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0076 Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2017 15:30:14 +0200 (CEST)
0077 From: Boudewijn Rempt <boud@valdyas.org>
0078 To: informing about and discussing non-technical community topics
0079  <kde-community@kde.org>
0080 Subject: Re: Telemetry Policy
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0106 On Wed, 16 Aug 2017, Volker Krause wrote:
0108 > Seeing yesterday's blog from the Krita team (https://akapust1n.github.io/
0109 > 2017-08-15-sixth-blog-gsoc-2017/), I'd particularly be interested in their 
0110 > view on this.
0112 I've pointed alexey at this thread, but there's a huge language barrier:
0113 he basically communicates through google translate. I've made it a firm
0114 condition of merging and operating the telemetry that we adhere to the
0115 KDE policy in every way. Even then, I still consider his work to be
0116 an experimental research project.
0118 -- 
0119 Boudewijn Rempt | http://www.krita.org, http://www.valdyas.org