File indexing completed on 2025-03-09 04:54:29

0001 /*
0002    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2024 Laurent Montel <>
0004    SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0007 #include "dkimchecksignaturejob.h"
0008 #include "dkimdownloadkeyjob.h"
0009 #include "dkiminfo.h"
0010 #include "dkimkeyrecord.h"
0011 #include "dkimmanagerkey.h"
0012 #include "dkimutil.h"
0013 #include "messageviewer_dkimcheckerdebug.h"
0015 #include <KEmailAddress>
0016 #include <QCryptographicHash>
0017 #include <QDateTime>
0018 #include <QFile>
0019 #include <QRegularExpression>
0020 #include <qca_publickey.h>
0022 // see
0023 // #define DEBUG_SIGNATURE_DKIM 1
0024 using namespace MessageViewer;
0025 DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMCheckSignatureJob(QObject *parent)
0026     : QObject(parent)
0027 {
0028 }
0030 DKIMCheckSignatureJob::~DKIMCheckSignatureJob() = default;
0032 MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult DKIMCheckSignatureJob::createCheckResult() const
0033 {
0034     MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult result;
0035     result.error = mError;
0036     result.warning = mWarning;
0037     result.status = mStatus;
0038     result.sdid = mDkimInfo.domain();
0039     result.auid = mDkimInfo.agentOrUserIdentifier();
0040     result.fromEmail = mFromEmail;
0041     result.listSignatureAuthenticationResult = mCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult;
0042     return result;
0043 }
0045 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::bodyCanonizationResult() const
0046 {
0047     return mBodyCanonizationResult;
0048 }
0050 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::headerCanonizationResult() const
0051 {
0052     return mHeaderCanonizationResult;
0053 }
0055 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::start()
0056 {
0057     if (!mMessage) {
0058         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Item has not a message";
0059         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0060         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0061         deleteLater();
0062         return;
0063     }
0064     if (auto hrd = mMessage->headerByType("DKIM-Signature")) {
0065         mDkimValue = hrd->asUnicodeString();
0066     }
0067     // Store mFromEmail before looking at mDkimValue value. Otherwise we can return a from empty
0068     if (auto hrd = mMessage->from(false)) {
0069         mFromEmail = KEmailAddress::extractEmailAddress(hrd->asUnicodeString());
0070     }
0071     if (mDkimValue.isEmpty()) {
0072         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::EmailNotSigned;
0073         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0074         deleteLater();
0075         return;
0076     }
0077     qCDebug(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "mFromEmail " << mFromEmail;
0078     if (!mDkimInfo.parseDKIM(mDkimValue)) {
0079         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Impossible to parse header" << mDkimValue;
0080         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0081         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0082         deleteLater();
0083         return;
0084     }
0086     const MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus status = checkSignature(mDkimInfo);
0087     if (status != MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Valid) {
0088         mStatus = status;
0089         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0090         deleteLater();
0091         return;
0092     }
0093     // ComputeBodyHash now.
0094     switch (mDkimInfo.bodyCanonization()) {
0095     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Unknown:
0096         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::InvalidBodyCanonicalization;
0097         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0098         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0099         deleteLater();
0100         return;
0101     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Simple:
0102         mBodyCanonizationResult = bodyCanonizationSimple();
0103         break;
0104     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Relaxed:
0105         mBodyCanonizationResult = bodyCanonizationRelaxed();
0106         break;
0107     }
0108     // qDebug() << " bodyCanonizationResult "<< mBodyCanonizationResult << " algorithm " << mDkimInfo.hashingAlgorithm() << mDkimInfo.bodyHash();
0110     if (mDkimInfo.bodyLengthCount() != -1) { // Verify it.
