File indexing completed on 2024-06-16 04:57:11

0001 /*
0002   This file is part of the KOrganizer interfaces.
0004   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 1999, 2001, 2003 Cornelius Schumacher <>
0005   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
0007   SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
0008 */
0010 #pragma once
0012 #include "korganizer_interfaces_export.h"
0014 #include <CalendarSupport/PrintPlugin>
0015 #include <EventViews/EventView>
0017 #include <Akonadi/ETMCalendar>
0018 #include <Akonadi/IncidenceChanger>
0020 #include <Akonadi/Collection>
0021 #include <Akonadi/Item>
0023 #include <QWidget>
0025 #include <memory>
0027 namespace KOrg
0028 {
0029 class BaseViewPrivate;
0031 /**
0032   This class provides an interface for all views being displayed within the
0033   main calendar view. It has functions to update the view, to specify date
0034   range and other display parameter and to return selected objects. An
0035   important class, which inherits KOBaseView is KOEventView, which provides
0036   the interface for all views of event data like the agenda or the month view.
0038   @short Base class for calendar views
0039   @author Preston Brown, Cornelius Schumacher
0040   @see KOTodoView, KOEventView, KOListView, KOAgendaView, KOMonthView
0041 */
0042 class KORGANIZER_INTERFACES_EXPORT BaseView : public QWidget
0043 {
0044     Q_OBJECT
0045 public:
0046     /**
0047       Constructs a view.
0049       @param cal    Pointer to the calendar object from which events
0050                     will be retrieved for display.
0051       @param parent parent widget.
0052     */
0053     explicit BaseView(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0055     /**
0056       Destructor.  Views will do view-specific cleanups here.
0057     */
0058     ~BaseView() override;
0060     /**
0061      * Sets the model used to display events.
0062      */
0063     virtual void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model);
0065     QAbstractItemModel *model() const;
0067     /**
0068       @return a list of selected events.  Most views can probably only
0069       select a single event at a time, but some may be able to select
0070       more than one.
0071     */
0072     virtual Akonadi::Item::List selectedIncidences() = 0;
0074     /**
0075       Returns a list of the dates of selected events. Most views can
0076       probably only select a single event at a time, but some may be able
0077       to select more than one.
0078     */
0079     virtual KCalendarCore::DateList selectedIncidenceDates() = 0;
0081     /**
0082        Returns the start of the selection, or an invalid QDateTime if there is no selection
0083        or the view doesn't support selecting cells.
0084      */
0085     virtual QDateTime selectionStart();
0087     /**
0088        Returns the end of the selection, or an invalid QDateTime if there is no selection
0089        or the view doesn't support selecting cells.
0090      */
0091     virtual QDateTime selectionEnd();
0093     virtual CalendarSupport::CalPrinterBase::PrintType printType() const;
0095     /**
0096       Returns the number of currently shown dates.
0097       A return value of 0 means no idea.
0098     */
0099     virtual int currentDateCount() const = 0;
0101     /**
0102       Returns if this view is a view for displaying events.
0103     */
0104     virtual bool isEventView();
0106     /**
0107      * Returns which incidence types should used to embolden
0108      * day numbers in the date navigator when this view is selected.
0109      *
0110      * BaseView provides a default implementation that only highlights
0111      * events because that's how the behaviour has always been, and
0112      * most views are event orientated, even one or two
0113      * which don't inherit KOEventView are about events (timespent).
0114      *
0115      * This function writes to these 3 parameters the result,
0116      * the original value is ignored
0117      */
0118     virtual void getHighlightMode(bool &highlightEvents, bool &highlightTodos, bool &highlightJournals);
0120     /**
0121      * returns whether this view should be displayed full window.
0122      * Base implementation returns false.
0123      */
0124     virtual bool usesFullWindow();
0126     /**
0127      * returns whether this view supports zoom.
0128      * Base implementation returns false.
0129      */
0130     virtual bool supportsZoom();
0132     /**
0133      * returns whether this view supports date range selection
0134      * Base implementation returns true.
