts) cannot change, ever.
0240 Each message also has mutable attributes, the most important being {\em flags}.
0242 Messages in a remote IMAP mailbox are identified by two partially independent
0243 numbers, the {\em sequence number} and the {\em UID}.  Sequence numbers start at
0244 one and are consecutive, that is, they dynamically change when a message in the
0245 middle of the mailbox is removed.  This means that one particular message can
0246 have multiple sequence numbers assigned over time and that one sequence number
0247 can refer to totally unrelated messages, as the numbering changes.
0249 On the other hand, the {\em UIDs} work differently.  When a message is delivered
0250 to the mailbox, it receives a UID one greater than the previous one.  After the
0251 UID is assigned, it will never change for that particular message, and the
0252 mailbox remembers the biggest assigned UID so far.  This means that UIDs are
0253 never recycled over the normal life span of a mailbox and they can be used as a
0254 persistent identifier to one message in a particular mailbox.
0256 Sometimes a non-standard situation might happen, e.g., when a third-party
0257 accessed the mailbox data behind the back of the IMAP server.  Perhaps the user
0258 tried a utility program that removes huge attachment from an otherwise valuable
0259 message, or a spam classifier modified message headers directly, bypassing
0260 standard mechanisms for proper flagging.  In any such case, the IMAP guarantee
0261 of immutable nature of the messages does not hold, and a compliant IMAP server
0262 has to communicate this problem to all clients.  The {\em UIDVALIDITY} mailbox
0263 attribute serves this purpose.  Whenever the UIDVALIDITY changes, a compliant
0264 client is required to throw away any cached information about a mailbox because
0265 the UID assignment starts over again.
0267 UID and UIDVALIDITY combined together form a 64bit integer which is absolutely
0268 guaranteed to be a unique identifier for any message in the given mailbox -- if
0269 the IMAP client once retrieved any immutable part from mailbox A with this 64bit
0270 identifier, subsequent queries for the part identified by the same 64bit number
0271 in the same mailbox can be satisfied from the client's cache.
0273 It should be noted that this UID/UIDNEXT numbering is strictly per-mailbox and
0274 not per-server, and that different users accessing the same server might see the
0275 same 64bit number for totally unrelated messages.  While RFC~3501~\cite{rfc-imap}
0276 strongly recommends that UIDVALIDITY should be kept constant if at all possible,
0277 a compliant IMAP client has to deal with UIDVALIDITY changes nonetheless.
0279 The \label{imap-envelope}{\em IMAP envelope} is a data structure holding
0280 interesting values determined mostly from various message headers.  It is {\em
0281 not} the same thing as the SMTP envelope, which typically stores less
0282 information.
0284 The {\em Internal date} holds a time stamp about when the message was delivered
0285 to the IMAP server.  {\em Size} attribute is the number of octets required for
0286 storing a full copy of message in RFC~2822 format.  {\em Body structure}
0287 represents the tree-like structure of the MIME message.
0289 The \label{imap-msg-flags}{\em IMAP flags} is an attribute holding a set of zero
0290 or more named tokens associated with the message.  A flag can be either {\em
0291 permanent} or {\em session-only}.  Permanent flags are stored in the mailbox
0292 itself, while the session-only flags disappear on a subsequent reconnect to the
0293 mailbox.  Some of the flags are defined by the RFC 3501 standard itself, others
0294 are added by various recommendations and extension standards.  An IMAP server
0295 might allow IMAP clients to store their own message flags.  A special means of
0296 communicating this via the protocol exist\footnote{The {\tt PERMANENTFLAGS}
0297 response code}.
0299 Finally, message contents itself is distributed in form of {\em message texts}.
0300 Clients are free to choose from retrieving MIME message parts separately or as
0301 one blob.
0303 \section{MIME}
0305 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions~\cite{rfc-2045}, \cite{rfc-2046},
0306 \cite{rfc-2047}, or just MIME, is a set of standards for extending the old SMTP
0307 mail from 7bit ASCII texts to rich multimedia contents.  Parts of the standard
0308 deal with encapsulation of non-ASCII characters in message headers, as well as
0309 providing instructions about how to embed non-textual data in e-mail messages.
0311 \subsection{Message as a Container}
0313 An important aspect of MIME is its introduction of an internal structure to
0314 e-mail message bodies.  Previously, a message body was just a plain text, while
0315 since the codification of this standard, it became possible to exchange more
0316 structured information.  Contemporary users are probably familiar with HTML
0317 e-mails containing embedded images and a PDF attachment for seamless printing.
0318 Users routinely send e-mails with attached photographs from their holidays, or an
0319 archive containing business presentation.
0321 MIME standard achieves this by defining a {\em content type} for message
0322 bodies.  This content type, usually set by an RFC 2822 header of a
0323 message, determines how a compliant mail client displays the message.  The
0324 old-school non-MIME mails have a default MIME type of {\tt text/plain}, an
0325 unformatted text in 7bit US-ASCII encoding.
0327 Another portion of the standard defines generic-purpose containers, i.e.,
0328 abstract content types which contains other message parts within.  Using
0329 these containers, a message can suddenly evolve from an unstructured blob of
0330 text to a deep tree of unrelated body parts.
0332 Most of these containers are defined in RFC~2045~\cite{rfc-2045} and
0333 2046~\cite{rfc-2046}, one was added in RFC~2387~\cite{rfc-multipart-related}.
0335 The {\tt multipart/alternative} encoding provides a mean of transmitting a
0336 message that comes in several different formats, but each of them contains the same data.  The
0337 MUA is expected to pick one of the underlying parts and display it, perhaps
0338 allowing the user to override this selection as a nice bonus.
0340 The {\tt multipart/mixed} is a generic catch-all MIME type for multipart
0341 messages.  If a compliant MUA sees a multipart content type that it can not
0342 recognize, it should behave as if it was the mixed multipart.  A typical action is
0343 showing all embedded parts next to each other.
0345 There are several more content types defined, but describing them in detail is
0346 out of scope for this thesis.
0348 \subsection{International Characters in Messages}
0350 Original SMTP mail as defined by RFC 822 is suitable only for transferring
0351 7bit data.  Nowadays, 8bit transport channels are far more common, both for representation of
0352 international characters and for transfers of binary data.  Therefore, the MIME
0353 family defines {\em transfer encodings} for conversion of generic 8bit binary
0354 data into a 7bit character stream and a portable way of expressing national
0355 characters using 7bit ASCII characters only.
0357 For the former, two standard encodings are available, the {\em Quoted printable}
0358 and {\em Base64} (as well as a ``fake'' {\em binary} or {\em 8bit} encoding for
0359 transport of binary data over less restrictive tunnels), the latter is supported
0360 by a similar approach, as defined in RFC~2047~\cite{rfc-2047}.
0362 \subsection{MIME Support in IMAP}
0364 A large part of work involving the MIME support can be performed by the IMAP
0365 server.  This is especially true for message structure parsing, where the IMAP
0366 specification provisions ways to explore the ``tree'' of a message, as well as
0367 methods for retrieving the resulting body parts separately (and even including
0368 byte ranges for more convenient download).
0370 The IMAP protocol does not, however, handle the rest of MIME support, nor much of
0371 other header parsing.  While it is common to ask the server for just a named
0372 subset of RFC 2822 mail headers, the returned data are not pre-parsed in any
0373 way.  Therefore, much of the work from coalescing several header parts to
0374 decoding international character data is left as an exercise to the client.
0376 Fortunately, various message attributes in the IMAP protocol can serve as a
0377 substitute for parsing the RFC 2822 headers.  Sender and recipient data is
0378 available from the IMAP {\tt ENVELOPE}, message size as {\tt RFC822.SIZE}, IMAP
0379 itself provides extensions for message threading~\cite{rfc-threading}, etc.
0381 \section{IMAP Protocol Flow}
0383 Upon a successful connection to a remote IMAP server, client might choose to
0384 authenticate itself if the server has not already pre-authenticated it automatically
0385 under a particular user account.  After that or in case the authentication is
0386 not required, the connection enters the {\em authenticated} state.  In this
0387 phase, no mailbox is selected and only a subset of commands is valid.  Clients
0388 can, for example, ask for listings of the mailbox tree, get quick information
0389 about number of messages in a particular mailbox or otherwise manage mailboxes
0390 as a whole.  They have to, however, {\em select} a mailbox in order to do
0391 anything else, like retrieving messages or marking them as read.
0393 A mailbox can be opened as read-only or for both reading and writing, provided the
0394 authenticated user has sufficient privileges.  Retrieving messages can be done in
0395 both modes, but write operations (like storing a new message to the mailbox or
0396 manipulating the message flags) require read-write access.
0398 \subsection{Commands and responses}
0399 \label{response-code}
0401 IMAP is a line-oriented text protocol.  Anything that a server sends to its client
0402 is called a {\em response} while all data flowing in the opposite direction are
0403 known as {\em commands}.  Each command generated by client begins with a unique
0404 identifier called {\em tag} which is followed by the actual command identifier.
0405 Most commands also accept (or require) a {\em parameter} which might be a string
0406 literal, a number, an atom, a parenthesized list of other types, etc.
0407 Transmission of generic string literals requires an explicit confirmation from
0408 the server unless the LITERAL+~\cite{rfc-literalplus} extension is active.
0409 Support for this extension is crucial for good performance, as if absent, most
0410 commands would be delayed by at least network round-trip-time and no support for
0411 pipelining of such commands would be possible.  Clients are free to issue several
0412 commands without waiting for their completion, subject to certain ambiguity
0413 rules\footnote{See section 5.5 of RFC 3501}.
0415 Each command usually leads to at least one server response, the {\em tagged
0416 reply}.  This response contains the same tag as the client sent in the original
0417 command, allowing the client to find out whether command failed or succeeded.
0418 Some commands may result in sending further replies, the {\em untagged replies}.
0419 An important detail of the protocol is that such untagged replies are allowed to
0420 occur at almost any time during the conversation and {\em not} only as a result
0421 of a particular command.  A compliant client must be prepared for this situation
0422 and handle it correctly, for there is no difference between those unilaterally
0423 generated and ``requested'' replies.
0425 Each tagged reply indicates a completion of a particular command.  If the
0426 command succeeded, an {\tt OK} status is received, if it failed, server returns
0427 a {\tt NO}.  Should the server had troubles figuring out the client's intention,
0428 a {\tt BAD} response is returned.  More fine-grained control over results is
0429 achieved via {\em response codes}, textual entities with strictly defined
0430 meaning.  Examples of such response codes are ``mailbox opened in read-only
0431 mode'', ``specified character set no supported'' or ``please show this error
0432 message to the user''.