0111         if (mDkimInfo.bodyLengthCount() > mBodyCanonizationResult.length()) {
0112             // length tag exceeds body size
0113             qCDebug(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << " mDkimInfo.bodyLengthCount() " << mDkimInfo.bodyLengthCount() << " mBodyCanonizationResult.length() "
0114                                                    << mBodyCanonizationResult.length();
0115             mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::SignatureTooLarge;
0116             mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0117             Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0118             deleteLater();
0119             return;
0120         } else if (mDkimInfo.bodyLengthCount() < mBodyCanonizationResult.length()) {
0121             mWarning = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning::SignatureTooSmall;
0122         }
0123         // truncated body to the length specified in the "l=" tag
0124         mBodyCanonizationResult = mBodyCanonizationResult.left(mDkimInfo.bodyLengthCount());
0125     }
0126     if (mBodyCanonizationResult.startsWith(QLatin1StringView("\r\n"))) { // Remove it from start
0127         mBodyCanonizationResult = mBodyCanonizationResult.right(mBodyCanonizationResult.length() - 2);
0128     }
0129     // It seems that kmail add a space before this line => it breaks check
0130     if (mBodyCanonizationResult.startsWith(QLatin1StringView(" This is a multi-part message in MIME format"))) { // Remove it from start
0131         mBodyCanonizationResult.replace(QStringLiteral(" This is a multi-part message in MIME format"),
0132                                         QStringLiteral("This is a multi-part message in MIME format"));
0133     }
0134     // It seems that kmail add a space before this line => it breaks check
0135     if (mBodyCanonizationResult.startsWith(QLatin1StringView(" This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format."))) { // Remove it from start
0136         mBodyCanonizationResult.replace(QStringLiteral(" This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format."),
0137                                         QStringLiteral("This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format."));
0138     }
0139     if (mBodyCanonizationResult.startsWith(QLatin1StringView(" \r\n"))) { // Remove it from start
0140         static const QRegularExpression reg{QStringLiteral("^ \r\n")};
0141         mBodyCanonizationResult.remove(reg);
0142     }
0144     QFile caFile(QStringLiteral("/tmp/bodycanon-kmail.txt"));
0145 | QIODevice::Text);
0146     QTextStream outStream(&caFile);
0147     outStream << mBodyCanonizationResult;
0148     caFile.close();
0149 #endif
0151     QByteArray resultHash;
0152     switch (mDkimInfo.hashingAlgorithm()) {
0153     case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Sha1:
0154         resultHash = MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::generateHash(mBodyCanonizationResult.toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Sha1);
0155         break;
0156     case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Sha256:
0157         resultHash = MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::generateHash(mBodyCanonizationResult.toLatin1(), QCryptographicHash::Sha256);
0158         break;
0159     case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Any:
0160     case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Unknown:
0161         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::InsupportedHashAlgorithm;
0162         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0163         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0164         deleteLater();
0165         return;
0166     }
0168     // compare body hash
0169     qDebug(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "resultHash " << resultHash << "mDkimInfo.bodyHash()" << mDkimInfo.bodyHash();
0170     if (resultHash != mDkimInfo.bodyHash().toLatin1()) {
0171         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << " Corrupted body hash";
0172         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::CorruptedBodyHash;
0173         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0174         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0175         deleteLater();
0176         return;
0177     }
0179     if (mDkimInfo.headerCanonization() == MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Unknown) {
0180         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::InvalidHeaderCanonicalization;
0181         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0182         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0183         deleteLater();
0184         return;
0185     }
0186     // Parse message header
0187     if (!mHeaderParser.wasAlreadyParsed()) {
0188         mHeaderParser.setHead(mMessage->head());
0189         mHeaderParser.parse();
0190     }
0192     computeHeaderCanonization(true);
0193     if (mPolicy.saveKey() == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumSaveKey::Save) {
0194         const QString keyValue = MessageViewer::DKIMManagerKey::self()->keyValue(mDkimInfo.selector(), mDkimInfo.domain());
0195         // qDebug() << " mDkimInfo.selector() " << mDkimInfo.selector() << "mDkimInfo.domain()  " << mDkimInfo.domain() << keyValue;
0196         if (keyValue.isEmpty()) {
0197             downloadKey(mDkimInfo);
0198         } else {
0199             parseDKIMKeyRecord(keyValue, mDkimInfo.domain(), mDkimInfo.selector(), false);
0200             MessageViewer::DKIMManagerKey::self()->updateLastUsed(mDkimInfo.domain(), mDkimInfo.selector());
0201         }
0202     } else {
0203         downloadKey(mDkimInfo);
0204     }
0205 }
0207 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::computeHeaderCanonization(bool removeQuoteOnContentType)
0208 {
0209     // Compute Hash Header
0210     switch (mDkimInfo.headerCanonization()) {
0211     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Unknown:
0212         return;
0213     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Simple:
0214         mHeaderCanonizationResult = headerCanonizationSimple();
0215         break;
0216     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Relaxed:
0217         mHeaderCanonizationResult = headerCanonizationRelaxed(removeQuoteOnContentType);
0218         break;
0219     }
0221     //    In hash step 2, the Signer/Verifier MUST pass the following to the
0222     //       hash algorithm in the indicated order.
