File indexing completed on 2025-03-09 04:54:35
0001 <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" class="{{block.signClass}}"> 0002 <tr class="{{block.signClass}}H"> 0003 <td dir="{{global.dir}}"> 0004 {% if block.inProgress %} 0005 {% i18n "Please wait while the signature is being verified..." %} 0006 {% else %} 0007 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> 0008 <tr> 0009 {% if block.isSMIME and block.detailHeader %} 0010 <td rowspan="2"> 0011 {% if block.technicalProblem %} 0012 {{block.errorText|safe}} 0013 {% elif block.showKeyInfos %} 0014 {% if block.cannotCheckSignature %} 0015 {% i18n_var "Not enough information to check signature. %1" block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0016 {{signed|safe}} 0017 {% else %} 0018 {% if not block.keyId %} 0019 {% if block.signer and block.onlyShowKeyURL %} 0020 {% i18n "Message was signed by %1." block.signer %} 0021 {% else %} 0022 {% i18n "Message was signed with unknown key." %} 0023 {% endif %} 0024 {% else %} 0025 {% if block.creationTime %} 0026 {% if block.signer %} 0027 {% if block.onlyShowKeyURL %} 0028 {% i18n_var "Message was signed with key %1." block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0029 {{signed|safe}} 0030 {% else %} 0031 {% i18n_var "Message was signed by %3 on %1 with key %2" block.creationTime block.keyWithWithoutURL block.signer as signed %} 0032 {{signed|safe}} 0033 {% endif %} 0034 {% else %} 0035 {% if block.onlyShowKeyURL %} 0036 {% i18n_var "Message was signed with key %1." block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0037 {{signed|safe}} 0038 {% else %} 0039 {% i18n_var "Message was signed on %1 with key %2." block.creationTime block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0040 {{signed|safe}} 0041 {% endif %} 0042 {% endif %} 0043 {% else %} 0044 {% if block.signer and block.onlyShowKeyURL %} 0045 {% i18n_var "Message was signed by %2 with key %1." block.keyWithWithoutURL block.signer as signed %} 0046 {{signed|safe}} 0047 {% else %} 0048 {% i18n_var "Message was signed with key %1." block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0049 {{signed|safe}} 0050 {% endif %} 0051 {% endif %} 0052 {% endif %} 0053 {% endif %} 0054 <br /> 0055 {% if block.statusStr %} 0056 <br /> 0057 {% i18n "Status: " %} 0058 <i>{{block.statusStr|safe}}</i> 0059 {% if block.greenCaseWarning %} 0060 <br /> 0061 <br /> 0062 {{block.greenCaseWarning|safe}} 0063 {% endif %} 0064 {% else %} 0065 {{block.greenCaseWarning|safe}} 0066 {% endif %} 0067 {% else %} 0068 <i>{{block.statusStr}}</i> 0069 {% endif %} 0070 </td> 0071 {% if not block.isPrinting %} 0072 <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="kmail:hideSignatureDetails">{% i18n "Hide Details" %}</a></td> 0073 {% endif %} 0074 </tr> 0075 <tr> 0076 <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">{{block.auditlog}}</td> 0077 {% elif block.detailHeader %} 0078 <td rowspan="2"> 0079 {% if block.signClass == "signWarn" %} 0080 {% if block.technicalProblem %} 0081 {{block.errorText|safe}} 0082 {% else %} 0083 {% if block.signer %} 0084 {% if block.keyId %} 0085 {% i18n_var "Message was signed by %2 (Key ID: %1)." block.keyWithWithoutURL block.signer as signed %} 0086 {{signed|safe}} 0087 {% else %} 0088 {% i18n "Message was signed by %1." block.signer %} 0089 {% endif %} 0090 {% elif block.keyId %} 0091 {% if block.creationTime %} 0092 {% i18n_var "Message was signed on %1 with unknown key %2." block.creationTime block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0093 {{signed|safe}} 0094 {% else %} 0095 {% i18n_var "Message was signed with unknown key %1." block.keyWithWithoutURL as signed %} 0096 {{signed|safe}} 0097 {% endif %} 0098 {% else %} 0099 {% i18n "Message was signed with unknown key." %} 0100 {% endif %} 0101 <br /> 0102 {% i18n "The validity of the signature cannot be verified." %} 0103 {% if block.statusStr %} 0104 <br /> 0105 {% i18n "Status: " %} 0106 <i>{{block.statusStr|safe}}</i> 0107 {% endif %} 0108 {% endif %} 0109 {% else %} 0110 {% if block.isGoodSignature %} 0111 {% if block.keyId %} 0112 {% i18n_var "Message was signed by %2 (Key ID: %1)." block.keyWithWithoutURL block.signer as signed %} 0113 {{signed|safe}} 0114 {% else %} 0115 {% i18n "Message was signed by %1." block.signer %} 0116 {% endif %} 0117 <br /> 0118 {% if block.keyTrust == "unknown" %} 0119 {% i18n "The signature is valid, but the key's validity is unknown." %} 0120 {% elif block.keyTrust == "marginal" %} 0121 {% i18n "The signature is valid and the key is marginally trusted." %} 0122 {% elif block.keyTrust == "full" %} 0123 {% i18n "The signature is valid and the key is fully trusted." %} 0124 {% elif block.keyTrust == "ultimate" %} 0125 {% i18n "The signature is valid and the key is ultimately trusted." %} 0126 {% else %} 0127 {% i18n "The signature is valid, but the key is untrusted." %} 0128 {% endif %} 0129 {% else %} 0130 {% if block.keyId %} 0131 {% i18n_var "Message was signed by %2 (Key ID: %1)." block.keyWithWithoutURL block.signer as signed %} 0132 {{signed|safe}} 0133 {% else %} 0134 {% i18n "Message was signed by %1." block.signer %} 0135 {% endif %} 0136 <br /> 0137 {% i18n "Warning: The signature is bad." %} 0138 {% endif %} 0139 {% endif %} 0140 {% if block.compliance %} 0141 <br /> 0142 {% i18n "Compliance: %1" block.compliance %} 0143 {% endif %} 0144 </td> 0145 {% if not block.isPrinting %} 0146 <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="kmail:hideSignatureDetails">{% i18n "Hide Details" %}</a></td> 0147 {% endif %} 0148 </tr> 0149 <tr> 0150 <td align="right" valign="bottom" nowrap="nowrap">{{block.auditlog}}</td> 0151 {% else %} 0152 <td> 0153 {% if block.signClass == "signErr" %} 0154 {% i18n_var "Invalid signature" as sign_status %} 0155 {% elif block.signClass == "signOkKeyBad" or block.signClass == "signWarn" %} 0156 {% i18n_var "Not enough information to check signature validity" as sign_status %} 0157 {% elif block.signClass == "signOkKeyOk" %} 0158 {% if block.addr %} 0159 {% i18n_var "Signed by <a href='mailto:%1'>%1</a>" block.addr as sign_status %} 0160 {% else %} 0161 {% i18n_var "Signature is valid" as sign_status %} 0162 {% endif %} 0163 {% else %} 0164 {% i18n_var "Unknown signature state" as sign_status %} 0165 {% endif %} 0166 {% if block.compliance %} 0167 {% i18nc_var "Status of signature (status/type of compliance)" "%1 (%2)" sign_status block.compliance as sign_status_with_compliance %} 0168 {{ sign_status_with_compliance|safe }} 0169 {% else %} 0170 {{ sign_status|safe }}. 0171 {% endif %} 0172 </td> 0173 {% if not block.isPrinting %} 0174 <td align="right"><a href="kmail:showSignatureDetails">{% i18n "Show Details" %}</a></td> 0175 {% endif %} 0176 {% endif %} 0177 </tr> 0178 </table> 0179 {% endif %} 0180 </td> 0181 </tr> 0182 <tr class="{{block.signClass}}B"> 0183 <td>{% callback content %}</td> 0184 </tr> 0185 <tr class="{{block.signClass}}H"> 0186 <td dir="{{global.dir}}">{% i18n "End of signed message" %}</td> 0187 </tr> 0188 </table>