0434 \subsection{Mailbox Synchronization}
0436 For efficiency reasons, each client usually keeps some data in its persistent
0437 cache.  Good candidates for caching are message texts, a copy of body structure or
0438 perhaps even flags from the previous session.  Because some server replies, namely
0439 the {\tt EXPUNGE} which informs the client that a message has been removed from
0440 the mailbox, refer to messages only by their sequence numbers and clients
0441 usually identify messages by UIDs in order to allow message texts caching, a
0442 compliant client has also to keep its UID-to-sequence number mapping up-to-speed
0443 with the server.  Doing so for just a visible (in the GUI) part of the mailbox
0444 might seem tempting, but the risks involved therein (like not knowing what to
0445 purge from local cache as a result of received EXPUNGE without extra {\tt
0446 FETCH}) are high and usually outweigh possible initial savings.
0448 An IMAP server fully conforming to RFC 3501 is required to sent a few ``status''
0449 replies when a mailbox is selected.  Interesting fields for the mailbox
0450 synchronization are updates on UIDVALIDITY, UIDNEXT and EXISTS.  After receiving
0451 all three, client has enough information to decide about what actions are
0452 necessary to bring the particular mailbox back to a fully synchronized state.
0453 Clients only have to deal with mutable message attributes, which are the
0454 sequence number, the UID number and message flags.
0456 If the UIDVALIDITY value changed, the client is required to throw away any data it
0457 might have in its local cache that refers to this particular mailbox.  Some UIDs
0458 might have changed, message parts got modified or the client just happens to
0459 talk to a buggy server implementation.  This situation is then identical to
0460 syncing form an initial state where client has no knowledge about the target
0461 mailbox. In the following text, we will assume that the UIDVALIDITY value is the
0462 same as on the previous synchronization.
0464 If the UIDNEXT value did not change either, no messages were delivered to the
0465 mailbox since the last time.  If the EXISTS number is the same as well, there
0466 have been no changes at all and the only item to re-synchronize are message
0467 flags.  If the EXISTS number changed, some messages were permanently removed.
0468 Clients usually re-fetch their UID-to-sequences mapping as a whole, but
0469 implementations which prefer to transfer the lowest amount of data over the 
0470 number of iterations over the network could use an algorithm similar
0471 to binary search to find out which regions of the UID mapping were left intact
0472 and which require re-synchronization.
0474 If the UIDNEXT changed\footnote{It could only grow up, because UID numbers are
0475 strictly ascending} and the $\Delta UID$ is the same as $\Delta EXISTS$, some
0476 new messages arrived, but none were deleted and the client only has to ask for
0477 UIDs of these new messages (and FLAGS for all messages in the mailbox).  If the
0478 increments of UIDNEXT and EXISTS differ, a fallback to generic
0479 synchronizing approach where client retrieves UIDs of all messages in the mailbox is
0480 necessary.  It is also reasonable to transfer flags as a part of this step.
0482 If there were no cached information or a UIDVALIDITY change occurred, clients
0483 would typically fetch a complete UID mapping and message flags.
0485 After performing these steps and having received all relevant replies, the
0486 client is in a fully synchronized state and ready for receiving mailbox updates.
0488 \subsection{Changes to Mailbox}
0490 The mailbox that is selected is typically of some interest to the user.  The
0491 original IMAP RFC mandated that all clients must be prepared for receiving
0492 updates about number of messages contained therein, removal of old ones and
0493 deliver of new, but due to the lack of support by clients at that time, this feature
0494 was rarely fully utilized.  Instead, the {\em NOOP} command was widely used as a
0495 polling check for new messages.  However, this had all the disadvantages of a
0496 polling-based approach, especially unnecessary increase of network traffic, lower
0497 possibility to enter deep sleep for battery powered devices and even delays in
0498 mail delivery, for some clients were rather hesitant to poll for changes too
0499 often.  A solution to this problem is presented in RFC~2177~\cite{rfc-idle}
0500 where client enters a special mode (which is syntactically similar to
0501 synchronizing literals that are used when support for LITERAL+
0502 \cite{rfc-literalplus} is absent) to tell the server that it can really send
0503 real-time notifications to the client.
0505 Changes to the number of messages in the mailbox are communicated mainly by two
0506 kinds of untagged replies, {\em EXISTS} and {\em EXPUNGE}.  The EXPUNGE reply
0507 contains a sequence number of the message that has been permanently removed from the
0508 mailbox and immediately causes all messages with sequence number higher than
0509 the message being deleted to decrement their assigned sequence numbers by one.
0510 This means that clients have to work with sequence numbers, unless they are
0511 prepared to update their UID map on each expunge, which would be a rather
0512 expensive approach.  The EXISTS reply is used to inform the client that new message
0513 was delivered, or it could follow an EXPUNGE to provide a redundant information
0514 to the client about number of messages in the mail store.  Under no
0515 circumstances could it be used to decrease the number of messages in current
0516 mailbox, as this is already handled by EXPUNGE.
0518 \subsection{Fetching and Manipulating Messages}
0520 Once selected, messages in the mailbox can be queried and downloaded to the
0521 client.  The {\em FETCH} command serves for retrieving all data from body
0522 structures and IMAP envelopes to actual message parts.  Message flags are
0523 updated by the {\em STORE} command and its variants.  Existing messages can be
0524 copied to other mailboxes with the {\em COPY} command, new messages can be
0525 stored into a mail folder by the {\em APPEND} command.
0527 \subsection{Queries Against Other Mailboxes}
0529 Because most graphical MUAs want to show the user more than one mailbox at a
0530 time, at least in a collapsed view with counts of new or unread messages, and
0531 frequent switching among several mailboxes is not a cheap operation, IMAP also
0532 provides a command for determining state of other than currently selected mailbox,
0533 the {\em STATUS} command.  Using this command for querying state of a currently
0534 selected mailbox is explicitly forbidden by the RFC, for a conforming client
0535 already has all required information to compute all possible message counts.
0536 Another reason for disallowing STATUS on current mailbox is that in some server
0537 implementations, this operation might cause a process to open the mailbox once
0538 more which might in turn provide inconsistent results and confuse the client
0539 even more.
0541 \subsection{Searching, Sorting and Threading}
0543 Even the base specification of the IMAP protocol provides facilities for
0544 searching the messages stored in current mailbox.  This was extended over time
0545 by ways to request specific message ordering or threading~\cite{rfc-threading}.
0546 Most e-mail clients therefore do not need to have all message bodies and headers
0547 fetched and available in a local cache in order to allow their users to search
0548 through messages.  However, this searching and sorting is not available in
0549 offline clients which have to implement their own code for such purposes, or
0550 disallow these operations when network access is disabled.
0552 The following revisions also specified certain extensions related to the
0553 internationalization of e-mail traffic.  For example, searching for non-ASCII
0554 characters in messages would be very hard using the bare-bone SEARCH command
0555 only, as each message in mailbox can be stored in one of the myriad encodings
0556 available in the MIME standard.  Subsequent revisions to IMAP therefore defined
0557 support for more intelligent searches which support unified searching through
0558 messages that arrived in different character sets.
0560 \subsection{Manipulating Mailboxes}
0562 Due to some historic reasons (especially the old versions of SMTP protocol being
0563 7bit), IMAP does not use any standard encoding for mailbox names.  Instead, a
0564 modified version of UTF-7 called simply {\em modified UTF-7} is mandated.  The
0565 standard does not specify what to do if the other side uses 8bit data in mailbox
0566 name, but most implementations nowadays fall back to UTF-8, which is arguably a
0567 good thing to do.
0569 Mailboxes can be created, deleted and renamed by IMAP clients.  If the server
0570 supports it, they form a tree hierarchy.  Some servers distinguish between
0571 mailboxes for storing messages and those that contain only other mailboxes,
0572 while other implementations allow free mixing of both.  Unfortunately there is
0573 no reliable way to tell to which class the target server belongs, but provisions
0574 are given about how to create a folder for message and how for other mailboxes.
0575 If mailboxes form a tree, the server implementation specifies which character is
0576 used as a hierarchy delimiter.  Most common choices in today's mainstream IMAP
0577 servers are dot ({\tt .}) which is common among servers exporting Maildir
0578 folders and slash ({\tt /}) as used by servers exporting traditional mbox UNIX
0579 mail store.  This inconsistence might lead to user confusion, but cannot be
0580 avoided without breaking backward compatibility.
0582 \subsection{Session termination}
0584 IMAP session ends when the server sends the client an untagged {\tt BYE}
0585 response.  This might be caused either by client's request via the {\tt
0586 LOGOUT} command or by an auto-logout timer on the server side.  Server
0587 implementations are required to allow at least 30 minutes of inactivity before
0588 sending this reply\footnote{Many real networks, however, enforce much stricter
0589 policies with shorter timers.  Real world client implementations therefore send
0590 keep-alive messages once in a few minutes to avoid connection termination.}.
0592 \subsection{IMAP Extensions}
0594 The IMAP protocol also has support for extending its functionality.  Extensions
0595 can add new commands, replies and reply codes and even change basic aspects of
0596 the protocol, as demonstrated by the introduction of non-synchronizing literals
0597 in RFC~2088~\cite{rfc-literalplus}. Support for these extensions is strictly
0598 voluntary, though, and each compliant IMAP protocol entity has to function
0599 properly even when talking to an implementation supporting bare IMAP4rev1 as
0600 specified by RFC~3051.
0602 \section{Other Methods of Mail Store Access}
0604 IMAP is not the only protocol for accessing mails stored on a remote server.  In
0605 this section, we will introduce some of the alternatives and discuss their
0606 advantages and disadvantages when compared to IMAP.
0608 \subsection{POP3}
0610 The main difference between IMAP and POP3\footnote{Post Office Protocol version
0611 3} protocol is their philosophy --- IMAP was designed for scenarios where user
0612 leaves all her e-mail at a central place which has authoritative answer about
0613 what messages are supposed to ``be there'' while POP3 expects their users to
0614 download all e-mail to a computer where the POP3 client runs and then {\em
0615 permanently remove the original messages from the server}.  Upon each reconnect,
0616 the POP3 client downloads and deletes all new messages again.  This fundamental
0617 difference leads to troubles when the user wants to use POP3 in situations it was not
0618 designed for -- a classic example is accessing one mailbox from two places over
0619 time, like a work computer and a laptop at home.  While there are certain ways
0620 to work around these POP3 design limitations which allow leaving a copy of each
0621 message on the POP3 server, they all remain just hot fixes
0622 instead of providing a proper and reliable solution.  An excellent comparison of
0623 these two paradigms is available from Grey's paper~\cite{imap-vs-pop}.
0625 \subsection{MAPI}
0627 A proprietary protocol from Microsoft whose documentation got recently opened
0628 for public access after a pressure from both government an non-government
0629 organisations.  It has some nice features comparable to IMAP, but offers no real
0630 advantage besides tight integration with other Exchange services (which might or
0631 actually might not be considered an advantage).  Implementations from other
0632 parties than the original vendor are scarce.