0224     //       1.  The header fields specified by the "h=" tag, in the order
0225     //           specified in that tag, and canonicalized using the header
0226     //           canonicalization algorithm specified in the "c=" tag.  Each
0227     //           header field MUST be terminated with a single CRLF.
0229     //       2.  The DKIM-Signature header field that exists (verifying) or will
0230     //           be inserted (signing) in the message, with the value of the "b="
0231     //           tag (including all surrounding whitespace) deleted (i.e., treated
0232     //           as the empty string), canonicalized using the header
0233     //           canonicalization algorithm specified in the "c=" tag, and without
0234     //           a trailing CRLF.
0235     // add DKIM-Signature header to the hash input
0236     // with the value of the "b=" tag (including all surrounding whitespace) deleted
0238     // Add dkim-signature as lowercase
0240     QString dkimValue = mDkimValue;
0241     dkimValue = dkimValue.left(dkimValue.indexOf(QLatin1StringView("b=")) + 2);
0242     switch (mDkimInfo.headerCanonization()) {
0243     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Unknown:
0244         return;
0245     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Simple:
0246         mHeaderCanonizationResult += QLatin1StringView("\r\n") + MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::headerCanonizationSimple(QStringLiteral("dkim-signature"), dkimValue);
0247         break;
0248     case MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::CanonicalizationType::Relaxed:
0249         mHeaderCanonizationResult += QLatin1StringView("\r\n")
0250             + MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::headerCanonizationRelaxed(QStringLiteral("dkim-signature"), dkimValue, removeQuoteOnContentType);
0251         break;
0252     }
0254     QFile headerFile(
0255         QStringLiteral("/tmp/headercanon-kmail-%1.txt").arg(removeQuoteOnContentType ? QLatin1StringView("removequote") : QLatin1StringView("withquote")));
0256 | QIODevice::Text);
0257     QTextStream outHeaderStream(&headerFile);
0258     outHeaderStream << mHeaderCanonizationResult;
0259     headerFile.close();
0260 #endif
0261 }
0263 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::setHeaderParser(const DKIMHeaderParser &headerParser)
0264 {
0265     mHeaderParser = headerParser;
0266 }
0268 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::setCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult(const QList<DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult> &lst)
0269 {
0270     mCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult = lst;
0271 }
0273 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::bodyCanonizationSimple() const
0274 {
0275     /*
0276      * canonicalize the body using the simple algorithm
0277      * specified in Section 3.4.3 of RFC 6376
0278      */
0279     //    The "simple" body canonicalization algorithm ignores all empty lines
0280     //       at the end of the message body.  An empty line is a line of zero
0281     //       length after removal of the line terminator.  If there is no body or
0282     //       no trailing CRLF on the message body, a CRLF is added.  It makes no
0283     //       other changes to the message body.  In more formal terms, the
0284     //       "simple" body canonicalization algorithm converts "*CRLF" at the end
0285     //       of the body to a single "CRLF".
0287     //       Note that a completely empty or missing body is canonicalized as a
0288     //       single "CRLF"; that is, the canonicalized length will be 2 octets.
0290     return MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::bodyCanonizationSimple(QString::fromLatin1(mMessage->encodedBody()));
0291 }
0293 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::bodyCanonizationRelaxed() const
0294 {
0295     /*
0296      * canonicalize the body using the relaxed algorithm
0297      * specified in Section 3.4.4 of RFC 6376
0298      */
0299     /*
0300         a.  Reduce whitespace:
0302             *  Ignore all whitespace at the end of lines.  Implementations
0303                 MUST NOT remove the CRLF at the end of the line.
0305             *  Reduce all sequences of WSP within a line to a single SP
0306                 character.
0308         b.  Ignore all empty lines at the end of the message body.  "Empty
0309             line" is defined in Section 3.4.3.  If the body is non-empty but
0310             does not end with a CRLF, a CRLF is added.  (For email, this is
0311             only possible when using extensions to SMTP or non-SMTP transport
0312             mechanisms.)
