Warning, /pim/libkgapi/autotests/people/data/person1_modify_request.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 PATCH https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/c5170723913980391624:updateContact?updatePersonFields=addresses,biographies,birthdays,calendarUrls,clientData,emailAddresses,events,externalIds,genders,imClients,interests,locales,locations,memberships,miscKeywords,names,nicknames,occupations,organizations,phoneNumbers,relations,sipAddresses,urls,userDefined&prettyPrint=false
0002 Host: people.googleapis.com
0003 Content-Type: application/json
0005 {
0006   "resourceName": "people/c5170723913980391624",
0007   "etag": "%EigBAgMEBQYHCAkKCwwNDg8QERITFBUWFxkfISIjJCUmJy40NTc9Pj9AGgQBAgUHIgxabTRZZlRpekE3TT0=",
0008   "metadata": {
0009     "sources": [
0010       {
0011         "type": "CONTACT",
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0014       }
0015     ]
0016   },
0017   "names": [
0018     {
0019       "familyName": "Doe",
0020       "givenName": "John",
0021       "middleName": "Jay",
0022       "honorificPrefix": "Dr.",
0023       "honorificSuffix": "III",
0024       "phoneticFamilyName": "dəʊ",
0025       "phoneticGivenName": "ʤɒn",
0026       "phoneticMiddleName": "ʤeɪ",
0027       "unstructuredName": "Dr. John Jay Doe III"
0028     }
0029   ],
0030   "nicknames": [
0031     {
0032       "value": "Johnny",
0033       "type": "DEFAULT"
0034     }
0035   ],
0036   "birthdays": [
0037     {
0038       "date": {
0039         "year": 1996,
0040         "month": 12,
0041         "day": 13
0042       }
0043     }
0044   ],
0045   "addresses": [
0046     {
0047       "formattedValue": "KDE Road 15\nInternet 1800\nPo box in internet space and time\nInternet land\nMálaga\n51000\nES",
0048       "type": "home",
0049       "poBox": "Po box in internet space and time",
0050       "streetAddress": "KDE Road 15",
0051       "extendedAddress": "Internet 1800",
0052       "city": "Internet land",
0053       "region": "Internet region",
0054       "postalCode": "51000",
0055       "country": "OS",
0056       "countryCode": "OS"
0057     },
0058     {
0059       "formattedValue": "Main way 35\nMain road 20000\nSome other PO Box\nInternet city\nHuelva\n20035\nES",
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0063       "extendedAddress": "Main road 20000",
0064       "city": "Internet city",
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0066       "postalCode": "20035",
0067       "country": "OS",
0068       "countryCode": "OS"
0069     }
0070   ],
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0072     {
0073       "value": "john@kde.exampletest",
0074       "type": "work"
0075     },
0076     {
0077       "value": "john@home.testexample",
0078       "type": "home"
0079     },
0080     {
0081       "value": "john@private.stuff",
0082       "type": "other"
0083     }
0084   ],
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0086     {
0087       "value": "666 12 34 90",
0088       "type": "mobile"
0089     },
0090     {
0091       "value": "952 66 61 23",
0092       "type": "home"
0093     },
0094     {
0095       "value": "910 12 30 00",
0096       "type": "other"
0097     }
0098   ],
0099   "biographies": [
0100     {
0101       "value": "John is pretty awesome!",
0102       "contentType": "TEXT_PLAIN"
0103     }
0104   ],
0105   "urls": [
0106     {
0107       "value": "kde.org",
0108       "type": "work"
0109     },
0110     {
0111       "value": "johndoe.test",
0112       "type": "blog"
0113     }
0114   ],
0115   "organizations": [
0116     {
0117       "name": "KDE",
0118       "department": "PIM",
0119       "title": "Super Developer"
0120     }
0121   ],
0122   "memberships": [
0123     {
0124       "contactGroupMembership": {
0125         "contactGroupResourceName": "contactGroups/myContacts"
0126       },
0127       "contactGroupMembership": {
0128         "contactGroupResourceName": "contactGroups/19cb37f60aed8000"
0129       }
0130     }
0131   ],
0132   "events": [
0133     {
0134       "date": {
0135         "year": 2024,
0136         "month": 2,
0137         "day": 24
0138       },
0139       "type": "other"
0140     }
0141   ],
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0143     {
0144       "username": "johndoeatkde",
0145       "protocol": "googleTalk"
0146     },
0147     {
0148       "username": "johndoefromkde",
0149       "protocol": "jabber"
0150     }
0151   ],
0152   "relations": [
0153     {
0154       "person": "Joanna Doe",
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0156     }
0157   ],
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0159     {
0160       "key": "Custom Field Number One",
0161       "value": "custom field 1"
0162     }
0163   ],
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0166       "value": "123456789",
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0168     }
0169   ]
0170 }