0634 \subsection{Webmail}
0636 Several years ago, a boom of online services from well-known companies like
0637 Google or regional Internet portals grew in popularity.  Despite inherent
0638 limitations of web-based user interfaces, most ``casual'' users of e-mail,
0639 especially the second ``home mailboxes'' of regular employees, are today hosted
0640 and accessed via a webmail interface.  Although hardly any of these services
0641 offers any guarantee about availability or performing backups, regular users
0642 typically are not concerned about these issues.  Reliability of these services
0643 is, on the other hand, typically greater than that of a typical home PC with
0644 aging hardware, and friendliness of the UI improved with advent of recent
0645 web technologies.
0647 \subsection{IMAP Criticism}
0649 During more than 20 years of the IMAP history, the standard has certainly
0650 accumulated some aging dust.  A typical example are the synchronizing literals,
0651 originally the only way to send more complex data to the server, which require
0652 explicit server's acknowledgment before continuation.  Given a typical GPRS
0653 connection which is still common in many countries, a latency of 500~ms can delay
0654 all interaction with the IMAP server considerably.  Many similar aspects were
0655 fixed by subsequent modifications to the standard, others are rather unfixable
0656 design limitations.
0658 A fine example of such limitation, at least when perceived by the contemporary
0659 optics, is the concept of mailboxes.  Online messaging services like GMail
0660 introduced a new way of thinking about messages -- previously a message would
0661 belong to exactly one mailbox and if the user wanted to have it available from two
0662 places (perhaps in ``work related'' and ``mailing list'' folders), she would
0663 have to store two copies.  IMAP has no concept of a ``link'' between two
0664 messages.  When one of them is flagged, the other copy is left intact.  Another
0665 prehistoric feature of IMAP is its modified UTF-7 encoding which is not used
0666 anywhere else besides the IMAP protocol.  Another point -- IMAP usually does a
0667 good job in shielding the client implementation from the need to parse all MIME
0668 data, but certain pieces remain, like the RFC 2822 headers with international
0669 characters.
0671 Some authors also criticize the protocol on basis of its complexity and being
0672 loosely-defined in certain aspects.  An example is the IDLE~\cite{rfc-idle}
0673 extension, which adds an explicit mode indicating to the server that the client
0674 is really ready to process any updates to mailbox state, while the original RFC
0675 mandated the client to be in such condition all the time.  Most common MUAs also
0676 have troubles with getting all side-corners of IMAP right.
0678 That being said, the IMAP is the only widely implemented standard for accessing
0679 an online or disconnected mail store.  It has certain deficiencies, but all in
0680 all, it is a perfectly usable protocol.
0682 \chapter{\trojita Design}
0683 \label{trojita-design}
0685 As evidenced by numerous available MUAs on the market, there are many possible
0686 ways on how to implement a usable e-mail client.  In this chapter, we explain
0687 some design choices behind \trojita.
0689 \section{Overview}
0691 \trojita is composed of several logically decoupled layers of independent
0692 components, see figure \ref{fig:trojita-design} on page
0693 \pageref{fig:trojita-design}.  Communication between them adheres to a strictly
0694 defined interface.
0696 \begin{figure}[h!]
0697     \centering
0698     \includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 7cm 0cm 0cm, scale=0.6]{fig-trojita-design}
0699     \caption{A diagram showing the \trojita architecture}
0700     \label{fig:trojita-design}
0701 \end{figure}
0703 On the top of the hierarchy lies the {\em GUI}.  This part is what the user
0704 interacts with; it provides views showing all mailboxes on a server, a list of
0705 messages in the currently selected mailbox and the contents of the e-mail
0706 messages themselves.  The GUI is based on the Qt framework, making use of
0707 various standard components.  A substantial part is based on the Interview
0708 framework~\cite{qt-interview} and the WebKit~\cite{qt-webkit} as well as certain
0709 custom widgets, especially the Message View (section \ref{message-view}).
0711 The GUI is fed with data by the {\em Model}, a model-view implementation created
0712 with the Qt item views.  This part works in close collaboration with the IMAP
0713 server. It is responsible for processing server replies, building a
0714 representation of data stored on the remote host and sending commands to the
0715 server in response to user actions.  Most of the IMAP protocol logic is
0716 concentrated on this layer.
0718 The Model is assisted by a {\em Cache}.  The cache provides persistent storage
0719 for certain data which are convenient to be present on next invocation of the
0720 application.  Examples of such data include message parts or mailbox state
0721 information which allows a quick resynchronization after a reconnect.  While the
0722 role of the cache and the data stored therein is not critical for \trojita's
0723 operation, having a local cache can considerably speed up the runtime.  A layer
0724 serving a similar purpose is common among other e-mail clients as well.
0726 Beneath the Model is the IMAP {\em Parser}, a component converting the stream of
0727 data flowing from the server into structured (and as the name suggests, parsed)
0728 data.  The parser is assisted by a {\em Low-level parser}, an entity responsible
0729 for analysing the byte stream into tokens of data such as strings or numbers.
0731 Finally, all network I/O is managed by a {\em Stream} and associated classes
0732 which provide a consistent interface for managing connections to the remote
0733 server.
0735 \section{Model-View Architecture}
0736 \label{big-tree}
0738 \trojita's heart, the Model, implements an interface of the QAbstractItemModel,
0739 a variant of the well-known Model-View-Controller design pattern.
0740 This architecture provides natural separation between how data are stored and
0741 how they are displayed.  In case of \trojita, we went a bit ahead compared to
0742 the common approach and made essentially everything just a node, a part in one
0743 big tree which exports all data available on the server.  This tree then
0744 contains all mailboxes, all messages stored in them and even the message
0745 structure and actual message body parts as its nodes. Several {\em filtering
0746 models} provide more user-oriented view, like ``all mailboxes'' or ``messages in
0747 a mailbox''.  An alternative to this one-big-tree approach were separate models
0748 for list of mailboxes and for each opened mailbox.  While the latter might make
0749 more sense at a first glance and from the perspective of a reader who just went
0750 through the IMAP protocol standard, subsequent analysis suggests that one big
0751 model actually fits the situation better, unless we wanted to deal with nasty
0752 issues that would immediately pop up as a result of sharing one Parser instance
0753 among several Models facing several mailboxes.  The upper layers are not
0754 affected by this decision, as they use a strictly defined model-view interface
0755 for actual data retrieval.
0757 The model-view architecture subsequently affects how \trojita and her Model
0758 operate.  Upon successful startup, for example, \trojita will not execute many
0759 IMAP commands besides making sure that a connection to the remote IMAP server
0760 enters the authenticated state.  This might involve issuing a {\tt STARTTLS}
0761 command for establishing a secure channel, optional user authentication, etc.,
0762 but none of tasks like mailbox listing or even opening some of them.  This
0763 listing is only fetched as a result of a call from the GUI which asks the model
0764 what should be shown in the view representing a list of mailboxes.
0766 After the list of mailboxes is received and processed, the model tells all the
0767 attached views that its layout has changed and that the views should update what
0768 they show to the user.  The views react by requesting more information from the
0769 Model, e.g., a number of unread messages or a total message count for each
0770 visible mailbox.
0772 When a user clicks on a particular mailbox, another view is pointed to a subset
0773 of the big model, now containing a list of messages in the mailbox.  Again, the
0774 action of clicking to the mailbox does not involve any direct action in the
0775 model itself; the mailbox synchronization is initiated only after the new view
0776 asks the model about how many messages to show, and then for more data
0777 concerning those messages that are visible in the current viewport.
0779 One important feature implemented in \trojita which is absent from most e-mail
0780 clients (especially those whose data model was designed with only POP3 in mind)
0781 is delayed on-demand fetching with an intelligent preloading.  Suppose a user
0782 has a big mailbox with more than 30,000 e-mail messages.  A naive client would
0783 open a connection to the server, select the mailbox and then fetch envelopes for
0784 all messages in the mailbox.  Most of these messages would never be shown to the
0785 user, though, as thirty thousands messages is too much to be displayed on one
0786 screen.  What \trojita does is, however, more clever -- it creates thirty
0787 thousand of {\em fake} entries in the Model, each displaying a {\em
0788 loading\ldots} sign, and ask for the real data only for those that are actually
0789 visible (with some read-ahead and read-behind for increased efficiency).  This
0790 effectively minimizes the amount of network traffic as well as the local cache
0791 size and the load on the remote IMAP server, while the user barely notices any
0792 slowdown.
0794 Being the central part of \trojita, the Model and related components is
0795 described in section \ref{model-in-detail} at the end of this chapter.
0797 \section{Parser}
0799 The {\em Parser} is responsible for converting raw network replies into data
0800 suitable for processing by the Model.
0802 \subsection{Low-level Parser}
0804 Certain low-level tasks like extraction of a string literal from the input
0805 stream are offloaded to a lower-level class, the LowLevelParser.  Reading raw,
0806 unstructured byte stream as the input, its job is to extract a certain field and
0807 return it in the specified form.  The resulting type of this tokenizing is not,
0808 however, determined by the LowLevelParser itself, but by the upper layers.
0809 LowLevelParser thus works as a dumb context-free extractor rather than a full
0810 parser.  Should an error occur (for example when the higher-level code requests
0811 an integer, but the data at the current offset are textual), an exception is
0812 thrown.  Examples of functions implemented in the LowLevelParser are {\tt
0813 getAtom()\footnote{For reading an {\em atom}, which is usually used for
0814 transmission of integer values or ASCII words not containing ``complicated''
0815 characters like spaces}}, {\tt parseList()\footnote{For retrieving a
0816 parenthesized list of other items.  The other items might be atoms, string
0817 literals or even nested lists.}} or {\tt getNString()\footnote{ {\tt
0818 getNString()} returns string as parsed by {\tt getAString()} and adds special
0819 handling for {\tt NIL} items.}}.  Details about their implementation are
0820 available in the Doxygen documentation.
0822 \subsection{Parser}
0824 The Parser listens to events from the underlying Socket, sending queued commands
0825 to the server and processing incoming data as they arrive.  During the
0826 development of \trojita (and thanks to being the first component to be actually
0827 implemented), design of the Parser changed several times.  Originally it started
0828 as a threaded implementation due to certain concerns about interactivity and
0829 network I/O, but after encountering some issues with Qt's handling of
0830 asynchronous event signalling and a recommendation from one of the core Qt
0831 developers, it was refactored into a single-threaded state machine with a more
0832 conservative handling of the network I/O, which closely mimics common Qt idioms.
