File indexing completed on 2024-05-26 05:27:50

0001 /*
0002  *   Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf <>
0003  *
0004  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0005  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0006  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0007  *   (at your option) any later version.
0008  *
0009  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
0013  *
0014  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0015  *   along with this program; if not, write to the
0016  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
0017  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA.
0018  */
0020 #include "webdav.h"
0022 #include "applicationdomaintype.h"
0023 #include "resourceconfig.h"
0025 #include <KDAV2/DavCollectionDeleteJob>
0026 #include <KDAV2/DavCollectionModifyJob>
0027 #include <KDAV2/DavCollectionCreateJob>
0028 #include <KDAV2/DavCollectionsFetchJob>
0029 #include <KDAV2/DavDiscoveryJob>
0030 #include <KDAV2/DavItemCreateJob>
0031 #include <KDAV2/DavItemDeleteJob>
0032 #include <KDAV2/DavItemsFetchJob>
0033 #include <KDAV2/DavItemFetchJob>
0034 #include <KDAV2/DavItemModifyJob>
0035 #include <KDAV2/DavItemsListJob>
0036 #include <KDAV2/DavPrincipalHomesetsFetchJob>
0038 #include <QNetworkReply>
0039 #include <QColor>
0041 static int translateDavError(KJob *job)
0042 {
0043     using Sink::ApplicationDomain::ErrorCode;
0045     const int responseCode = static_cast<KDAV2::DavJobBase *>(job)->latestResponseCode();
0046     SinkWarning() << "Response code: " << responseCode;
0048     switch (responseCode) {
0049         case QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError:
0050         case QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError: //If we can't find the content we probably messed up the url configuration
0051         case QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError: //That's what I got for a create job without any network at all
0052             return ErrorCode::NoServerError;
0053         case QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError:
0054         case QNetworkReply::InternalServerError: //The kolab server reports a HTTP 500 instead of 401 on invalid credentials (we could introspect the error message for the 401 error code)
0055         case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: // Since we don't login we will just not have the necessary permissions ot view the object
0056             return ErrorCode::LoginError;
0057         case QNetworkReply::ContentConflictError:
0058         case QNetworkReply::UnknownContentError:
0059             return ErrorCode::SynchronizationConflictError;
0060     }
0061     return ErrorCode::UnknownError;
0062 }
0064 static KAsync::Job<void> runJob(KJob *job)
0065 {
0066     return KAsync::start<void>([job](KAsync::Future<void> &future) {
0067         QObject::connect(job, &KJob::result, [&future](KJob *job) {
0068             SinkTrace() << "Job done: " << job->metaObject()->className();
0069             if (job->error()) {
0070                 SinkWarning() << "Job failed: " << job->errorString() << job->metaObject()->className() << job->error();
0071                 auto proxyError = translateDavError(job);
0072                 future.setError(proxyError, job->errorString());
0073             } else {
0074                 future.setFinished();
0075             }
0076         });
0077         SinkTrace() << "Starting job: " << job->metaObject()->className();
0078         job->start();
0079     });
0080 }
0082 template <typename T>
0083 static KAsync::Job<T> runJob(KJob *job, const std::function<T(KJob *)> &func)
0084 {
0085     return KAsync::start<T>([job, func](KAsync::Future<T> &future) {
0086         QObject::connect(job, &KJob::result, [&future, func](KJob *job) {
0087             SinkTrace() << "Job done: " << job->metaObject()->className();
0088             if (job->error()) {
0089                 SinkWarning() << "Job failed: " << job->errorString() << job->metaObject()->className() << job->error();
0090                 auto proxyError = translateDavError(job);
0091                 future.setError(proxyError, job->errorString());
0092             } else {
0093                 future.setValue(func(job));
0094                 future.setFinished();
0095             }
0096         });
0097         SinkTrace() << "Starting job: " << job->metaObject()->className();
0098         job->start();
0099     });
0100 }
0102 WebDavSynchronizer::WebDavSynchronizer(const Sink::ResourceContext &context, KDAV2::Protocol protocol, const QByteArray &collectionType, const QByteArrayList &entityTypes)
0103     : Sink::Synchronizer(context),
0104       mProtocol(protocol),
0105       mCollectionType(collectionType),
0106       mEntityTypes(entityTypes)
0107 {
0108     auto config = ResourceConfig::getConfiguration(context.instanceId());
0110     mServer = QUrl::fromUserInput(config.value("server").toString());
0111     mUsername = config.value("username").toString();
0112 }
0114 QList<Sink::Synchronizer::SyncRequest> WebDavSynchronizer::getSyncRequests(const Sink::QueryBase &query)
0115 {
0116     QList<Synchronizer::SyncRequest> list;
0117     if (!query.type().isEmpty()) {
0118         // We want to synchronize something specific
0119         list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{query};
0120     } else {
0121         // We want to synchronize everything
0122         list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase(mCollectionType)};
0123         //This request depends on the previous one so we flush first.
