Warning, /pim/libkgapi/tools/schema_generator/README.md is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # Schema Generator
0003 This Python utility parses Google API Discovery documents which describe
0004 particular APIs, and generates C++ parsers and serializers for the
0005 schemas defined there.
0007 The tool has been written initially to generate C++ code for schemas for the
0008 People API (which contains over 40 schemas that would otherwise have to be
0009 written out by hand, including serializers and parsers), so it may contain
0010 logic that is specific to this API. It's perfectly fine to tweak this tool
0011 to support other APIs.
0013 This tool is not currently intended to generate C++ code at build-time,
0014 instead, its intended to generate classes, properties, getters and setters
0015 for all the schemas (which is otherwise tedious and error-prone work), but
0016 there's no guarantee that the generated code will compile - usually it will
0017 need some manual editing afterwards that would otherwise be too complex or
0018 unfeasible to implement into this tool in some generic way (or I'm just too
0019 lazy to do that).
0021 However, the long-term plan for this tool is to generate C++ code for all
0022 the supported APIs at compile time based on the Discovery documents, but
0023 that's a distant future...
0025 ## API definition file
0027 The API definition file is a custom YAML file that describes the API
0028 discovery document and some additional configuration for the tool.
0029 The file looks like this:
0031 ```yaml
0032 # Name of the API
0033 name: PeopleV1
0035 # C++ namespace (will be automatically prefixed with KGAPI2::)
0036 namespace: People
0038 # Name of the C++ export macro
0039 export_macro: KGAPIPEOPLE_EXPORT
0041 # URL of the API's discovery document
0042 discovery_uri: https://people.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v1
0044 # URL of the API's reference documentation
0045 reference_base_uri: https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/v1/people
0047 # The version of LibKGAPI where the API first appeared, used in @since doxygen tags.
0048 since: "5.19.0"
0050 # List of classes that should inherit KGAPI2::Object
0051 kgapiobjects:
0052     - Person
0054 # List of schema names that should be ignored. The name can contain an
0055 # wildcard symbol (*) at the beginning or end to exclude all schemas ending
0056 # or starting with the specified name.
0057 excludeObjects:
0058     - "*Request"
0059     - "*Response"
0060     - "ContactToCreate"
0061     - "SearchResult"
0062     - "Status"
0063     - "Empty"
0064     - "Date"
0066 # List of OldName: NewName pairs. The generator will rename any object or reference
0067 # with the old name to the new name. Can be used to avoid conflicts with C++/Qt/system
0068 # names.
0069 renameObjects:
0070     Locale: PersonLocale
0071 ```