0834 When a reply from the server arrives, Parser instructs the auxiliary
0835 LowLevelParser instance to read tokens from the byte stream.  These tokens are
0836 then used to build a complex {\tt AbstractResponse} instance on-the-fly.  Due to
0837 the limitations of polymorphism in C++ and concerns about object lifetime and
0838 ownership, the Parser makes heavy use of C++ smart pointers, as introduced in
0839 the TR1~\cite{std-tr1}.  An alternative would be to use smart pointer
0840 implementation from the Qt framework, the QSharedPointer.  It provides a similar
0841 interface, so the possibility of eliminating a dependency on TR1 implementation
0842 is open for further consideration.
0844 This part of \trojita has an extensive unit test coverage based both on
0845 real-world traffic and artificial corner cases.  Error handling is implemented
0846 via exceptions.  Being a class derived from QObject, the Parser uses signals and
0847 slots for communication with the rest of the application -- incoming data are
0848 read and parsed in code connected to the {\tt readyRead()} signal from the
0849 underlying socket and availability of processed server replies is announced by
0850 emission of {\tt responseReceived()} signal.  The responses themselves are not
0851 serialized to the Qt's event delivery system, though, but remain stored in an
0852 internal queue in the Parser which provides queue-like semantics for accessing
0853 them.
0855 \section{Cache}
0857 A main purpose of the Cache is providing a persistent copy of certain useful
0858 data for speeding up mailbox re-synchronization upon a subsequent select as well
0859 as storing already requested message structure and message body parts.
0861 \trojita is ready for multiple cache implementations.  The implementation and
0862 interface are properly separated -- an abstract class\footnote{{\tt
0863 Imap::Mailbox::AbstractCache} as defined in {\tt Imap/Model/Cache.h}} specifies
0864 the only required methods of interaction between the Model and the Cache.
0866 A simple cache implementation storing all data in operational memory with an
0867 optional possibility of persistent data store on the disk is provided.  As no
0868 object life management or partial updates of the on-disk representation are
0869 implemented in this simple cache, it is not recommended for production use.
0870 Advanced caching implementations are expected to be developed after the thesis
0871 is finished.  Candidates include using an sqlite database or an Qt caching
0872 object from WebKit, the {\tt QNetworkDiskCache}.  One reason for developing a
0873 simple, in-house caching solution is the fact that the Qt caching framework was
0874 introduced only in Qt 4.5 while \trojita still supports building against the 4.4
0875 release, albeit with reduced feature set.  Therefore, it was deemed that a
0876 simple custom caching framework is worth the extra work.
0879 \section{Streams}
0881 The Qt framework already provides an implementation of an entity with support
0882 for sequential reading and writing as well as informing the rest of the
0883 application about the availability of new data.  However, no unified interface
0884 for reporting errors is provided.  Therefore, most of the classes in the Stream
0885 sub-library are just thin wrappers around various {\tt QIODevice} subclasses,
0886 adding unified signals and functions for error handling.
0888 \trojita includes support for communication over unencrypted TCP sockets, over a
0889 connection secured by SSL\footnote{Secure Socket Layers}/TLS\footnote{Transport
0890 Layer Security} with the possibility to defer the SSL/TLS negotiation to a later
0891 point during the IMAP conversation\footnote{The STARTTLS command, cf. section
0892 6.2.1 of RFC~3501~\cite{rfc-imap}}, and finally over a UNIX pipe to a local
0893 process.  For the latter, two implementations are actually included, first one
0894 being a wrapper around the QProcess from Qt and the other a standalone class
0895 making direct use of POSIX syscalls.  The standalone implementation is no longer
0896 necessary, but was used in an earlier implementation of the Parser which made
0897 heavy use of nested calls to QIODevice's {\tt waitForReadyRead()} method.  This
0898 usage led to hard-to-debug failures in the networking code when using other
0899 QIODevices than QTcpSocket.  After a communication with Qt Software support
0900 personnel~\cite{qt-qprocess-sigpipe}, it was suggested to abandon these nested
0901 waitForReadyRead() calls and follow an approach common to Qt applications which
0902 simply ignore the availability of new data until there is enough bytes to
0903 process a whole response at once.  In addition to more obvious and cleaner code,
0904 this eliminated the need for blocking I/O and subsequently any advantages of a
0905 threaded design of the Parser.  Therefore, multithreading was abandoned and a new
0906 single-threaded network handler was implemented.
0909 \section{Model in Detail}
0910 \label{model-in-detail}
0912 The {\em Model} is the most complex part of \trojita.  It is responsible for
0913 correctly figuring out the meaning of various IMAP server replies, requesting
0914 further data as they are to be shown to the user, managing a pool of connections
0915 to opened mailboxes as well as handling of certain non-standard situations.
0917 \subsection{The Tree}
0919 Being an implementation of QAbstractItemModel, the Model has to provide an interface
0920 through which the attached views and proxy models\footnote{Proxy models are
0921 auxiliary models which do not supply their own data, but instead provide a
0922 filtered and modified view of data published by the parent model.  More on this
0923 topic is explained in section \ref{model-proxies}.} can operate.
0925 As most of other complex implementations of the QAbstractItemModel which provide
0926 a tree view with deep hierarchy, the Model maintains an internal tree of classes
0927 representing different entities in the big tree.  These entities are:
0929 \begin{description}
0930     \item[TreeItem] An abstract parent class providing a common interface for
0931         all specialized implementations
0932     \item[TreeItemMailbox] A class representing a remote mailbox on the IMAP
0933         server.  Children of the mailbox are other mailboxes and a {\em list of
0934         messages}.
0935     \item[TreeItemMsgList] A container holding all messages in the mailbox
0936     \item[TreeItemMessage] One message in a particular mailbox
0937     \item[TreeItemPart] One MIME body part of a message
0938 \end{description}
0940 Each of the mentioned classes contains enough information to be able to handle
0941 all delegated operations related to the Interview framework.  For example, when
0942 the Model is asked for a displayable textual data for a particular index, it
0943 delegates the query to the corresponding TreeItem instance using virtual
0944 methods.  The target instance then decides about {\em what is actually
0945 requested} and {\em how to retrieve that data}.  Certain requests might be
0946 satisfied from the data already stored in the TreeItem instance itself while
0947 other require a query against the IMAP server.  If the latter happens, the
0948 TreeItem asks the Model to submit a request to the IMAP server and returns some
0949 {\em temporary data} in response to the original request which most likely
0950 originated from the GUI.  A typical temporary representation is a translated
0951 form of {\em ``loading\ldots''} or a question mark.  As soon as the real data
0952 arrive from the server, the view is asked to update the display with new value.
0954 To illustrate this rather complex theory on a concrete example, suppose a view just scrolled to a
0955 new message in the mailbox.  The view obtained a {\em model index\footnote{A
0956 temporary index used for referring to certain item in the Model.  The model
0957 index is a standard term from the Qt Interview framework, and as such is not
0958 described in detail in this thesis.  Readers are referred to excellent Qt online
0959 documentation for details.}} from the Model and called the Model's {\tt data()}
0960 function to find out what should be displayed on screen.  This function call was
0961 immediately propagated to the newly created TreeItemMessage instance.  As the
0962 message just arrived to the mailbox, the class didn't have time to request more
0963 data about it yet.  The TreeItemMessage instance is therefore in an {\em initial
0964 state} indicating that no attempt to load the data from the server has been
0965 performed, and thus the {\tt data()} implementation does not have any real
0966 answer to the original query.  Therefore, it submits a request to the Model
0967 asking it to fetch the IMAP envelope of the particular message.  However, the reply to this
0968 message is not guaranteed to arrive in a timely manner and the TreeItemMessage
0969 implementation cannot afford to block the GUI while it waits for the
0970 corresponding reply.  Therefore, it returns an empty placeholder (or some
0971 intuitive string like the {\em loading\ldots} text already mentioned) for the
0972 time being.  This text is then displayed in the GUI, for the Model does not have
0973 anything better to show to the user yet.  In addition to that, the
0974 TreeItemMessage changes its state to {\em loading} which indicates that the
0975 remote server was already asked for the data and there is no point in requesting
0976 it over and over again\footnote{If the {\tt data()} function concerning the same
0977 index is called again, the same placeholder data is returned, but no further
0978 requests to the IMAP server are initiated.}.
0980 In the meanwhile, the Model receives TreeItemMessage's request for fetching an
0981 envelope.  It decides that the requested data belong to, e.g., message No. 666 in
0982 the mailbox. The total message count is 670 and no messages between 660
0983 and 670 were fetched yet.  To enhance the user experience and minimize network
0984 round-trips, the Model submits a batched request to fetch message envelopes of all these
0985 messages at once, as chances are high that most of them will be queried for data soon
0986 anyway.  As a part of this request, they are all flagged as {\em loading} in
0987 order to prevent duplicate fetching requests.
0989 After a while, the response from the server arrives.  As usual, the Model
0990 delegates the actual processing of the reply to the TreeItemMailbox or
0991 TreeItemMessage instance.  The class notices that enough data for updating
0992 its state from {\em loading} to {\em fetched} has arrived, so it marks itself as
0993 {\em fetched} and tells the Model to broadcast this change to the attached
0994 consumers (views).  Each view, upon receiving a {\tt dataChanged()} signal from
0995 the Model, asks for the displayable data again.  Model passes the {\tt data()} function call
0996 to the TreeItemMessage instance which discovers that it has the data already
0997 available in memory and returns the real text field (like a message Subject)
0998 this time.
1000 The ultimate goal of this lazy population is reducing network traffic and server
1001 load, as well as the client's memory usage.
1003 The delayed loading is employed in all places in the Model where possible.  For
1004 the efficiency reasons, though, certain data items which are known to be needed
1005 shortly after each other are requested in one block.  Examples of such data are
1006 groups of the message envelope, the IMAP internal date, the message size, the
1007 UID, the body structure and the message flags concerning a particular message.
1008 As suggested earlier, these fields are also preloaded for previous and following
1009 messages in a sequence.
1011 One notable exception to this approach is building a list of mailboxes.  Due to
1012 the way the {\tt LIST} response is defined\footnote{Consult the
1013 RFC~3501~\cite{rfc-imap}, section 7.2.2}, no reliable way of requesting a
1014 partial listing of the mailbox tree is provided besides indicating that the
1015 result should include mailboxes from the specified hierarchy level only.
1016 \trojita therefore has to fetch all the names of top-level mailboxes at once.
1017 Requesting a listing of their children is then delayed until the user clicks the
1018 ``expand'' widget next to the mailbox name.  Also the numbers
1019 indicating a total message count or the number of new messages in a mailbox are
1020 not requested for mailboxes that were not shown yet.
1022 The tree nodes do not make use of smart pointers, instead, the parent node is
1023 responsible for properly freeing all resources associated with it, including
1024 destroying the children.
