Warning, /pim/libksieve/src/ksieveui/autocreatescripts/autotests/data/test-vacation-ref.siv is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 require "fileinto";
0002 require "vacation-seconds";
0003 require "vacation";
0005 # rule:[Script part 0]
0006 # Move spam to spam folder
0007 if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES"
0008 {
0009     fileinto "spam";
0010     # Stop here so that we do not reply on spams
0011     stop;
0012 } 
0014 # rule:[Script part 1]
0015 vacation :days 1 :subject "Out of office reply" :addresses [ "j.doe@company.dom", "john.doe@company.dom" ] text:
0016 I'm out of office, please contact Joan Doe instead.
0017 Best regards
0018 John Doe
0019 .
0020 ;