0313         */
0314     const QString returnValue = MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::bodyCanonizationRelaxed(QString::fromLatin1(mMessage->encodedBody()));
0315     return returnValue;
0316 }
0318 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::headerCanonizationSimple() const
0319 {
0320     QString headers;
0322     DKIMHeaderParser parser = mHeaderParser;
0324     const auto listSignedHeader{mDkimInfo.listSignedHeader()};
0325     for (const QString &header : listSignedHeader) {
0326         const QString str = parser.headerType(header.toLower());
0327         if (!str.isEmpty()) {
0328             if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
0329                 headers += QLatin1StringView("\r\n");
0330             }
0331             headers += MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::headerCanonizationSimple(header, str);
0332         }
0333     }
0334     return headers;
0335 }
0337 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::headerCanonizationRelaxed(bool removeQuoteOnContentType) const
0338 {
0339     //    The "relaxed" header canonicalization algorithm MUST apply the
0340     //       following steps in order:
0342     //       o  Convert all header field names (not the header field values) to
0343     //          lowercase.  For example, convert "SUBJect: AbC" to "subject: AbC".
0345     //       o  Unfold all header field continuation lines as described in
0346     //          [RFC5322]; in particular, lines with terminators embedded in
0347     //          continued header field values (that is, CRLF sequences followed by
0348     //          WSP) MUST be interpreted without the CRLF.  Implementations MUST
0349     //          NOT remove the CRLF at the end of the header field value.
0351     //       o  Convert all sequences of one or more WSP characters to a single SP
0352     //          character.  WSP characters here include those before and after a
0353     //          line folding boundary.
0355     //       o  Delete all WSP characters at the end of each unfolded header field
0356     //          value.
0358     //       o  Delete any WSP characters remaining before and after the colon
0359     //          separating the header field name from the header field value.  The
0360     //          colon separator MUST be retained.
0362     QString headers;
0363     DKIMHeaderParser parser = mHeaderParser;
0364     const auto listSignedHeader = mDkimInfo.listSignedHeader();
0365     for (const QString &header : listSignedHeader) {
0366         const QString str = parser.headerType(header.toLower());
0367         if (!str.isEmpty()) {
0368             if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
0369                 headers += QLatin1StringView("\r\n");
0370             }
0371             headers += MessageViewer::DKIMUtil::headerCanonizationRelaxed(header, str, removeQuoteOnContentType);
0372         }
0373     }
0374     return headers;
0375 }
0377 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::downloadKey(const DKIMInfo &info)
0378 {
0379     auto job = new DKIMDownloadKeyJob(this);
0380     job->setDomainName(info.domain());
0381     job->setSelectorName(info.selector());
0382     connect(job, &DKIMDownloadKeyJob::error, this, [this](const QString &errorString) {
0383         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Impossible to start downloadkey: error returned: " << errorString;
0384         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::ImpossibleToDownloadKey;
0385         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0386         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0387         deleteLater();
0388     });
0389     connect(job, &DKIMDownloadKeyJob::success, this, &DKIMCheckSignatureJob::slotDownloadKeyDone);
0391     if (!job->start()) {
0392         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Impossible to start downloadkey";
0393         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::ImpossibleToDownloadKey;
0394         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0395         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0396         deleteLater();
0397     }
0398 }
0400 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::slotDownloadKeyDone(const QList<QByteArray> &lst, const QString &domain, const QString &selector)
0401 {
0402     QByteArray ba;
0403     if (lst.count() != 1) {
0404         for (const QByteArray &b : lst) {
0405             ba += b;
0406         }
0407         // qCDebug(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Key result has more that 1 element" << lst;
0408     } else {
0409         ba =;
0410     }
0411     parseDKIMKeyRecord(QString::fromLocal8Bit(ba), domain, selector, true);
0412 }
0414 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::parseDKIMKeyRecord(const QString &str, const QString &domain, const QString &selector, bool storeKeyValue)
0415 {
0417         << "void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::parseDKIMKeyRecord(const QString &str, const QString &domain, const QString &selector, bool storeKeyValue) key:" << str;
0418     if (!mDkimKeyRecord.parseKey(str)) {
0419         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Impossible to parse key record " << str;
0420         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0421         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0422         deleteLater();
0423         return;
0424     }
0425     const QString keyType{mDkimKeyRecord.keyType()};
0426     if ((keyType != QLatin1StringView("rsa")) && (keyType != QLatin1StringView("ed25519"))) {
0427         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "mDkimKeyRecord key type is unknown " << keyType << " str " << str;
0428         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0429         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0430         deleteLater();
0431         return;
0432     }
0434     // if s flag is set in DKIM key record
0435     // AUID must be from the same domain as SDID (and not a subdomain)
0436     if (mDkimKeyRecord.flags().contains(QLatin1StringView("s"))) {
0437         //                  s  Any DKIM-Signature header fields using the "i=" tag MUST have
0438         //                     the same domain value on the right-hand side of the "@" in the
0439         //                     "i=" tag and the value of the "d=" tag.  That is, the "i="
0440         //                     domain MUST NOT be a subdomain of "d=".  Use of this flag is
0441         //                     RECOMMENDED unless subdomaining is required.