1026 \trojita already tries to minimize the memory footprint, not fetching data
1027 until needed, yet an empty TreeItemMessage instance is still created for each
1028 message in the opened mailbox.  The memory consumption associated with these
1029 operations is difficult to measure\footnote{The increase in memory usage
1030 includes internal QTreeView data structures which could not be eliminated even
1031 if \trojita did not create any new objects for its own purposes}.  Experiments
1032 show that opening a mailbox with more than 43,000 messages increases the
1033 overall memory usage by about 6.5~MB on an x86 machine.  Slightly less than one
1034 third of this memory is consumed by the QTreeView itself.
1036 \subsection{Proxy Models}
1037 \label{model-proxies}
1039 While browsing the huge mailbox tree itself is certainly an educating experience
1040 for users wishing to become familiar with e-mail processing and the IMAP
1041 standard, it is far from being user-friendly.  Therefore, \trojita provides {\em
1042 proxy models} for presenting a more conservative view to the remote server's
1043 resources.
1045 A proxy model works in close collaboration with the parent model, providing a
1046 modified and filtered view of the parent's data to the attached views.  \trojita
1047 uses two proxy models, one for providing a list of mailboxes and the other for
1048 listing messages in the opened mailbox.  Neither of these models contain
1049 significant intelligence, as most of the hard work is already done by the
1050 original parent Model.
1052 \subsection{Offline and Expensive Network Mode}
1054 In addition to the mode of operation described above, the Model can be
1055 instructed to change its behavior in order to either reduce the network traffic
1056 even further or to avoid any communication with the remote IMAP server
1057 altogether.  For the former, and {\em expensive network} mode is provided, the
1058 latter is handled by an {\em offline mode}.
1060 When offline, essentially any network traffic\footnote{Besides shutting down the
1061 already established connection} is blocked.  All requests which cannot be
1062 satisfied from the cache will fail, and the corresponding TreeItem's state will
1063 be changed to {\em offline}.  This particular status is reflected in the GUI in
1064 an intuitive way, mostly by changing the unknown message subjects to {\em
1065 offline}, etc.
1067 The expensive mode mostly eliminates various optimistic preloading, as well as
1068 changes the operation of the message view to not show all body parts
1069 automatically.
1071 \section{Message View}
1072 \label{message-view}
1074 Rendering an e-mail message is not as simple as it seems.  First problem that
1075 the implementation has to face is the delayed on-demand loading of the message
1076 parts.  Due to the rich tree structure of MIME messages, \trojita does not know
1077 which parts are required to be shown before an attempt to render the message is
1078 made, and loading all of them in advance would be not only suboptimal in terms
1079 of network utilization, but could cause an inconvenient delay when displaying
1080 huge messages as well.  Similarly, blocking for a full delivery of all required
1081 message parts when the rendering starts is not an option, as this process should
1082 not block the GUI.
1084 The second problem originates in the complex nested structure of MIME messages.
1085 There is no limit for the maximal allowed depth of the body part nesting, so a
1086 message could have an attachment which in turn is another message containing
1087 further complex structure, easily stretching for many levels.
1089 A first version implemented in \trojita dealt with the first problem, while
1090 leaving the second one unsolved.  Since that, the message view widget was
1091 rewritten and the version presented in this thesis supports unlimited nesting of
1092 messages.
1094 The core of both message rendering widgets is based on the WebKit
1095 \cite{qt-webkit}, a standards compliant HTML rendering engine.
1097 \subsection{Network Manager}
1098 \label{network-manager}
1100 The QWebView class is a component providing the HTML rendering engine as well as
1101 certain auxiliary infrastructure such as a client implementation of the HTTP
1102 stack.  These parts combined together contain everything required for building an
1103 application which displays HTML pages retrieved from the network via a standard
1104 protocol like HTTP.  Messages stored on a remote IMAP server are not, however,
1105 usually available over HTTP.  Therefore, the QWebView had to be extended in order
1106 to be usable in \trojita.
1108 Luckily the QWebView provides a straightforward way to delegate the network
1109 processing to a custom component via the QNetworkAccessManager interface.  That
1110 custom component is then responsible for handling all network requests that
1111 originate as part of the processing of the HTML page.
1113 In \trojita, we created a special network manager\footnote{The {\tt
1114 MsgPartNetworkAccessmanager}} whose job is to provide an access to the message
1115 bodies stored on the remote IMAP server as well as filter out any access to the
1116 ``regular Internet''.
1118 The reason for the former is security and spam filtering.  For example, when an HTML
1119 message contains a reference to a remote image, a naive e-mail client which
1120 allows the retrieval of external entities via HTTP would provide an accurate
1121 indication about when the message was read and even confirm the very existence
1122 of the addressee's e-mail address to the attacker.
1124 The most interesting part of the network manager is, however, providing an
1125 access to the body parts.  When the URL to be retrieved specifies the {\tt
1126 trojita-imap} scheme and {\tt message} as the ``host name'', the {\em path} of
1127 the URL is directly used as a logical address of the requested body part.  If
1128 such a part exists, an auxiliary helper structure, a subclass of QNetworkReply,
1129 is returned which immediately requests the retrieval of the corresponding part
1130 from the IMAP server (or the local cache, if available therein).
1132 In an old implementation, the QNetworkReply itself was responsible for properly
1133 handling the MIME content-type of the body part.  For example, it contained a
1134 code for selecting the preferred part among several available in the
1135 multipart/alternative, or including multiple commands in case of
1136 multipart/mixed.  This approach, however, did not scale.  Therefore, the new
1137 implementation moves this logic to the upper layer where it arguably belongs.
1139 The QNetworkReply subclasses in the new implementation do not handle any
1140 formatting logic.  They are, as their name indicates, just thin wrappers dealing
1141 with raw data I/O from the TreeItemPart instance.  For handling the formatting,
1142 a new class, the {\tt PartWidgetfactory}, factory was created.
1144 \subsection{Widget Factory}
1146 The {\tt PartWidgetfactory} is a classic example of the well-known {\em Factory}
1147 design pattern~\cite{GoF}.  Its only public method, {\tt create()}, is responsible for
1148 returning a QWidget which is supposed to display a representation of the actual
1149 body part.
1151 For some ``trivial''\footnote{{\em Trivial} in this context refers to a message
1152 part which could not be decomposed to more elementary parts.  Examples of {\em
1153 trivial} content-types are {\tt text/plain} or {\tt image/jpeg} while examples
1154 of {\em non-trivial} ones are {\tt multipart/mixed} or {\tt message/rfc822}.}
1155 content-types, the factory returns an instance of a slightly
1156 modified\footnote{The modifications include filtering of the mouse wheel events,
1157 because the widget is supposed to be as large as required and leave implementing
1158 a scrolling view to itself to an upper layer.} QWebView.
1160 If the type is complex, a wrapping widget is created.  A classic example of the
1161 wrapper is the handler of {\tt multipart/alternative} MIME content-type.  In
1162 this case, a QTabWidget whose tabs contain the actual nested parts is returned.
1163 Widgets for the nested parts are obtained by a recursive call to the {\tt
1164 create()} function, solving the problem of the nested body parts in an elegant
1165 way.
1167 RFC~2183~\cite{rfc-content-disposition} introduced a method for specifying
1168 whether a body part is to be shown {\em inline}, that is, as any other regular
1169 part, or as an {\em attachment} through the Content-Disposition header.  If the
1170 part is an attachment, most MUAs would not render its contents, but instead show
1171 a control for downloading the body part to the disk.  \trojita works in a
1172 similar way.  Unfortunately, certain e-mail clients don't distinguish among an
1173 attachment and an inline part, labeling data such as attached ZIP files as {\em
1174 inline}.  Therefore, \trojita process the Content-Disposition header only as a
1175 suggestion if it asks for an inline display.
1177 This part of \trojita is ready for further extensions.  One particular extension
1178 which would be extremely useful to be implemented is support for signed and
1179 encrypted messages.  Signatures are currently only recognized and indicated in
1180 the GUI, but not verified at all.
1182 \subsection{HTML Mail}
1184 A common format for today's commercial e-mail messages is the {\em HTML mail}.
1185 Building on top of the RFC~2387~\cite{rfc-multipart-related} and
1186 RFC~2111~\cite{rfc-content-id}, the HTML e-mail allows grouping HTML text and
1187 related data such as images into one MIME message part.
1189 Conforming to the above mentioned standards, \trojita supports the {\tt cid} URL
1190 scheme.  The network access manager (see section \ref{network-manager}) is
1191 extended with support for those URLs -- if a message part with the corresponding
1192 Content-ID header is found among the current message bodies, it is returned in
1193 response to a {\tt cid:} URL.
1195 An interesting fact about \trojita is that her support for the {\tt cid:} URLs
1196 is more feature-complete than that of Thunderbird/ which has troubles
1197 identifying certain body parts in some HTML messages\footnote{For example those
1198 from the {\tt http://mon.itor.us/} monitoring service.}.
1200 \section{GUI}
1202 No matter how advanced the underlying engine is, if the GUI does not keep up
1203 with the features offered or is not intuitive enough, users will switch to a
1204 competing product.
1206 \trojita makes use of standard widgets from the Qt library whenever possible.
1207 Common and well-known components such as tree views builds the core of the GUI,
1208 showing list of messages and list of mailboxes.  When the standard widgets did
1209 not exist or were not usable, new were implemented, re-using the existing ones
1210 as much as possible.
1212 An example of a well-done re-use is the Message View.  Building on already
1213 complex parts such as the WebKit and the associated helper classes, it combines
1214 the widgets with whom the user is probably already familiar into a big
1215 functional part.  Without an unneeded user confusion, it manages to render the
1216 MIME structure of the received message faithfully.
1218 The mail composer widget closely mimics the {\em Write New Mail} window from
1219 Mozilla Thunderbird.  The recipients matrix was implemented in a similar way,
1220 providing users with a familiar experience and reducing the need of getting
1221 accustomed to yet another software.
1223 Similarly, the icons indicating message state (such as being flagged for
1224 deletion, already replied to, forwarded to another recipient, etc.) are
1225 indicated by standard icons.  \trojita will, thanks to the
1226 QtIconLoader~\cite{qticonloader}, try to load standard icons as per the relevant
1227 FreeDesktop.org standard~\cite{xdg-icons}, and for those that are absent from
1228 the system, a built-in icon from Thunderbird is used.
1230 Drag and drop is used for copying and moving messages between mailboxes.  No
1231 support for drag and drop outside of the \trojita is available yet, mainly due
1232 to a lack of widely accepted standard MIME type for doing so.
1234 \chapter{Other IMAP Implementations}
1235 \label{other-imap-implementations}
1237 Albeit the guarantee of interoperability is arguably the most important aspect
1238 of a standardization process, certain e-mail clients perform better than the
1239 others.  In this section, we try to provide a basic overview of selected e-mail
1240 implementations.
