File indexing completed on 2024-05-12 05:26:26

0001 #!/usr/bin/python3
0003 import subprocess
0004 import shlex
0005 import os
0006 import sys
0007 import signal
0008 import datetime
0009 from threading import Timer
0010 import time
0012 def execute(cmd):
0013     print (str( + " Running command: ", cmd)
0014     popen = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
0015     (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = popen.communicate()
0016     if popen.returncode:
0017         raise Exception("Something went wrong while running the command:", popen.returncode)
0018     return stdoutdata
0020 def run(cmd, printOutput = False):
0021     execute(cmd)
0023 def loadtest():
0024     resourceName = "kolabnowImap"
0025     run("sinksh create resource type sink.imap identifier {} server imaps:// username".format(resourceName))
0026     run("sinksh clear {}".format(resourceName))
0027     run("sinksh sync folder {} --password Welcome2KolabSystems".format(resourceName), printOutput = True)
0029     try:
0030         proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("sinksh livequery mail --resource {}".format(resourceName)))
0032         run("sinksh sync mail {}/INBOX --password Welcome2KolabSystems".format(resourceName), printOutput = True)
0034     finally:
0035         proc.terminate()
0036         proc.communicate()
0037         #returncode -15 means signal 15 has terminated the process
0038         sig = -proc.returncode
0039         if sig != signal.SIGTERM:
0040             if sig == signal.SIGINT:
0041                 raise KeyboardInterrupt()
0042             else:
0043                 raise Exception("Something went wrong during the query: ", proc.returncode)
0045 def timeout():
0046     # This is not an error
0047     print("Exceeded runtime. Test successfully completed.")
0048     sys.stdout.flush()
0049     os._exit(0)
0051 def executionTimeout():
0052     print("Closed because execution timed out")
0053     sys.stdout.flush()
0054     os._exit(1)
0056 try:
0057     runtime = 30 * 60
0058     executionTimeoutTime = 120
0059     t = Timer(runtime, timeout)
0060     t.start()
0061     start = time.time()
0062     while True:
0063         executionTimer = Timer(executionTimeoutTime, executionTimeout)
0064         executionTimer.start()
0065         loadtest();
0066         executionTimer.cancel()
0067         print("Running for ", time.time() - start)
0068 except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
0069     print("Aborted with Ctrl-c")
0070     sys.exit(0)