File indexing completed on 2025-01-05 04:55:03
0001 /* 0002 Copyright (c) 2018 Christian Mollekopf <> 0003 0004 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 0005 under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by 0006 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your 0007 option) any later version. 0008 0009 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT 0010 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or 0011 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public 0012 License for more details. 0013 0014 You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License 0015 along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the 0016 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 0017 02110-1301, USA. 0018 */ 0019 #include "extensionmodel.h" 0020 #include <QStandardItemModel> 0021 #include <QQmlEngine> 0022 #include <QDir> 0023 #include <QDebug> 0024 #include <QTimer> 0025 #include <QJsonDocument> 0026 #include <QJsonObject> 0027 0028 using namespace Kube; 0029 0030 ExtensionModel::ExtensionModel(QObject *parent) 0031 : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) 0032 { 0033 setDynamicSortFilter(true); 0034 sort(0, Qt::DescendingOrder); 0035 setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); 0036 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &ExtensionModel::load); 0037 } 0038 0039 QHash<int, QByteArray> ExtensionModel::roleNames() const 0040 { 0041 return { 0042 {Name, "name"}, 0043 {Tooltip, "tooltip"}, 0044 {Icon, "icon"} 0045 }; 0046 } 0047 0048 void ExtensionModel::load() 0049 { 0050 if (auto m = sourceModel()) { 0051 setSourceModel(nullptr); 0052 delete m; 0053 } 0054 auto engine = qmlEngine(this); 0055 if (!engine) { 0056 return; 0057 } 0058 auto model = new QStandardItemModel(this); 0059 for (const auto &path : engine->importPathList()) { 0060 QDir dir{path + "/org/kube/" + mExtensionPoint}; 0061 for (const auto &pluginName : dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { 0062 const auto pluginPath = dir.path() + "/" + pluginName; 0063 mPaths.insert(pluginName, QUrl::fromLocalFile(pluginPath)); 0064 auto item = new QStandardItem; 0065 item->setData(pluginName, Name); 0066 item->setData(pluginName, Tooltip); 0067 item->setData("kdocumentinfo-inverted", Icon); 0068 0069 if (QFileInfo::exists(pluginPath + "/metadata.json")) { 0070 QFile file{pluginPath + "/metadata.json"}; 0071; 0072 auto json = QJsonDocument::fromJson(file.readAll()); 0073 auto map = json.object().toVariantMap(); 0074 item->setData(map.value("icon").toString(), Icon); 0075 item->setData(map.value("tooltip").toString(), Tooltip); 0076 if (map.value("hidden", false).toBool()) { 0077 delete item; 0078 continue; 0079 } 0080 } 0081 0082 model->appendRow(item); 0083 } 0084 } 0085 setSourceModel(model); 0086 } 0087 0088 QUrl ExtensionModel::findSource(const QString &extensionName, const QString &sourceName) 0089 { 0090 if (mPaths.isEmpty()) { 0091 load(); 0092 } 0093 return mPaths.value(extensionName).resolved(QUrl{extensionName + "/" + sourceName}); 0094 } 0095 0096 void ExtensionModel::setSortOrder(const QVariantList &order) 0097 { 0098 mSortOrder.clear(); 0099 for (const auto &e : order) { 0100 mSortOrder << e.toString(); 0101 } 0102 } 0103 0104 QVariantList ExtensionModel::sortOrder() const 0105 { 0106 return {}; 0107 } 0108 0109 void ExtensionModel::setExtensionPoint(const QString &extensionPoint) 0110 { 0111 mExtensionPoint = extensionPoint; 0112 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &ExtensionModel::load); 0113 } 0114 0115 QString ExtensionModel::extensionPoint() const 0116 { 0117 return mExtensionPoint; 0118 } 0119 0120 QVariant ExtensionModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const 0121 { 0122 return QSortFilterProxyModel::data(idx, role); 0123 } 0124 0125 bool ExtensionModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const 0126 { 0127 auto leftIndex = mSortOrder.indexOf(; 0128 auto rightIndex = mSortOrder.indexOf(; 0129 if (leftIndex >= 0 && rightIndex >= 0) { 0130 //Higher index is less than 0131 return leftIndex > rightIndex; 0132 } 0133 if (leftIndex < 0 && rightIndex < 0) { 0134 return QSortFilterProxyModel::lessThan(left, right); 0135 } 0136 return leftIndex < rightIndex; 0137 }