0442         if (mDkimInfo.iDomain() != mDkimInfo.domain()) {
0443             mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0444             mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::DomainI;
0445             Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0446             deleteLater();
0447             return;
0448         }
0449     }
0450     // TODO add support for ed25119
0452     // check that the testing flag is not set
0453     if (mDkimKeyRecord.flags().contains(QLatin1StringView("y"))) {
0454         if (!mPolicy.verifySignatureWhenOnlyTest()) {
0455             qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Testing mode!";
0456             mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::TestKeyMode;
0457             mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0458             Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0459             deleteLater();
0460             return;
0461         }
0462     }
0463     if (mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey().isEmpty()) {
0464         // empty value means that this public key has been revoked
0465         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "mDkimKeyRecord public key is empty. It was revoked ";
0466         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::PublicKeyWasRevoked;
0467         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0468         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0469         deleteLater();
0470         return;
0471     }
0473     if (storeKeyValue) {
0474         Q_EMIT storeKey(str, domain, selector);
0475     }
0477     verifySignature();
0478 }
0480 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::verifySignature()
0481 {
0482     const QString keyType{mDkimKeyRecord.keyType()};
0483     if (keyType == QLatin1StringView("rsa")) {
0484         verifyRSASignature();
0485     } else if (keyType == QLatin1StringView("ed25519")) {
0486         verifyEd25519Signature();
0487     } else {
0488         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << " It's a bug " << keyType;
0489     }
0490 }
0492 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::verifyEd25519Signature()
0493 {
0494     // TODO implement it.
0495     qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "it's a Ed25519 signed email";
0496     mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::PublicKeyConversionError;
0497     mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0498     Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0499     deleteLater();
0500 }
0502 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::verifyRSASignature()
0503 {
0504     QCA::ConvertResult conversionResult;
0505     // qDebug() << "mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey() " <<mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey() << " QCA::base64ToArray(mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey() "
0506     // <<QCA::base64ToArray(mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey());
0507     QCA::PublicKey publicKey = QCA::RSAPublicKey::fromDER(QCA::base64ToArray(mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey()), &conversionResult);
0508     if (QCA::ConvertGood != conversionResult) {
0509         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Public key read failed" << conversionResult << " public key" << mDkimKeyRecord.publicKey();
0510         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::PublicKeyConversionError;
0511         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0512         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0513         deleteLater();
0514         return;
0515     } else {
0516         qDebug(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Success loading public key";
0517     }
0518     QCA::RSAPublicKey rsaPublicKey = publicKey.toRSA();
0519     // qDebug() << "publicKey.modulus" << rsaPublicKey.n().toString();
0520     // qDebug() << "publicKey.exponent" << rsaPublicKey.e().toString();
0522     if (rsaPublicKey.e().toString().toLong() * 4 < 1024) {
0523         const int publicRsaTooSmallPolicyValue = mPolicy.publicRsaTooSmallPolicy();
0524         if (publicRsaTooSmallPolicyValue == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumPublicRsaTooSmall::Nothing) {
0525             // Nothing
0526         } else if (publicRsaTooSmallPolicyValue == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumPublicRsaTooSmall::Warning) {
0527             mWarning = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning::PublicRsaKeyTooSmall;
0528         } else if (publicRsaTooSmallPolicyValue == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumPublicRsaTooSmall::Error) {
0529             mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::PublicKeyTooSmall;
0530             mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0531             Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0532             deleteLater();
0533             return;
0534         }
0536     } else if (rsaPublicKey.e().toString().toLong() * 4 < 2048) {
0537         // TODO
0538     }
0539     // qDebug() << "mHeaderCanonizationResult " << mHeaderCanonizationResult << " mDkimInfo.signature() " << mDkimInfo.signature();
0540     if (rsaPublicKey.canVerify()) {