1242 This overview is by no means complete, for there are many more e-mail client
1243 implementations than pages in this thesis.  We therefore focus on highlighting
1244 issues observed during the course of interoperability testing and on a
1245 comparison with \trojita.
1247 Each client was tested against an instance of the Dovecot IMAP
1248 server~\cite{dovecot}.  INBOX contained roughly five thousands messages, most of
1249 them were trivial text/plain e-mails with just one line of the message body.
1250 Other mail folders were however filed with certain testing messages representing
1251 a typical e-mail usage of the author of this thesis.  Samples include GnuPG
1252 signed mail (the multipart/signed MIME type) and a special ``MIME Torture
1253 Test''~\cite{mime-torture-test} message whose purpose is to test deep MIME part
1254 nesting as well some common decoder errors.
1256 \section{Alpine 2.0}
1258 Alpine~\cite{alpine}, a successor of {\tt pine}, is a console e-mail client by
1259 Mark Crispin, the principal author of the IMAP protocol.  As such, its qualities
1260 are widely acknowledged.  When coupled with the UW-imapd, an IMAP server
1261 implementation from the University of Washington from the same author, they
1262 offer some non-standard features such as multi-mailbox search.  The IMAP part of
1263 the code base is available as the {\tt c-client}, an implementation of the IMAP
1264 protocol in the C programming language.
1266 The testing process showed that Alpine performs as an {\em online client}, that
1267 is, a client with no local persistent cache for retrieved message parts.  These
1268 parts are cached for the session life time, but any downloaded data will be
1269 fetched again on a subsequent Alpine invocation.  A nice feature of Alpine is,
1270 on the other hand, that it does not fetch any data about messages not currently
1271 visible on screen at all, achieving the lowest amount of initial network traffic
1272 among all tested IMAP implementations.
1274 As a surprise comes the marketed lack of support for the {\tt IDLE} IMAP
1275 command.  Crispin argues~\cite{pine-idle} that in today's world of
1276 NAT\footnote{Network Address Translation}, a real client will have its
1277 connection to the server sewered by a network device much sooner than before the
1278 30~minutes timeout period guaranteed by the RFC, and suggests to use {\tt
1279 NOOP}-based polling instead.  This opinion is arguable, and most e-mail clients'
1280 authors do not seem to share it.
1282 \section{Mutt 1.5.19}
1284 The second console e-mail client, the Mutt~\cite{mutt}, is a popular text-based
1285 application.  Controlling its user interface is slightly less intuitive than
1286 that of Alpine, but the advanced users praise its speed and the fact that the
1287 GUI does not block their operations.
1289 Similar to Alpine, the Mutt is an {\em online client} without any persistent
1290 IMAP cache for downloaded message parts.  In addition, Mutt will not issue the
1291 {\tt IDLE} IMAP command unless specifically told so in the configuration file.
1292 As a reason for this are stated issues with certain server
1293 implementations\footnote{Interestingly enough, Dovecot is blamed, while new
1294 version of Dovecot contain a workaround claimed to ``fix Mutt issues'', so
1295 figuring out which party to blame is left as an exercise to the reader.}.  Even
1296 when IDLE is enabled, Mutt only enters this mode when showing a list of
1297 messages in the mailbox and not when viewing one message.
1299 \section{KMail 3.5}
1301 Being the default e-mail client in KDE 3.5, the KMail~\cite{kmail} has a broad
1302 user community.  However, its IMAP support might sometimes seem a bit rusty --
1303 there is, for one, no support for IDLE\footnote{The authors state that this
1304 limitation is present due to the architecture of the KDE's KIO framework which
1305 does not really allow similar modes of operation but is designed for
1306 client-initiated actions only.}, and quite a number of bugs against the IMAP
1307 implementation is reported at its Bugzilla.
1309 In fact, the KMail contains two distinct implementations of IMAP, the first one
1310 being an {\em online mode} and the second one a {\em disconnected mode}.  In the
1311 disconnected mode, all message bodies selected for being available when offline
1312 are transfered and all MIME parsing is deferred to the client, no matter what
1313 structure the e-mail message has.
1315 In the online mode, a first surprise is KMail's handling of the IMAP message
1316 flags.  In spite of using the proper command forms for {\em updating} certain
1317 individual flags instead of blindly specifying the resulting state of {\em all}
1318 flags for a particular message, the operations are apparently aimed too wide,
1319 targeting most of the messages in the mailbox even when some of them were not
1320 shown to the user yet.  In addition, KMail needlessly introduces its own flag
1321 names even for those flags whose names are either standardized or their use
1322 widely supported.  An example is setting both {\tt KMAILFORWARDED} and {\tt
1323 \$FORWARDED} flags instead of just the former,
1324 semi-standardized~\cite{imap-keywords-flags} one.
1326 The body parts of the complex MIME message from the MIME Torture Test are
1327 retrieved separately and the rendered representation of the message corresponds
1328 to the original body structure, which is an impressive result that no other
1329 e-mail client in this test (besides \trojita) achieved.  The {\tt text/plain}
1330 messages are, however, fetched as one compact entity along with their headers.
1332 Common to both implementations, the mailbox hierarchy discovery is performed as
1333 recommended by the IMAP best-practices~\cite{client-best-practices}, i.e., using
1334 the {\tt ``\%''} wild character instead of {\tt ``*''}.
1336 KMail 1.11.1 with KDE 4.2.1 performed in a similar way to the already discussed
1337 version.
1339 \section{Mozilla Thunderbird 2.0}
1341 Mozilla Thunderbird~\cite{thunderbird} has been the e-mail client of choice for
1342 the author of this thesis.  The GUI is excellent, not only well-looking, but
1343 also extremely convenient to use.  However, its support for detecting changes to
1344 the mailbox performed by another session leaves much to be desired -- sometimes
1345 it is prone to not updating the displayed state based on what is received from
1346 the server.
1348 Thunderbird by default shows only {\em subscribed mailboxes}, i.e., those that
1349 were flagged by the user as interesting in some way.  Their discovery is
1350 performed using the {\tt ``*''} wild mask, which might potentially result in a
1351 large list to fetch.  On the other hand, assuming that the user did not mark
1352 too many mailboxes is probably acceptable.  The MIME parsing is deferred to the
1353 e-mail client, as a common choice among the graphical Mail User Agents.  We assume that
1354 this is a direct result of support for other protocols than IMAP which do not
1355 provide any form of server-side MIME support, and the client therefore has no
1356 reason not to decompose the message itself after receiving the full body in one
1357 part.
1359 Thunderbird by default opens several connections to the IMAP server and uses
1360 IDLE for asynchronous notifications about new messages in each of them.  The
1361 limit on number of concurrent connections is configurable~\cite{mozilla-imap},
1362 which is probably the only reasonable approach to figuring out how many of them
1363 will not yet be considered an abuse by the server operators\footnote{Client
1364 developers might argue that leaving tens of concurrent connections to the server
1365 open at the same time, each of them in the IDLE mode in a particular mailbox, is
1366 actually {\em better} for the server than multiplexing the access using just one
1367 or a few of IMAP threads.  The client developers are of course right, but the
1368 server administrators usually cannot be expected to have such a deep
1369 understanding of the IMAP protocol.  Indeed, most of them would prefer to ban
1370 such a user.}.
1372 \section{Mailody}
1374 Mailody~\cite{mailody} originally started as a standalone IMAP e-mail client, an
1375 alternative to KMail.  During the development of KDE4, its code base became the
1376 foundation of the IMAP support in Akonady, a framework for PIM\footnote{Personal
1377 Information Management} information exchange in the then-upcoming KDE4 desktop.
1379 We were unable to test the version identified as ``1.5.0-beta1'' on KDE 4.2.1 as
1380 it crashed with a segmentation fault each time we tried to make it talk to our
1381 testing Dovecot instance.  A similar result was observed when trying the older
1382 0.5.0 version on KDE 3.5.10.
1384 From the IMAP traffic dumps obtained before the application crashed, it is
1385 evident that while the authors of Mailody certainly thought about how to
1386 implement IMAP properly (as documented, e.g.,  by an attempt to group a large
1387 message set to smaller parts), it is not a finished product yet.  As an example,
1388 IMAP allows packing of a contiguous sequence into an interval specified by both
1389 boundaries.  Mailody fails to use this feature, requesting the range by
1390 enumerating all values contained therein.  It also does not seem to notice the
1391 IMAP envelope at all, fetching the corresponding headers directly.  While the
1392 latter it not an error, strictly speaking, it at least makes the reader of the
1393 source code wonder what led to that particular choice.
1395 Earlier versions of Mailody had troubles even with mailbox names being passed as
1396 literals instead of quoted strings.  This might be caused by the fact that the
1397 source code used rigid regular expressions for parsing of server replies which
1398 did not account for each possible response variation.  For example, such a naive
1399 parser would have troubles recognizing a reply containing a response
1400 code\footnote{Consult Section \ref{response-code} for more on the concept of
1401 response codes}, which is free to be present in most situations.
1403 \section{Outlook Express}
1405 The Outlook Express is the built-in e-mail client in various versions of
1406 Microsoft Windows.  The version we tested was shipped with Windows XP, and is
1407 the latest release of the Outlook Express ever\footnote{The product got
1408 re-branded to {\em Windows Mail} and subsequently to {\em Windows Live Mail}}.
1410 The IMAP support in the Outlook Express is suboptimal, to say the least.  An
1411 example of the ``efficiency'' of the protocol implementation is how the Outlook
1412 Express behaves when the user has selected several folders to be subscribed.  At
1413 first, the application opens multiple connections to the server.  Each of these
1414 connections then changes the subscription status of {\em one} mailbox, enters
1415 IDLE for a short time and finally terminates.
1417 When the application opened a mailbox with roughly five thousand test messages,
1418 it began an immediate full download of all of them.  Each messages was fetched
1419 by a dedicated command, adding one useless parameter to the list of items to
1420 fetch, and the IDLE mode was entered and immediately left between each two
1421 commands.  That accounts for circa five thousand attempts to enter the IDLE
1422 mode, each of them lasting several milliseconds.
