Warning, /pim/sink/docs/index.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 Sink is a data access layer handling synchronization, caching and indexing.
0003 Discussion of the code should be done on the kde-pim at kde.org mailing list
0004 or in #kontact on IRC.
0006 Note that all feature development should happen in feature branches, and that
0007 the mainline development branch is "develop". Master is for releases. It is
0008 recommended (though not required) to use the ["git flow" tools](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow) to make branched
0009 development easy (and easy for others to coordinate with).
0011 For further information on the project see the [KDE Phabricator instance](https://phabricator.kde.org/project/view/5/).
0013 # Documentation
0014 This documentation is built using [mkdocs.org](http://mkdocs.org).
0016 Use `mkdocs serve` to run a local webserver to view the docs.
0018 The documentation is also published at [http://api.kde.org/doc/sink/](http://api.kde.org/doc/sink/) and rebuilt nightly.