0124         for (const auto &type : mEntityTypes) {
0125             //TODO one flush would be enough
0126             list << Synchronizer::SyncRequest{Sink::QueryBase{type}, QByteArray{}, Synchronizer::SyncRequest::RequestFlush};
0127         }
0128     }
0129     return list;
0130 }
0132 KAsync::Job<void> WebDavSynchronizer::synchronizeWithSource(const Sink::QueryBase &query)
0133 {
0134     return discoverServer().then([this, query] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0135         SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing" << query.type() << "through WebDAV at:" << serverUrl.url();
0136         if (query.type() == mCollectionType) {
0137             return runJob<KDAV2::DavCollection::List>(new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob{ serverUrl },
0138                 [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob *>(job)->collections(); })
0139                 .then([this](const KDAV2::DavCollection::List &collections) {
0141                     QSet<QByteArray> collectionRemoteIDs;
0142                     for (const auto &collection : collections) {
0143                         collectionRemoteIDs.insert(resourceID(collection));
0144                     }
0145                     int count = scanForRemovals(mCollectionType, [&](const QByteArray &remoteId) {
0146                         return collectionRemoteIDs.contains(remoteId);
0147                     });
0148                     SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Removed " << count << " collections";
0149                     updateLocalCollections(collections);
0150                 });
0151         } else if (mEntityTypes.contains(query.type())) {
0152             const QSet<QByteArray> collectionsToSync = [&] {
0153                 if (query.hasFilter(mCollectionType)) {
0154                     auto folderFilter = query.getFilter(mCollectionType);
0155                     auto localIds = resolveFilter(folderFilter);
0156                     return localIds.toSet();
0157                 } else {
0158                     //Find all enabled collections
0159                     Sink::Query query;
0160                     query.setType(mCollectionType);
0161                     query.filter("enabled", {true});
0162                     return resolveQuery(query).toSet();
0163                 }
0164             }();
0165             if (collectionsToSync.isEmpty()) {
0166                 SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "No collections to sync:" << query;
0167                 return KAsync::null();
0168             }
0169             SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Synchronizing collections: " << collectionsToSync;
0171             return runJob<KDAV2::DavCollection::List>(new KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob{ serverUrl },
0172                 [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavCollectionsFetchJob *>(job)->collections(); })
0173                 .serialEach([=](const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection) {
0174                     const auto collectionRid = resourceID(collection);
0175                     const auto localId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(mCollectionType, collectionRid);
0176                     //Filter list of folders to sync
0177                     if (!collectionsToSync.contains(localId)) {
0178                         return KAsync::null();
0179                     }
0180                     return synchronizeCollection(collection.url(), collectionRid, localId, collection.CTag().toLatin1())
0181                         .then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error) {
0182                             if (error) {
0183                                 SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Failed to synchronized folder" << error;
0184                             }
0185                             //Ignore synchronization errors for individual collections, the next one might work.
