Warning, /pim/libkleo/autotests/fixtures/keyresolvercoretest/readme.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Fixture for KeyResolverTest
0003 ## Setup
0005 Set the `GNUPGHOME` environment variable to this folder:
0006 ```
0007 export GNUPGHOME=$(pwd)
0008 ```
0010 ## Generate OpenPGP test keys
0012 Note: gpg 2.3 is needed for the --no-auto-trust-new-key option.
0014 ```
0015 # Create an ultimately trusted CA key
0016 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Ultimately trusted CA <ca-ultimate@example.net>" default default never
0018 # Create a fully trusted CA key
0019 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Fully trusted CA <ca-full@example.net>" default default never
0020 gpg --edit-key --command-fd 0 ca-full@example.net <<eof
0021 trust
0022 4
0023 save
0024 eof
0025 gpg --quick-sign-key --default-key $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons ca-ultimate@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10) --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" $(gpg -k --batch --with-colons ca-full@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0027 # Create a marginally trusted CA key
0028 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Marginally trusted CA <ca-marginal@example.net>" default default never
0029 gpg --edit-key --command-fd 0 ca-marginal@example.net <<eof
0030 trust
0031 3
0032 save
0033 eof
0034 gpg --quick-sign-key --default-key $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons ca-ultimate@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10) --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" $(gpg -k --batch --with-colons ca-marginal@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0036 # Sender with OpenPGP and S/MIME certificate
0037 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" sender-mixed@example.net default default never
0039 # Sender with OpenPGP key only
0040 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" sender-openpgp@example.net default default never
0042 # Recipient with ultimate validity (higher than corresponding S/MIME certificate)
0043 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "prefer-openpgp@example.net" default default never
0044 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons prefer-openpgp@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0046 # Recipient with full validity (same as corresponding S/MIME certificate)
0047 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" --no-auto-trust-new-key "full-validity@example.net" default default never
0048 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons full-validity@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0049 gpg --quick-sign-key --default-key $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons ca-full@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10) --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" $(gpg -k --batch --with-colons full-validity@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0051 # Recipient with marginal validity (lower than corresponding S/MIME certificate)
0052 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" --no-auto-trust-new-key "prefer-smime@example.net" default default never
0053 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons prefer-smime@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0054 gpg --quick-sign-key --default-key $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons ca-marginal@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10) --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" $(gpg -k --batch --with-colons prefer-smime@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0056 # OpenPGP-only recipient with full validity
0057 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" --no-auto-trust-new-key "openpgp-only@example.net" default default never
0058 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons openpgp-only@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0059 gpg --quick-sign-key --default-key $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons ca-full@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10) --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" $(gpg -k --batch --with-colons openpgp-only@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0060 ```
0062 ### Unused OpenPGP keys
0063 ```
0064 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Untrusted OpenPGP 1 <untrusted-openpgp@example.net>" default default never
0065 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons "Untrusted OpenPGP 1 <untrusted-openpgp@example.net>" | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0066 gpg --edit-key --command-fd 0 "Untrusted OpenPGP 1 <untrusted-openpgp@example.net>" <<eof
0067 trust
0068 1
0069 save
0070 eof
0072 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Untrusted OpenPGP 2 <untrusted-openpgp@example.net>" default default never
0073 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons "Untrusted OpenPGP 2 <untrusted-openpgp@example.net>" | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0074 gpg --edit-key --command-fd 0 "Untrusted OpenPGP 2 <untrusted-openpgp@example.net>" <<eof