0541         const QString s = mDkimInfo.signature().remove(QLatin1Char(' '));
0542         QCA::SecureArray sec = mHeaderCanonizationResult.toLatin1();
0543         const QByteArray ba = QCA::base64ToArray(s);
0544         // qDebug() << " s base ba" << ba;
0545         QCA::SignatureAlgorithm sigAlg;
0546         switch (mDkimInfo.hashingAlgorithm()) {
0547         case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Sha1:
0548             sigAlg = QCA::EMSA3_SHA1;
0549             break;
0550         case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Sha256:
0551             sigAlg = QCA::EMSA3_SHA256;
0552             break;
0553         case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Any:
0554         case DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Unknown: {
0555             // then signature is invalid
0556             mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::ImpossibleToVerifySignature;
0557             mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0558             Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0559             deleteLater();
0560             qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType undefined ! ";
0561             return;
0562         }
0563         }
0564         if (!rsaPublicKey.verifyMessage(sec, ba, sigAlg, QCA::DERSequence)) {
0565             computeHeaderCanonization(false);
0566             const QCA::SecureArray secWithoutQuote = mHeaderCanonizationResult.toLatin1();
0567             if (!rsaPublicKey.verifyMessage(secWithoutQuote, ba, sigAlg, QCA::DERSequence)) {
0568                 qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Signature invalid";
0569                 // then signature is invalid
0570                 mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::ImpossibleToVerifySignature;
0571                 mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0572                 Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0573                 deleteLater();
0574                 return;
0575             }
0576         }
0577     } else {
0578         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Impossible to verify signature";
0579         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::ImpossibleToVerifySignature;
0580         mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0581         Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0582         deleteLater();
0583         return;
0584     }
0585     mStatus = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Valid;
0586     Q_EMIT result(createCheckResult());
0587     deleteLater();
0588 }
0590 DKIMCheckPolicy DKIMCheckSignatureJob::policy() const
0591 {
0592     return mPolicy;
0593 }
0595 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::setPolicy(const DKIMCheckPolicy &policy)
0596 {
0597     mPolicy = policy;
0598 }
0600 DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning DKIMCheckSignatureJob::warning() const
0601 {
0602     return mWarning;
0603 }
0605 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::setWarning(DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning warning)
0606 {
0607     mWarning = warning;
0608 }
0610 KMime::Message::Ptr DKIMCheckSignatureJob::message() const
0611 {
0612     return mMessage;
0613 }
0615 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::setMessage(const KMime::Message::Ptr &message)
0616 {
0617     mMessage = message;
0618 }
0620 MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus DKIMCheckSignatureJob::checkSignature(const DKIMInfo &info)
0621 {
0622     const qint64 currentDate = QDateTime::currentSecsSinceEpoch();
0623     if (info.expireTime() != -1 && info.expireTime() < currentDate) {
0624         mWarning = DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning::SignatureExpired;
0625     }
0626     if (info.signatureTimeStamp() != -1 && info.signatureTimeStamp() > currentDate) {
0627         mWarning = DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning::SignatureCreatedInFuture;
0628     }
0629     if (info.signature().isEmpty()) {
0630         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Signature doesn't exist";
0631         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::MissingSignature;
0632         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0633     }
0634     if (!info.listSignedHeader().contains(QLatin1StringView("from"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
0635         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "From is not include in headers list";
0636         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::MissingFrom;
0637         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0638     }
0639     if (info.domain().isEmpty()) {
0640         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Domain is not defined.";
0641         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::DomainNotExist;
0642         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0643     }
0644     if (info.query() != QLatin1StringView("dns/txt")) {
0645         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "Query is incorrect: " << info.query();
0646         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::InvalidQueryMethod;