0186                             return KAsync::null();
0187                         });
0188                 });
0189         } else {
0190             SinkWarning() << "Unknown query type" << query;
0191             return KAsync::null<void>();
0192         }
0194     });
0196 }
0198 KAsync::Job<void> WebDavSynchronizer::synchronizeCollection(const KDAV2::DavUrl &collectionUrl, const QByteArray &collectionRid, const QByteArray &collectionLocalId, const QByteArray &ctag)
0199 {
0200     auto progress = QSharedPointer<int>::create(0);
0201     auto total = QSharedPointer<int>::create(0);
0202     if (ctag == syncStore().readValue(collectionRid + "_ctag")) {
0203         SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Collection unchanged:" << collectionRid;
0204         return KAsync::null<void>();
0205     }
0206     SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Syncing collection:" << collectionRid << ctag << collectionUrl;
0208     auto itemsResourceIDs = QSharedPointer<QSet<QByteArray>>::create();
0210     auto listJob = new KDAV2::DavItemsListJob(collectionUrl);
0211     if (mCollectionType == "calendar") {
0212         listJob->setContentMimeTypes({{"VEVENT"}, {"VTODO"}});
0213     }
0214     return runJob<KDAV2::DavItem::List>(listJob,
0215         [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavItemsListJob *>(job)->items(); })
0216         .then([=](const KDAV2::DavItem::List &items) {
0217             SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Found" << items.size() << "items on the server";
0218             QStringList itemsToFetch;
0219             for (const auto &item : items) {
0220                 const auto itemRid = resourceID(item);
0221                 itemsResourceIDs->insert(itemRid);
0222                 if (item.etag().toLatin1() == syncStore().readValue(collectionRid, itemRid + "_etag")) {
0223                     SinkTraceCtx(mLogCtx) << "Item unchanged:" << itemRid;
0224                     continue;
0225                 }
0226                 itemsToFetch << item.url().url().toDisplayString();
0227             }
0228             if (itemsToFetch.isEmpty()) {
0229                 return KAsync::null();
0230             }
0231             *total += itemsToFetch.size();
0232             return runJob<KDAV2::DavItem::List>(new KDAV2::DavItemsFetchJob(collectionUrl, itemsToFetch),
0233                 [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavItemsFetchJob *>(job)->items(); })
0234                 .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavItem::List &items) {
0235                     for (const auto &item : items) {
0236                         updateLocalItem(item, collectionLocalId);
0237                         syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, resourceID(item) + "_etag", item.etag().toLatin1());
0238                     }
0240                 });
0241         })
0242         .then([=] {
0243             // Update the local CTag to be able to tell if the collection is unchanged
0244             syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid + "_ctag", ctag);
0246             for (const auto &entityType : mEntityTypes) {
0247                 int count = scanForRemovals(entityType,
0248                     [&](const std::function<void(const QByteArray &)> &callback) {
0249                         //FIXME: The collection type just happens to have the same name as the parent collection property
0250                         const auto collectionProperty = mCollectionType;
0251                         store().indexLookup(entityType, collectionProperty, collectionLocalId, callback);
0252                     },
0253                     [&itemsResourceIDs](const QByteArray &remoteId) {
0254                         return itemsResourceIDs->contains(remoteId);
0255                     });
0256                 SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Removed " << count << " items";
0257             }
0258         });
0259 }
0261 KAsync::Job<KDAV2::DavUrl> WebDavSynchronizer::discoverServer()
0262 {
0263     if (mCachedServer.url().isValid()) {
0264         return KAsync::value(mCachedServer);
0265     }
0266     if (!mServer.isValid()) {
0267         return KAsync::error<KDAV2::DavUrl>(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "Invalid server url: " + mServer.toString());
0268     }
0270     if (secret().isEmpty()) {
0271         return KAsync::error<KDAV2::DavUrl>(Sink::ApplicationDomain::ConfigurationError, "No secret");
0272     }
0274     auto result = mServer;
0275     result.setUserName(mUsername);
0276     result.setPassword(secret());
0277     const KDAV2::DavUrl serverUrl{result, mProtocol};
0279     return runJob<KDAV2::DavUrl>(new KDAV2::DavDiscoveryJob(serverUrl, mCollectionType == "addressbook" ? "carddav" : "caldav"), [=] (KJob *job) {
