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Jan Kundrát} 0039 0040 \date{July 2012} 0041 0042 \begin{titlepage} 0043 \begin{center} 0044 \large 0045 0046 Charles University in Prague 0047 0048 \medskip 0049 0050 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 0051 0052 \vfill 0053 0054 {\bf\Large MASTER THESIS} 0055 0056 \vfill 0057 0058 \centerline{\mbox{\includegraphics[width=60mm]{mff-logo.eps}}} 0059 0060 \vfill 0061 \vspace{5mm} 0062 0063 {\LARGE Bc. Jan Kundrát} 0064 0065 \vspace{15mm} 0066 0067 {\LARGE\bfseries IMAP extension for mobile devices} 0068 0069 \vfill 0070 0071 Department of Software Engineering 0072 0073 \vfill 0074 0075 \begin{tabular}{rl} 0076 0077 Supervisor of the master thesis: & RNDr.~Ing.~Jiří~Peterka \\ 0078 \noalign{\vspace{2mm}} 0079 Study programme: & Informatics \\ 0080 \noalign{\vspace{2mm}} 0081 Specialization: & Software Engineering \\ 0082 \end{tabular} 0083 0084 \vfill 0085 0086 Prague 2012 0087 0088 \end{center} 0089 \end{titlepage} 0090 0091 \section*{Acknowledgement} 0092 I would like to thank my supervisor, RNDr. Ing. Jiří Peterka, for his valuable advices and numerous consultations. 0093 0094 Many experts on various IMAP-related mailing lists, especially Timo Sirainen, Bron Gondwana, Arnt Gulbrandsen, Mark 0095 Crispin, Alexey Melnikov, Dave Cridland and Adrien de Croy, have shared explanations about corner cases concerning 0096 various protocol features and provided feedback on my Internet-Draft proposals --- thanks for that. 0097 0098 Portions of my work on Trojitá were sponsored by KWest GmbH. and OpenMFG LLC, dba xTuple. Thanks to Sebastian Wendt and 0099 John Rogelstad for making this collaboration possible. 0100 0101 Adam Kudrna kindly corrected many mistakes in this text; the remaining errors, however, are mine. 0102 0103 Finally, special thanks belong to Ms.~Julie Růžičková for her willingness to listen whenever I had something to 0104 discuss, patient support when I was debugging intricate bugs and tremendous amount of empathy throughout the time, as 0105 well as to my parents for supporting my studies. 0106 \newpage 0107 0108 % legal 0109 \vglue 0pt plus 1fill 0110 0111 \noindent 0112 I declare that I carried out this master thesis independently, and only with the cited sources, literature and other 0113 professional sources. 0114 0115 \medskip\noindent 0116 I understand that my work relates to the rights and obligations under the Act No.~121/2000 Coll., the Copyright Act, as 0117 amended, in particular the fact that the Charles University in Prague has the right to conclude a license agreement on 0118 the use of this work as a school work pursuant to Section 60 paragraph 1 of the Copyright Act. 0119 0120 \vspace{30mm} 0121 0122 \noindent Prague, July 27, 2012 \hspace{\fill}Jan Kundrát\\ 0123 0124 \vspace{20mm} 0125 \newpage 0126 0127 0128 \vbox to 0.5\vsize{ 0129 \setlength\parindent{0mm} 0130 \setlength\parskip{5mm} 0131 0132 Název práce: IMAP extension for mobile devices \\ 0133 Autor: Jan Kundrát \\ 0134 Katedra: Katedra softwarového inženýrství \\ 0135 Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. Ing. Jiří Peterka \\ 0136 0137 Abstrakt: 0138 0139 Masové rozšíření chytrých telefonů, ke~kterému došlo v~posledních letech, s~sebou přineslo i zvýšený zájem o mobilní 0140 přístup k~elektronické poště. Protokol IMAP prošel od svého vzniku mnoha úpravami; objevila se rozšíření přidávající 0141 nové funkce, ale i modifikace optimalizující komunikaci přes potenciálně nespolehlivou síť. Tato práce si klade za cíl 0142 provést analýzu stávajících rozšíření protokolu IMAP z~pohledu jejich použitelnosti a přínosu využití v~mobilních 0143 zařízeních. Obsahuje tři nově vytvořené návrhy rozšíření, z~nichž každé obohacuje protokol IMAP z~jiného směru. 0144 Součástí práce je též popis, jak byla tato rozšíření zahrnuta do programu Trojitá, autorova mobilního e-mailového 0145 programu šířeného jako svobodný software. 0146 0147 Klíčová slova: IMAP, e-mail, rozšíření, mobilní přístup, optimalizace, datový tok, Lemonade, Trojitá 0148 0149 \vss}\nobreak\vbox to 0.49\vsize{ 0150 \setlength\parindent{0mm} 0151 \setlength\parskip{5mm} 0152 0153 Title: IMAP extension for mobile devices \\ 0154 Author: Jan Kundrát \\ 0155 Department: Department of Software Engineering \\ 0156 Supervisor: RNDr. Ing. Jiří Peterka \\ 0157 0158 Abstract: 0159 0160 With the mass availability of smartphones, mobile access to e-mail is gaining importance. Over the years, the IMAP 0161 protocol has been extended with many features ranging from extensions adding new functionality to those improving 0162 efficiency over an unreliable network. This thesis evaluates the available extensions based on their suitability for 0163 use in the context of a mobile client. Three new extensions have been developed, each improving the protocol in a 0164 distinct way. The thesis also discusses how most of these extensions were implemented in Trojitá, the author's free 0165 software open source IMAP e-mail client. 0166 0167 Keywords: IMAP, e-mail, extensions, mobile access, optimisation, data traffic, Lemonade, Trojitá 0168 0169 \vss} 0170 \newpage 0171 0172 \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} 0173 \tableofcontents 0174 0175 \subfile{intro} 0176 0177 %\part{The IMAP Standard} 0178 \subfile{imap-protocol} 0179 \subfile{extensions} 0180 \subfile{proposed-drafts} 0181 \subfile{mobile-imap} 0182 0183 %\part{Inside Trojitá} 0184 \subfile{architecture} 0185 \subfile{conclusion} 0186 0187 %\part{Additional Resources} 0188 \appendix 0189 \subfile{draft-manuscripts} 0190 \subfile{acknowledgement} 0191 \subfile{source-cd} 0192 0193 \bibliography{rfc,trojita} 0194 \bibliographystyle{unsrtnat} 0195 0196 \end{document}