0647         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0648     }
0650     if ((info.hashingAlgorithm() == MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Any)
0651         || (info.hashingAlgorithm() == MessageViewer::DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Unknown)) {
0652         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "body header algorithm is empty";
0653         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::InvalidBodyHashAlgorithm;
0654         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0655     }
0656     if (info.signingAlgorithm().isEmpty()) {
0657         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "signature algorithm is empty";
0658         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::InvalidSignAlgorithm;
0659         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0660     }
0662     if (info.hashingAlgorithm() == DKIMInfo::HashingAlgorithmType::Sha1) {
0663         if (mPolicy.rsaSha1Policy() == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumPolicyRsaSha1::Nothing) {
0664             // nothing
0665         } else if (mPolicy.rsaSha1Policy() == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumPolicyRsaSha1::Warning) {
0666             qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "hash algorithm is not secure sha1 : Error";
0667             mWarning = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMWarning::HashAlgorithmUnsafe;
0668         } else if (mPolicy.rsaSha1Policy() == MessageViewer::MessageViewerSettings::EnumPolicyRsaSha1::Error) {
0669             qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "hash algorithm is not secure sha1: Error";
0670             mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::HashAlgorithmUnsafeSha1;
0671             return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0672         }
0673     }
0675     // qDebug() << "info.agentOrUserIdentifier() " << info.agentOrUserIdentifier() << " info.iDomain() " << info.iDomain();
0676     if (!info.agentOrUserIdentifier().endsWith(info.iDomain())) {
0677         qCWarning(MESSAGEVIEWER_DKIMCHECKER_LOG) << "AUID is not in a subdomain of SDID";
0678         mError = MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError::IDomainError;
0679         return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Invalid;
0680     }
0681     // Add more test
0682     // TODO check if info is valid
0683     return MessageViewer::DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Valid;
0684 }
0686 DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMError DKIMCheckSignatureJob::error() const
0687 {
0688     return mError;
0689 }
0691 DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus DKIMCheckSignatureJob::status() const
0692 {
0693     return mStatus;
0694 }
0696 void DKIMCheckSignatureJob::setStatus(DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus status)
0697 {
0698     mStatus = status;
0699 }
0701 QString DKIMCheckSignatureJob::dkimValue() const
0702 {
0703     return mDkimValue;
0704 }
0706 bool DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult::isValid() const
0707 {
0708     return status != DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMStatus::Unknown;
0709 }
0711 bool DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult::operator==(const DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult &other) const
0712 {
0713     return error == other.error && warning == other.warning && status == other.status && fromEmail == other.fromEmail && auid == other.auid
0714         && sdid == other.sdid && listSignatureAuthenticationResult == other.listSignatureAuthenticationResult;
0715 }
0717 bool DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult::operator!=(const DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult &other) const
0718 {
0719     return !CheckSignatureResult::operator==(other);
0720 }
0722 QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const DKIMCheckSignatureJob::CheckSignatureResult &t)
0723 {
0724     d << " error " << t.error;
0725     d << " warning " << t.warning;
0726     d << " status " << t.status;
0727     d << " signedBy " << t.sdid;
0728     d << " fromEmail " << t.fromEmail;
0729     d << " auid " << t.auid;
0730     d << " authenticationResult " << t.listSignatureAuthenticationResult;
0731     return d;
0732 }
0734 QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult &t)
0735 {
0736     d << " method " << t.method;
0737     d << " errorStr " << t.errorStr;
0738     d << " status " << t.status;
0739     d << " sdid " << t.sdid;
0740     d << " auid " << t.auid;
0741     d << " inforesult " << t.infoResult;
0742     return d;
0743 }
0745 bool DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult::operator==(const DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult &other) const
0746 {
0747     return errorStr == other.errorStr && method == other.method && status == other.status && sdid == other.sdid && auid == other.auid
0748         && infoResult == other.infoResult;
0749 }
0751 bool DKIMCheckSignatureJob::DKIMCheckSignatureAuthenticationResult::isValid() const
0752 {
0753     // TODO improve it
0754     return (method != AuthenticationMethod::Unknown);
0755 }
0757 #include "moc_dkimchecksignaturejob.cpp"