0280         auto url = serverUrl;
0281         url.setUrl(static_cast<KDAV2::DavDiscoveryJob*>(job)->url());
0282         mCachedServer = url;
0283         return url;
0284     });
0285 }
0287 KAsync::Job<QPair<QUrl, QStringList>> WebDavSynchronizer::discoverHome(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl)
0288 {
0289     return runJob<QPair<QUrl, QStringList>>(new KDAV2::DavPrincipalHomeSetsFetchJob(serverUrl), [=] (KJob *job) {
0290         return qMakePair(static_cast<KDAV2::DavPrincipalHomeSetsFetchJob*>(job)->url(), static_cast<KDAV2::DavPrincipalHomeSetsFetchJob*>(job)->homeSets());
0291     });
0292 }
0294 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::createItem(const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &rid, const QByteArray &collectionRid)
0295 {
0296     return discoverServer()
0297         .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0298             KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem;
0299             remoteItem.setData(vcard);
0300             remoteItem.setContentType(contentType);
0301             remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRid, rid));
0302             SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Creating:" <<  "Rid: " <<  rid << "Content-Type: " << contentType << "Url: " << remoteItem.url().url() << "Content:\n" << vcard;
0304             return runJob<KDAV2::DavItem>(new KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob(remoteItem), [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavItemCreateJob*>(job)->item(); })
0305                 .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavItem &remoteItem) {
0306                     syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, resourceID(remoteItem) + "_etag", remoteItem.etag().toLatin1());
0307                     return resourceID(remoteItem);
0308                 });
0309         });
0311 }
0314 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::moveItem(const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &rid, const QByteArray &collectionRid, const QByteArray &oldRemoteId)
0315 {
0316     SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Moving:" << oldRemoteId;
0317     return createItem(vcard, contentType, rid, collectionRid)
0318         .then([=] (const QByteArray &remoteId) {
0319             return removeItem(oldRemoteId)
0320                 .then([=] {
0321                     return remoteId;
0322                 });
0323         });
0324 }
0326 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::modifyItem(const QByteArray &oldRemoteId, const QByteArray &vcard, const QByteArray &contentType, const QByteArray &collectionRid)
0327 {
0328     return discoverServer()
0329         .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0330             KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem;
0331             remoteItem.setData(vcard);
0332             remoteItem.setContentType(contentType);
0333             remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(serverUrl, oldRemoteId));
0334             remoteItem.setEtag(syncStore().readValue(collectionRid, oldRemoteId + "_etag"));
0335             SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Modifying:" << "Content-Type: " << contentType << "Url: " << remoteItem.url().url() << "Etag: " << remoteItem.etag() << "Content:\n" << vcard;
0337             return runJob<KDAV2::DavItem>(new KDAV2::DavItemModifyJob(remoteItem), [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavItemModifyJob*>(job)->item(); })
0338                 .then([=] (const KAsync::Error &error, const KDAV2::DavItem &fetchedItem) {
0339                     if (error) {
0340                         if (error.errorCode != Sink::ApplicationDomain::SynchronizationConflictError) {
0341                             SinkWarningCtx(mLogCtx) << "Modification failed, but not a conflict.";
0342                             return KAsync::error<QByteArray>(error);
0343                         }
0344                         SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Fetching server version to resolve conflict during modification";
0345                         return runJob<KDAV2::DavItem>(new KDAV2::DavItemFetchJob(remoteItem), [](KJob *job) { return static_cast<KDAV2::DavItemFetchJob*>(job)->item(); })
0346                             .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavItem &item) {
0347                                 const auto collectionLocalId = syncStore().resolveRemoteId(mCollectionType, collectionRid);
0348                                 const auto remoteId = resourceID(item);
0349                                 //Overwrite the local version with the sever version.