1424 The GUI part of the application leaves much to be desired, too.  A notable
1425 example is its handling of {\tt multipart/signed} message parts -- if the
1426 signature is made according to MIME/OpenPGP~\cite{rfc-mime-openpgp}, Outlook
1427 Express displays an empty message with two attachments, the signed body and the
1428 signature itself.  This effectively prevents most users from actually reading
1429 the PGP-signed e-mails, as they do not expect the ``real message body'' to be
1430 available as an attachment only.  Another problem exists with the display of the
1431 X-509 signed e-mails which contain a valid signature that cannot be verified.
1432 If such a signature is found, the Outlook Express displays a misleading warning
1433 about a possible security threat to the {\em local computer} instead of calmly
1434 informing the user about the fact that the certificate of the
1435 CA\footnote{Certificate Authority, an entity which issues certificates to other
1436 entities} is not found and thus the signature could not be verified.  An extra
1437 click or two is needed to display the actual message body.  This again presents
1438 a big obstacle to the actual usage of the signed e-mail on the Internet, for the
1439 Outlook Express still has a substantial market share.
1441 \section{Windows Live Mail}
1443 After the deprecation of the Outlook Express during the development phase of
1444 Windows Vista, a new e-mail application called {\em Windows Mail} has been
1445 introduced.  However, it was not being shipped for a long time, as yet another
1446 successor, the {\em Windows Live Mail}, got introduced.  Windows Live Mail is
1447 expected to be the e-mail application distributed with the upcoming Windows
1448 Seven operating system.
1450 Unfortunately, most of the issues mentioned in the section about Outlook Express
1451 still stand.  Both applications apparently use not only the same (or remarkably
1452 similar) IMAP code, but also a not-so-different GUI layer -- while the overall
1453 appearance has certainly changed since Outlook Express, the issues with
1454 presentation of, e.g., the PGP/MIME signed e-mail messages persist.  We will
1455 therefore end this section by an observation that the IMAP experience is almost
1456 the same as with the Outlook Express.
1458 \section{\trojita}
1460 \trojita is an  IMAP client with support for various mail access modes.  It
1461 can be told not to request data which were not loaded from the network yet,
1462 supports an efficient re-synchronization mode which tries to minimize the
1463 network traffic and tries to deal with even the most advanced MIME messages
1464 reasonably.  The IMAP conversation could still be improved, though -- for
1465 example, an initial LIST is issued even before the user is properly
1466 authenticated.
1468 In general, we believe that we have implemented the IMAP protocol completely and
1469 properly.  We tried to follow the IMAP RFC to the letter, but were sometimes
1470 forced to relax our requirements a bit, for example when talking to the Cyrus
1471 IMAP server which regularly sends replies which do not contain a textual part at
1472 all, in spite of the protocol grammar mandating its presence.  We try to handle
1473 most situations gracefully, e.g., by resorting to a full mailbox
1474 re-synchronization when \trojita detects that the mailbox state changed in other
1475 ways than the server already acknowledged.
1477 When compared to Alpine and Mutt, \trojita supports an offline message cache
1478 which allows its operation even when the connection to the remote IMAP server
1479 cannot be obtained.  Its support for IDLE is also arguably better than that of
1480 Mutt, entering the IDLE more often.
1482 Comparing with the messaging platform from Microsoft would not be fair.  It is
1483 commonly accepted that the Outlook Express managed to implement IMAP in such a
1484 broken way that any further comment would be redundant.
1486 The KMail offers a nice GUI and integration with the rest of the KDE desktop.
1487 Its IMAP support is, however, not that polished up.  If \trojita had the GUI and
1488 related features of KMail, it would be hard to beat in terms of usability.
1490 Finally, Mozilla Thunderbird is quite an impressive application.  Even though we
1491 might have certain reservations to the overall Mozilla architecture, the GUI is
1492 user friendly and clean, and the application just works most of the time.  In
1493 certain corner-cases, such as when working over a low-bandwidth network
1494 connection, \trojita has potential for outperforming the Thunderbird thanks to
1495 the employment of server-side MIME parsing.  In fact, \trojita has already
1496 bitten Thunderbird when dealing with one particular HTML-formatted message which
1497 Mozilla fails to render properly, while \trojita handles it without any problem.
1499 A conclusion of \trojita's overall usability is provided in the end of the
1500 thesis.
1502 \chapter{User's Guide}
1503 \label{users-guide}
1505 \section{About Trojita}
1507 \trojita is a standards-compliant IMAP Mail User Agent. Designed with portability
1508 and efficiency in mind, it allows the user to operate over congested network
1509 lines with high latency, while still providing sufficient comfort.
1511 \section{Installation}
1513 \subsection{Prerequisites}
1515 In order to build \trojita from source, several libraries and helper programs are
1516 required to be present on the system.
1518 \begin{enumerate}
1519     \item{CMake 2.6 or later}
1520     \item{Qt 4.4 or later}
1521     \item{Working implementation of the TR1 C++ standard such as GCC 4.3 or
1522         newer or the Boost libraries}
1523 \end{enumerate}
1525 A recommended version of the Qt framework~\cite{qt} is at least 4.5. \trojita,
1526 however, includes compatibility code for older versions of Qt. The minimal supported
1527 version is Qt/4.4. Any older release cannot be supported, as the WebKit HTML
1528 engine which we use for e-mail rendering was added during the 4.4
1529 development. If users choose to build against 4.4, some \trojita features might
1530 be missing.
1532 Unlike most Qt projects, \trojita uses CMake~\cite{cmake} instead of {\tt qmake},
1533 especially due to author's familiarity with the former system.
1535 \trojita makes use of some standard C++ features that were adding during the TR1
1536 \cite{std-tr1} standardisation, namely the {\tt std::tr1::shared\_ptr} smart
1537 pointer. A working implementation of said class is required.  \trojita build
1538 system will make use of compiler's built-in TR1 support, if available, and
1539 resort to using Boost if the compiler does not support this extension.
1541 Some third-party code is also bundled in the source code distribution.  A list of
1542 such products including the reason for not just using an external library
1543 follows:
1545 \begin{enumerate}
1546     \item{QwwSmtpClient~\cite{qwwsmtpclient} is a Qt SMTP client library written
1547         by Witold Wysota.  Released to public only in mid May 2009, obtaining a
1548         package of it might prove challenging.  The copy in \trojita's codebase
1549         also contains some fixes which did not made it to the publicly released
1550         version yet.}
1551     \item{ModelTest~\cite{modeltest}, a class for verifying certain assumptions
1552         of the Interview Model-View framework of Qt.  Qt Software (former
1553         Trolltech) does not ship it with Qt sources, so \trojita includes a copy
1554         for developers' convenience.  This feature is not turned on by default
1555         in release builds.}
1556     \item{QtIconLoader~\cite{qticonloader}, another helper library from Qt
1557         Software.  Its purpose is to provide a unified icon set, as per
1558         relevant XDG standards.}
1559     \item{KCodecs~\cite{kcodecs}, an implementation of UTF-7, Base64,
1560         Quoted-Printable and related RFC 2047 standards.  These functions are
1561         reasonably self-contained, so they are bundled with \trojita instead of
1562         depending on quite heavyweight {\tt kdelibs}.}
1563 \end{enumerate}
1565 \subsection{Obtaining source code}
1567 Source code is available from the CD (see \ref{cd-content}) attached to this thesis or online at {\tt
1568 http://trojita.flaska.net/}.
1570 \subsection{Installing}
1572 Unpack the source tarball, prepare the build environment and launch the compile
1573 process by entering these commands:
1575 \begin{enumerate}
1576     \item{{\tt tar -xf trojita-1.0.tar.bz2}}
1577     \item{{\tt cd trojita-1.0}}
1578     \item{{\tt mkdir \_build}}
1579     \item{{\tt cd \_build}}
1580     \item{{\tt cmake -DCMAKE\_BUILD\_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ..}} (the {\tt ..} are
1581         not a typo)
1582     \item{{\tt make}}
1583 \end{enumerate}
1585 After a while, a new binary, {\tt trojita}, will appear in the build directory.
1586 Launch it to start \trojita.
1588 \section{Using \trojita}
1589 \subsection{Configuration}
1591 All configuration is, thanks to the Qt's QSettings, stored in target platform's
1592 common storage location. The only supported mean of configuring \trojita is
1593 through its built-in configuration dialog that will automatically appear on the
1594 first run.  It can also be launched any time later from the application menu.
1596 % FIXME: screenshot
1598 On the first page, user is asked to provide identity data. These are used for
1599 composing e-mail messages.
1601 Second page is the most important one in configuration of \trojita. It is the
1602 place where the user tells the application which IMAP server is it supposed to
1603 talk to, which credentials should be used for authentication, etc.
1605 One unusual thing which is not common among other MUAs is the choice of how to
1606 connect to the IMAP server.  Most users are probably familiar with connections
1607 over TCP, optionally secured by SSL/TLS, but the last option, the {\em Local
1608 Process}, is unique to \trojita. If selected, it replaces the usual TCP
1609 connection to the IMAP server with launching a local process, which is in turn
1610 used instead of the remote IMAP server. The most interesting use case is to set
1611 up SSH connection to the remote server (along with proper SSH keys) and use that
1612 as a secure, reliable and convenient way for accessing e-mail, without having to
1613 enter passwords all the time. For example, to launch an instance of Dovecot IMAP
1614 server on host {\tt mail.example.org}, user should enter {\tt ssh
1615 mail.example.org dovecot --exec-mail imap}.
1617 The last page serves for configuring the message composition and sending.
1618 \trojita supports mail submission via SMTP\footnote{Simple Mail Transfer
1619 Protocol} and local {\tt sendmail}-compatible MSA\footnote{Mail Submission
1620 Agent\cite{rfc-msa}, a local gateway whose purpose is forwarding e-mail to the
1621 network of MTAs} application.
1623 \subsection{Basic usage}
1625 After the configuration is complete, the user is presented with a familiar user
1626 interface. The left pane presents a view of remote mailboxes, or folders, on the
1627 IMAP server. The top widget contains a list of messages in the currently opened
1628 folder, and finally the bottom area is reserved for displaying the actual
1629 e-mail messages.
1631 Depending on the network parameters and server load, it might take a while
1632 before the list of mailboxes appears. The delay is only significant when
1633 launching \trojita for the first time, for the retrieved list of mailboxes is
1634 cached on a persistent disk cache for later use.
1636 After the list of mailboxes is loaded, user can click on them to open them in
1637 the {\em Message List} widget on the upper right corner of the application
1638 window.  After having selected a mailbox, the list of messages appears shortly.
1639 Again, the loading is faster next time \trojita is launched.
1641 Depending on user settings, \trojita typically will not transfer all message
1642 metadata upon opening a mailbox.  This feature is implemented to conserve
1643 both server's and client's resources and to be nice to the network traffic.  In
1644 a typical mode, that is, when not being told to be extra-mean with resources,
1645 \trojita fetches only metadata of those messages that are displayed on the
1646 visible screen region, and some more to make scrolling smoother.  More on this
1647 topic is said in section \ref{model-in-detail} of this thesis.
1649 Message contents is transfered on-demand only, that is, when user selects a
1650 message for viewing.  As before, all persistent contents once downloaded from
1651 the server is cached in a persistent on-disk cache for future use.  This applies
1652 to both message metadata and the real contents of e-mails.
1654 \subsection{Managing Messages and Mailboxes}
1656 Messages displayed to the user are automatically marked as read after some delay.
1657 The idea behind this feature is to allow users to peek on a particular message,
1658 shortly judge its contents, classify it as a ``process later'' and then move on
1659 to another one.  This is a common approach shared with other MUAs as well.