0075 trust
0076 1
0077 save
0078 eof
0080 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Untrusted Mixed OpenPGP <untrusted-mixed@example.net>" default default never
0081 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons untrusted-mixed@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0082 gpg --edit-key --command-fd 0 untrusted-mixed@example.net <<eof
0083 trust
0084 1
0085 save
0086 eof
0088 gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" "Expired <expired@example.net>" default default seconds=1
0089 gpg --delete-secret-keys --batch --yes $(gpg -K --batch --with-colons expired@example.net | grep fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10)
0090 ```
0092 ## Generate S/MIME test keys
0094 ### Generate a Test CA certificate and mark it as trusted
0096 ```
0097 mkdir -p demoCA/newcerts
0098 touch demoCA/index.txt
0099 echo test | openssl req -x509 \
0100     --passout stdin \
0101     -subj "/CN=Test CA/O=example/C=DE" \
0102     --addext "keyUsage = critical, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign" \
0103     -days 36524 \
0104     -newkey rsa:2048 \
0105     -keyout test-ca.key.pem \
0106     -out test-ca.cert.pem
0107 gpgsm --import test-ca.cert.pem
0108 gpgsm -k "Test CA" | grep 'sha1 fpr' | sed 's/\s*sha1 fpr:\s*\([0-9A-F].*\)/\1 S relax/' >>trustlist.txt
0109 ```
0111 ### Generate some test keys certified by the Test CA
0113 ```
0114 # Sender with OpenPGP and S/MIME certificate
0115 gpgsm --gen-key --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" <<eof >sender-mixed.req.pem
0116 dummy
0117 Key-Type: RSA
0118 Key-Length: 2048
0119 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt
0120 Name-DN: CN=Sender Mixed,O=example,C=DE
0121 Name-Email: sender-mixed@example.net
0122 eof
0123 echo test | openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -batch --passin stdin -keyfile test-ca.key.pem -in sender-mixed.req.pem -out sender-mixed.cert.pem
0124 gpgsm --import sender-mixed.cert.pem
0126 # Sender with S/MIME certificate only
0127 gpgsm --gen-key --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" <<eof >sender-smime.req.pem
0128 dummy
0129 Key-Type: RSA
0130 Key-Length: 2048
0131 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt
0132 Name-DN: CN=Sender S/MIME,O=example,C=DE
0133 Name-Email: sender-smime@example.net
0134 eof
0135 echo test | openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -batch --passin stdin -keyfile test-ca.key.pem -in sender-smime.req.pem -out sender-smime.cert.pem
0136 gpgsm --import sender-smime.cert.pem
0138 # Recipient with full validity (higher than corresponding OpenPGP key)
0139 gpgsm --gen-key --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" <<eof >prefer-smime.req.pem
0140 dummy
0141 Key-Type: RSA
0142 Key-Length: 2048
0143 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt
0144 Name-DN: CN=Trusted S/MIME,O=example,C=DE
0145 Name-Email: prefer-smime@example.net
0146 eof
0147 echo test | openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -batch --passin stdin -keyfile test-ca.key.pem -in prefer-smime.req.pem -out prefer-smime.cert.pem
0148 gpgsm --import prefer-smime.cert.pem
0150 # Recipient with full validity (same as corresponding S/MIME certificate)
0151 gpgsm --gen-key --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" <<eof >full-validity.req.pem
0152 dummy
0153 Key-Type: RSA
0154 Key-Length: 2048
0155 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt
0156 Name-DN: CN=S/MIME w/ same validity as OpenPGP,O=example,C=DE
0157 Name-Email: full-validity@example.net
0158 eof
0159 echo test | openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -batch --passin stdin -keyfile test-ca.key.pem -in full-validity.req.pem -out full-validity.cert.pem
0160 gpgsm --import full-validity.cert.pem
0162 # Recipient with full validity (lower than corresponding OpenPGP key)
0163 gpgsm --gen-key --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" <<eof >prefer-openpgp.req.pem
0164 dummy
0165 Key-Type: RSA
0166 Key-Length: 2048
0167 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt
0168 Name-DN: CN=S/MIME w/ lower validity than OpenPGP,O=example,C=DE
0169 Name-Email: prefer-openpgp@example.net
0170 eof
0171 echo test | openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -batch --passin stdin -keyfile test-ca.key.pem -in prefer-openpgp.req.pem -out prefer-openpgp.cert.pem
0172 gpgsm --import prefer-openpgp.cert.pem
0174 # S/MIME-only recipient with full validity
0175 gpgsm --gen-key --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase "" <<eof >smime-only.req.pem
0176 dummy
0177 Key-Type: RSA
0178 Key-Length: 2048
0179 Key-Usage: sign, encrypt
0180 Name-DN: CN=S/MIME w/ full validity,O=example,C=DE
0181 Name-Email: smime-only@example.net
0182 eof
0183 echo test | openssl ca -config ./openssl.cnf -batch --passin stdin -keyfile test-ca.key.pem -in smime-only.req.pem -out smime-only.cert.pem
0184 gpgsm --import smime-only.cert.pem
0185 # remove the corresponding secret key in private-keys-v1.d
0186 ```