Warning, /pim/kube/views/todo/main.qml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*
0002  * Copyright (C) 2018 Christian Mollekopf, <mollekopf@kolabsys.com>
0003  *
0004  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0005  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0006  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0007  * (at your option) any later version.
0008  *
0009  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0010  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0012  * GNU General Public License for more details.
0013  *
0014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
0015  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
0016  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
0017  */
0019 import QtQuick 2.7
0020 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
0021 import QtQuick.Window 2.0
0023 import org.kube.framework 1.0 as Kube
0024 import org.kube.test 1.0
0025 import "qml"
0027 ApplicationWindow {
0028     id: app
0029     height: Screen.desktopAvailableHeight * 0.8
0030     width: Screen.desktopAvailableWidth * 0.8
0032     Component.onCompleted: {
0033         var initialState = {
0034             accounts: [
0035                 {
0036                     id: "account1",
0037                     name: "Test Account"
0038                 },
0039                 {
0040                     id: "account2",
0041                     name: "Test Account2"
0042                 },
0043             ],
0044             identities: [{
0045                 account: "account1",
0046                 name: "Test Identity",
0047                 address: "identity@example.org"
0048             }],
0049             resources: [
0050                 {
0051                     id: "caldavresource",
0052                     account: "account1",
0053                     type: "caldav",
0054                 },
0055                 {
0056                     id: "caldavresource2",
0057                     account: "account2",
0058                     type: "caldav",
0059                 }
0060             ],
0061             calendars: [{
0062                 id: "calendar1",
0063                 resource: "caldavresource",
0064                 name: "Test Calendar",
0065                 color: "#af1a6a",
0066                 enabled: true,
0067                 todos: [
0068                     {
0069                         resource: "caldavresource",
0070                         summary: "Todo start",
0071                         start: "2018-04-09T14:03:00",
0072                         description: "<pre>Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n<pre>",
0073                         doing: true,
0074                         subtodos: [
0075                             {
0076                                 resource: "caldavresource",
0077                                 summary: "subtodo",
0078                                 start: "2018-04-09T14:03:00",
0079                                 description: "<pre>Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n<pre>",
0080                             }
0081                         ]
0082                     },
0083                     {
0084                         resource: "caldavresource",
0085                         summary: "Todo due",
0086                         due: "2018-04-17T14:03:00",
0087                         description: "Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n",
0088                         doing: true
0089                     },
0090                     {
0091                         resource: "caldavresource",
0092                         summary: "Todo due today",
0093                         due: "2018-04-11T14:03:00",
0094                         description: "Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n",
0095                         doing: true
0096                     },
0097                     {
0098                         resource: "caldavresource",
0099                         summary: "Todo overdue",
0100                         due: "2018-04-03T14:03:00",
0101                         description: "Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n",
0102                         doing: true
0103                     },
0104                     {
0105                         resource: "caldavresource",
0106                         summary: "Todo start and due",
0107                         start: "2018-04-13T14:03:00",
0108                         due: "2018-04-14T14:03:00",
0109                         description: "Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n",
0110                     },
0111                     {
0112                         resource: "caldavresource",
0113                         summary: "Todo"
0114                     },
0115                     {
0116                         resource: "caldavresource",
0117                         summary: "Todo done",
0118                         due: "2018-04-03T14:03:00",
0119                         description: "Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n",
0120                         done: true
0121                     },
0122                     {
0123                         resource: "caldavresource",
0124                         summary: "Todo needs action",
0125                         due: "2018-04-03T14:03:00",
0126                         description: "Hi Mélanie,\n\nI'm sorry to start this on such late notice, but we'd like to get Foo and boo to woo next week, because the following weeks are unfortunately not possible for us.\n",
0127                         needsAction: true
0128                     },
0129                 ],
0130             },
0131             {
0132                 id: "calendar16",
0133                 resource: "caldavresource",
0134                 name: "Test Calendar16",
0135                 enabled: true,
0136                 color: "#f67400",
0137                 todos: [
0138                     {
0139                         resource: "caldavresource",
0140                         summary: "Todo from another list",
0141                         description: "Stuff"
0142                     }
0143                 ]
0144             },
0145             {
0146                 id: "account2calendar",
0147                 resource: "caldavresource2",
0148                 name: "Account2Calendar",
0149                 color: "#f67400"
0150             }],
0151         }
0152         TestStore.setup(initialState)
0153         Kube.Context.autoUpdateDate = false
0154         Kube.Context.currentDate = "2018-04-11T13:04:03"
0155     }
0157     View {
0158         anchors.fill: parent
0159     }
0160 }