0135      */
0136     virtual bool supportsDateRangeSelection();
0138     virtual bool hasConfigurationDialog() const;
0140     virtual void showConfigurationDialog(QWidget *parent);
0142     QByteArray identifier() const;
0143     virtual void setIdentifier(const QByteArray &identifier);
0145     /**
0146      * reads the view configuration. View-specific configuration can be
0147      * restored via doRestoreConfig()
0148      *
0149      * @param configGroup the group to read settings from
0150      * @see doRestoreConfig()
0151      */
0152     virtual void restoreConfig(const KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0154     /**
0155      * writes out the view configuration. View-specific configuration can be
0156      * saved via doSaveConfig()
0157      *
0158      * @param configGroup the group to store settings in
0159      * @see doSaveConfig()
0160      */
0161     virtual void saveConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0163     /**
0164      * returns the view at the given widget coordinate. This is usually the view
0165      * itself, except for composite views, where a subview will be returned.
0166      * The default implementation returns @p this .
0167      */
0168     virtual BaseView *viewAt(const QPoint &p);
0170     /**
0171       Show incidences for the given date range. The date range actually shown
0172       may be different from the requested range, depending on the particular
0173       requirements of the view.
0175       @param start Start of date range.
0176       @param end   End of date range.
0177     */
0178     virtual void setDateRange(const QDateTime &start, const QDateTime &end, const QDate &preferredMonth = QDate());
0180     QDateTime startDateTime() const;
0181     QDateTime endDateTime() const;
0183     QDateTime actualStartDateTime() const;
0184     QDateTime actualEndDateTime() const;
0186     /** Returns true if the view supports navigation through the date navigator
0187         ( selecting a date range, changing month, changing year, etc. )
0188      */
0189     virtual bool supportsDateNavigation() const
0190     {
0191         return false;
0192     }
0194     virtual Akonadi::Collection::Id collectionId() const
0195     {
0196         return -1;
0197     }
0199 public Q_SLOTS:
0200     /**
0201       Shows given incidences. Depending on the actual view it might not
0202       be possible to show all given events.
0204       @param incidenceList a list of incidences to show.
0205       @param date is the QDate on which the incidences are being shown.
0206     */
0207     virtual void showIncidences(const Akonadi::Item::List &incidenceList, const QDate &date) = 0;
0209     /**
0210       Updates the current display to reflect changes that may have happened
0211       in the calendar since the last display refresh.
0212     */
0213     virtual void updateView() = 0;
0214     virtual void dayPassed(const QDate &);
0216     /**
0217       Assign a new incidence change helper object.
0218      */
0219     virtual void setIncidenceChanger(Akonadi::IncidenceChanger *changer);
0221     /**
0222       Write all unsaved data back to calendar store.
0223     */
0224     virtual void flushView();
0226     /**
0227       Updates the current display to reflect the changes to one particular incidence.
0228     */
0229     virtual void changeIncidenceDisplay(const Akonadi::Item &, Akonadi::IncidenceChanger::ChangeType) = 0;
0231     /**
0232       Re-reads the KOrganizer configuration and picks up relevant
0233       changes which are applicable to the view.
0234     */
0235     virtual void updateConfig();
0237     /**
0238       Clear selection. The incidenceSelected signal is not emitted.
0239     */
0240     virtual void clearSelection();
0242     /**
0243       Sets the default start/end date/time for new events.
0244       Return true if anything was changed
0245     */
0246     virtual bool eventDurationHint(QDateTime &startDt, QDateTime &endDt, bool &allDay);
0248     virtual void calendarAdded(const Akonadi::CollectionCalendar::Ptr &calendar);
0249     virtual void calendarRemoved(const Akonadi::CollectionCalendar::Ptr &calendar);
0252     void incidenceSelected(const Akonadi::Item &, const QDate);
0254     /**
0255      * instructs the receiver to show the incidence in read-only mode.
0256      */
0257     void showIncidenceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0259     /**
0260      * instructs the receiver to begin editing the incidence specified in
0261      * some manner.  Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one
0262      * receiver.
0263      */
0264     void editIncidenceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0266     /**
0267      * instructs the receiver to delete the Incidence in some manner; some
0268      * possibilities include automatically, with a confirmation dialog
0269      * box, etc.  Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one receiver.
