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0062 To: bugzilla@lists.kolabsys.com
0063 Subject: [Bug 1741] Standard folder name configuration ignored on creating
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0065 Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 07:02:43 +0000
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0112 https://issues.kolab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1741
0114 --- Comment #4 from Christoph Wickert <wickert@kolabsys.com> ---
0115 You can get everything you need on test93-18.
0117 -- 
0118 You are receiving this mail because:
0119 You are watching all bug changes.
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0126 <html>
0127     <head>
0128       <base href="https://issues.kolab.org/" />
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0130     <body>
0131       <b><a class="bz_bug_link 
0132           bz_status_NEW "
0133    title="NEW --- - Standard folder name configuration ignored on creating new users"
0134    href="https://issues.kolab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1741#c4">Comment # 4</a>
0135         on <a class="bz_bug_link 
0136           bz_status_NEW "
0137    title="NEW --- - Standard folder name configuration ignored on creating new users"
0138    href="https://issues.kolab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1741">bug 1741</a>
0139         from <span class="vcard"><a class="email" href="mailto:wickert&#64;kolabsys.com" title="Christoph Wickert &lt;wickert&#64;kolabsys.com&gt;"> <span class="fn">Christoph Wickert</span></a>
0140 </span></b>
0141       <pre>You can get everything you need on test93-18.</pre>
0142       <span>You are receiving this mail because:</span>
0143       <ul>
0144           <li>You are watching all bug changes.</li>
0145       </ul>
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