0350                                 updateLocalItem(item, collectionLocalId);
0351                                 syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, remoteId + "_etag", item.etag().toLatin1());
0352                                 return KAsync::value(remoteId);
0353                             });
0354                     }
0355                     const auto remoteId = resourceID(fetchedItem);
0356                     Q_ASSERT(remoteId == oldRemoteId);
0357                     syncStore().writeValue(collectionRid, remoteId + "_etag", fetchedItem.etag().toLatin1());
0358                     return KAsync::value(remoteId);
0359                 });
0360         });
0361 }
0363 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::removeItem(const QByteArray &oldRemoteId)
0364 {
0365     return discoverServer()
0366         .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0367             SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Removing:" << oldRemoteId;
0368             // We only need the URL in the DAV item for removal
0369             KDAV2::DavItem remoteItem;
0370             remoteItem.setUrl(urlOf(serverUrl, oldRemoteId));
0371             return runJob(new KDAV2::DavItemDeleteJob(remoteItem))
0372                 .then([] {
0373                     return QByteArray{};
0374                 });
0375         });
0376 }
0378 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::createCollection(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection, const KDAV2::Protocol protocol)
0379 {
0380     return discoverServer()
0381         .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0382             return discoverHome(serverUrl)
0383                 .then([=] (const QPair<QUrl, QStringList> &pair) {
0384                     const auto home = pair.second.first();
0386                     auto url = serverUrl.url();
0387                     url.setPath(home + collection.displayName());
0389                     auto davUrl = serverUrl;
0390                     davUrl.setProtocol(protocol);
0391                     davUrl.setUrl(url);
0393                     auto col = collection;
0394                     col.setUrl(davUrl);
0395                     SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Creating collection"<< col.displayName() << col.url() << col.contentTypes();
0396                     auto job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionCreateJob(col);
0397                     return runJob(job)
0398                         .then([=] {
0399                             SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done creating collection";
0400                             return  resourceID(job->collection());
0401                         });
0402                 });
0403             });
0404 }
0406 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::removeCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid)
0407 {
0408     return discoverServer()
0409         .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0410             return runJob(new KDAV2::DavCollectionDeleteJob(urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRid)))
0411                 .then([this] {
0412                     SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done removing collection";
0413                     return QByteArray{};
0414                 });
0415         });
0416 }
0418 KAsync::Job<QByteArray> WebDavSynchronizer::modifyCollection(const QByteArray &collectionRid, const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection)
0419 {
0420     return discoverServer()
0421         .then([=] (const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl) {
0422             auto job = new KDAV2::DavCollectionModifyJob(urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRid));
0424             //TODO we should be setting those properties in KDAV2
0425             job->setProperty("calendar-color", collection.color().name(), QStringLiteral(""));
0426             job->setProperty("displayname", collection.displayName(), QStringLiteral("DAV:"));
0428             return runJob(job)
0429                 .then([=] {
0430                     SinkLogCtx(mLogCtx) << "Done modifying collection";
0431                     return  collectionRid;
0432                 });
0433         });
0434 }
0436 QByteArray WebDavSynchronizer::resourceID(const KDAV2::DavCollection &collection)
0437 {
0438     return collection.url().url().path().toUtf8();
0439 }
0441 QByteArray WebDavSynchronizer::resourceID(const KDAV2::DavItem &item)
0442 {
0443     return item.url().url().path().toUtf8();
0444 }
0446 KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::urlOf(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl, const QByteArray &remoteId)
0447 {
0448     auto davurl = serverUrl;
0449     auto url = davurl.url();
0450     url.setPath(remoteId);
0451     davurl.setUrl(url);
0452     return davurl;
0453 }
0455 KDAV2::DavUrl WebDavSynchronizer::urlOf(const KDAV2::DavUrl &serverUrl, const QByteArray &collectionRemoteId, const QString &itemPath)
0456 {
0457     return urlOf(serverUrl, collectionRemoteId + itemPath.toUtf8());
0458 }