1661 Manipulating with {\em message flags} (see chapter \ref{imap-msg-flags}) is possible
1662 via the context menu (appearing on the message list) as well by standard
1663 keyboard shortcuts.  The {\tt M} key toggles the {\em Read} status and {\tt
1664 Delete} key schedules messages for removal.
1666 In consistency with the usual IMAP approach (and unlike the common modus operandi on
1667 mainstream desktop MUAs), \trojita has no concept of {\em Trash}
1668 \footnote{A {\em Trash} is a mailbox that presents a view of all deleted
1669 messages.  It might or might not be a real mailbox on the server, or just a
1670 virtual folder implemented purely in the e-mail client.} for
1671 messages.  Instead, each message can be marked as deleted.  If flagged as such,
1672 \trojita displays a graphical indicator next to the message subject.  A deleted
1673 message will not be physically removed from the mailbox until the user explicitly
1674 requests such an action.  This operation, called {\em expunge} in the IMAP
1675 dictionary, is available from the application menu.  Expunging happens on one
1676 mailbox at a time, there is no way to tell the IMAP server to permanently remove
1677 all deleted messages from all mailboxes.
1679 To create new mailbox, user is expected to use the context menu on the left {\em
1680 mailbox view} pane.  Due to technical limitations, some IMAP servers distinguish
1681 among folders that can contain other mailboxes and folders for message store
1682 only.  Additionally, there is no reliable way for the IMAP client to tell
1683 whether the remote server is affected by this limitation or not.  Therefore,
1684 \trojita uses the same approach as other common MUAs and ask user what kind of
1685 mailbox she wants to create.
1687 % FIXME screenshot
1689 Mailbox removal is triggered from the context menu as well.  Due to the possibly
1690 serious consequences of this action (there is no way to undelete a removed
1691 mailbox), user is presented with a confirmation dialogue asking her whether she
1692 is serious in her intent to remove the mailbox.
1694 Messages can be copied or moved between mailboxes by simple drag-and-drop
1695 operations.  To place a copy of one or more messages into another mailbox,
1696 simply select the messages to copy in the opened mailbox and then drag them with
1697 mouse to the target mailbox.  If user wants to move them instead of performing a
1698 copy, she is supposed to hold the {\tt Shift} key.  This behavior is determined
1699 by the Qt framework, so it might vary among the supported platforms.
1701 \subsection{Message Composition}
1703 Message Composition widget is triggered by the corresponding item in the menus.
1704 The displayed dialog should be familiar to most users.
1706 \subsection{Checking Mail}
1708 \trojita automatically checks the current folder for new messages.  If the
1709 remote server supports the IDLE extension~\cite{rfc-idle}, the method used is
1710 extremely friendly to both network and server resources.  In cases the server
1711 does not support this feature, \trojita resorts to polling with all it
1712 disadvantages.
1714 \section{Advanced usage}
1716 \subsection{Partial Message Fetching}
1718 Thanks to unique features of the IMAP protocol, it is not necessary to fetch the
1719 whole message in order to display just a fragment of it.  \trojita handles this
1720 automatically, fetching message parts on demand.  It also will not transfer message
1721 metadata (like its RFC~2822 envelope) unless really needed.
1723 \subsection{Offline Mode}
1725 When put into {\em offline mode}, \trojita will prevent itself from accessing
1726 the network at all.  Users will be still able to view already transfered data, but
1727 no checks for new messages will be performed and those that are not stored in
1728 local offline cache will not have actual message bodies displayed until the user
1729 selects either {\em online} or {\em expensive network} mode from the menu.
1731 \subsection{Expensive Network}
1733 Some users connect to their IMAP servers over a slow or otherwise unsuitable
1734 network.  Examples include dial-up connections or various mobile solutions like
1735 GPRS\footnote{General packet radio service (GPRS) is a mobile data service
1736 typically offering low bandwidth, high latency Internet connection with billing
1737 based on the amount of transfered data} where the overall convenience of having
1738 all messages immediately available is usually held back by the need to conserve
1739 network resources.  In such environments, it might be desirable to fetch only
1740 the absolute minimum data required to provide properly synchronized view of the
1741 remote mailbox.
1743 In this situation, the user is expected to choose the {\em Expensive Network} mode
1744 from the application menu.  \trojita will not preload data to improve
1745 interactivity, nor will it show all message parts by default.  Upon viewing a
1746 message, only parts smaller than a certain size are transfered automatically,
1747 others will be loaded after clicking a button.  This on-demand loading is
1748 implemented separately for each part, allowing great flexibility for the user to
1749 choose what is interesting and what can be ignored.
1751 \subsection{Online Mode}
1753 {\em Online mode}, the common mode of operation, is what users are familiar from
1754 other IMAP clients.  \trojita employs intelligent preloading of interesting
1755 contents to minimize waiting times, yet does not blindly download everything,
1756 including parts that will not be ever shown.
1758 \subsection{Local Cache}
1760 All data once transfered form the network\footnote{Subject to some restrictions
1761 like maximal message part size and cache parameters} are kept in a persistent
1762 offline on-disk cache.  If a message data is transfered twice, it means that at
1763 least one of the following conditions was met:
1765 \begin{enumerate}
1766     \item{The server could not guarantee the immutability of messages.  This might
1767         happen when some process touches on-disk data internal to the IMAP
1768         server in a non-standard way.}
1769     \item{User has changed her settings.  Whenever any data used to access the
1770         remote server changes, the only safe thing to do is to throw away
1771         anything in the local cache and start over again.}
1772 \end{enumerate}
1774 \subsection{Full Tree View}
1776 As an optional part of the GUI, the {\em full tree view}, activated by the
1777 corresponding item in the menu, provides a full view of the server contents,
1778 including mailbox hierarchy, messages in mailboxes and mailbox parts.  This
1779 widget is a nice demonstration of a complex nature of MIME messages -- while
1780 most users are probably familiar with the concept of attachments, the truth is
1781 that MIME defines a fully recursive structure that one message can consist of.
1782 For example, it is perfectly possible to have a message composed of six parts,
1783 each of them being a forwarded message, and each of these forwarded messages
1784 being rich-structured as well.  \trojita does its best at formatting the message
1785 in a sane and familiar way, but unfortunately some senders do not really follow
1786 the same philosophy and produce messages whose structure leaves much to be
1787 desired.
1789 More on this matter can be found in section \ref{big-tree}.
1791 \chapter{Conclusion}
1793 The goal of this thesis was to demonstrate that an IMAP e-mail client could be
1794 usable, yet implement the relevant RFCs properly and behave in an efficient way.
1796 After an introduction to the world of IMAP and other Internet messaging
1797 standards in the second chapter of the thesis, we described the design of
1798 \trojita, the application implemented in this thesis, as well as provided a
1799 comparison with other commonly used IMAP e-mail clients.
1801 While it is evident that the GUI of \trojita is not as mature as the interface
1802 of other, more established Mail User Agents such as Mozilla Thunderbird or the
1803 KMail, the core IMAP engine design is sound.  Already offering complete support
1804 for the IMAP4rev1 protocol as defined by RFC~3501~\cite{rfc-imap}, \trojita
1805 implements most important IMAP extensions such as IDLE~\cite{rfc-idle} and
1806 conforms to various IMAP client implementation recommendations which accumulated
1807 over more than twenty years of the IMAP history.  Special emphasis is placed at
1808 transferring only the required data, minimizing network transfers as well as
1809 memory consumption.  As a result of these optimizations, \trojita operates
1810 swiftly even when faced with huge mailboxes containing tens of thousands of
1811 e-mail messages.
1813 Mailbox re-synchronization uses as much data from the previously recorded
1814 mailbox state as permitted by the standards while the persistent offline cache
1815 with a pluggable architecture allows storing of already downloaded message parts
1816 among sessions and enables offline browsing of the remote server's contents when
1817 no network connection is available.
1819 The rendering of the MIME messages provides a faithful reflection of the MIME
1820 structure, yet sustains an acceptable level of user-friendliness.
1822 A feature unique to \trojita is its support of operation over a UNIX pipe to the
1823 local process instead of through a TCP socket.  When combined with SSH and the
1824 ssh-agent, it allows a convenient password-less operation without sacrificing
1825 security.
1827 Finally, \trojita, as presented in this thesis, is a result of several years of
1828 the author's involvement in the area of Internet messaging.  \trojita, being
1829 written in a modular way, provides a mature design platform, enabling the
1830 convenient and rapid integration of new features.  It is the ultimate goal of
1831 the author to deliver a fully usable IMAP client aimed at advanced users who
1832 need to work with lots of e-mail in an effective way.  Therefore, he plans to
1833 continue the maintenance of the project and develop new features in the years to
1834 come.  After the GUI is matured, whole range of possibilities for new functions
1835 is open, from message encryption to supporting even experimental IMAP
1836 extensions.
1838 Thanks to its unique design which employs both well-known software design
1839 patterns as well as new features offered by the modern Qt toolkit, \trojita
1840 certainly has the potential of becoming a competitive IMAP client on the open source
1841 desktop scene.
1843 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
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1861         {\tt http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046}
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1863         Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text, {\em RFC~2047},
1864         November~1996, \\
1865         {\tt http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047}
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1924         http://www.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/thunderbird/}
1925     \bibitem{mozilla-imap}Mozilla Developer Center: IMAP, \\
1926         {\tt https://developer.mozilla.org/en/IMAP}
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1932         {\tt http://doc.trolltech.com/4.5/}
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1935     \bibitem{qwwsmtpclient} Wysota, W.: QwwSmtpClient released, May~2009, \\
1936         {\tt
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1938     \bibitem{modeltest} Qt Software, ModelTest, February~2008, \\
1939         {\tt http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/Itemview/Modeltest}
1940     \bibitem{kcodecs} The KDE Project: kdelibs, \\{\tt
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1942     \bibitem{rfc-msa}Gellens, R., Klensin, J.: Message Submission, {\em
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1944         {\tt http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2476}
1945 \end{thebibliography}
1947 \begin{appendix}
1948 \chapter{Contents of the CD}
1949 \label{cd-content}
1951 The attached CD-ROM is an integral part of this thesis.  The contents of the
1952 top-level {\tt trojita} directory is the following:
1954 \begin{description}
1955     \item[bin] Compiled binaries of \trojita suitable for running on several
1956         Linux flavours
1957     \item[doc] A copy of each publicly available document referenced in the
1958         bibliography
1959     \item[doxygen] An automatically generated API documentation of \trojita
1960     \item[src] The source code of \trojita
1961     \item[thesis] A printable PDF file with the text of this thesis
1962 \end{description}
1965 \end{appendix}
1967 \end{document}