0270      */
0271     void deleteIncidenceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0273     /**
0274      * instructs the receiver to cut the Incidence
0275      */
0276     void cutIncidenceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0278     /**
0279      * instructs the receiver to copy the incidence
0280      */
0281     void copyIncidenceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0283     /**
0284      * instructs the receiver to paste the incidence
0285      */
0286     void pasteIncidenceSignal();
0288     /**
0289      * instructs the receiver to toggle the alarms of the Incidence.
0290      */
0291     void toggleAlarmSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0293     /**
0294      * instructs the receiver to toggle the completion state of the Incidence
0295      * (which must be a  Todo type).
0296      */
0297     void toggleTodoCompletedSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0299     /**
0300      * Toggle the completion state of the incidence contained in the item
0301      * (which must be a Todo) on the given date.  If the todo recurs, the
0302      * QDate identifies the occurrence to toggle.
0303      */
0304     void toggleOccurrenceCompletedSignal(const Akonadi::Item &, const QDate &);
0306     /**
0307      * Copy the incidence to the specified resource.
0308      */
0309     void copyIncidenceToResourceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &, const Akonadi::Collection &);
0311     /**
0312      * Move the incidence to the specified resource.
0313      */
0314     void moveIncidenceToResourceSignal(const Akonadi::Item &, const Akonadi::Collection &);
0316     /** Dissociate from a recurring incidence the occurrence on the given
0317      *  date to a new incidence or dissociate all occurrences from the
0318      *  given date onwards.
0319      */
0320     void dissociateOccurrencesSignal(const Akonadi::Item &, const QDate &);
0322     void startMultiModify(const QString &);
0323     void endMultiModify();
0325     /**
0326      * instructs the receiver to create a new event in given collection. Doesn't make
0327      * sense to connect to more than one receiver.
0328      */
0329     void newEventSignal();
0331     /**
0332      * instructs the receiver to create a new event with the specified beginning
0333      * time. Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one receiver.
0334      */
0335     void newEventSignal(const QDate &);
0337     /**
0338      * instructs the receiver to create a new event with the specified beginning
0339      * time. Doesn't make sense to connect to more than one receiver.
0340      */
0341     void newEventSignal(const QDateTime &);
0343     /**
0344      * instructs the receiver to create a new event, with the specified
0345      * beginning end ending times.  Doesn't make sense to connect to more
0346      * than one receiver.
0347      */
0348     void newEventSignal(const QDateTime &, const QDateTime &);
0350     void newTodoSignal(const QDate &);
0351     void newSubTodoSignal(const Akonadi::Item &);
0353     void newJournalSignal(const QDate &);
0355 public:
0356     /**
0357        Notifies the view that there are pending changes so a redraw is needed.
0359        @param changes Types of changes that were made
0360     */
0361     virtual void setChanges(EventViews::EventView::Changes changes);
0363     /**
0364        Returns if there are pending changes and a redraw is needed.
0365     */
0366     EventViews::EventView::Changes changes() const;
0368 protected:
0369     /**
0370      * reimplement to read view-specific settings
0371      */
0372     virtual void doRestoreConfig(const KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0374     /**
0375      * reimplement to write view specific settings
0376      */
0377     virtual void doSaveConfig(KConfigGroup &configGroup);
0379     /**
0380       @deprecated
0381      */
0382     virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end, const QDate &preferredMonth = QDate()) = 0;
0384     /**
0385      * From the requested date range (passed via setDateRange()), calculates the
0386      * adjusted date range actually displayed by the view, depending on the view's
0387      * supported range (e.g., a month view always displays one month).
0388      * The default implementation returns the range unmodified
0389      */
0390     virtual QPair<QDateTime, QDateTime> actualDateRange(const QDateTime &start, const QDateTime &end, const QDate &preferredMonth = QDate()) const;
0392     Akonadi::CollectionCalendar::Ptr calendarForCollection(Akonadi::Collection::Id collectionId) const;
0393     Akonadi::CollectionCalendar::Ptr calendarForIncidence(const KCalendarCore::Incidence::Ptr &incidence) const;
0395 protected Q_SLOTS:
0396     virtual void calendarReset();
0398 protected:
0399     Akonadi::IncidenceChanger *mChanger = nullptr;
0401 private:
0402     std::unique_ptr<BaseViewPrivate> const d;
0403     friend class KOrg::BaseViewPrivate;
0404 };
0405 }