File indexing completed on 2024-12-15 04:51:47

0001 /*
0002    SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2024 Laurent Montel <>
0004    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
0005 */
0006 #include "noteutils.h"
0007 #include "attributes/notedisplayattribute.h"
0008 #include "network/notehostdialog.h"
0009 #include "network/notesnetworksender.h"
0010 #include "notesharedglobalconfig.h"
0011 #include <KLocalizedString>
0012 #include <KMessageBox>
0013 #include <KProcess>
0015 #include <KMime/KMimeMessage>
0017 #include <QApplication>
0018 #include <QPointer>
0019 #include <QRegularExpression>
0020 #include <QSslSocket>
0022 using namespace NoteShared;
0024 NoteUtils::NoteUtils() = default;
0026 bool NoteUtils::sendToMail(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &message)
0027 {
0028     // get the mail action command
0029     const QList<QStringView> cmd_list = QStringView(NoteShared::NoteSharedGlobalConfig::mailAction()).split(QLatin1Char(' '), Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
0030     if (cmd_list.isEmpty()) {
0031         KMessageBox::error(parent, i18n("Please configure send mail action."));
0032         return false;
0033     }
0034     KProcess mail;
0035     for (const QStringView &cmd : cmd_list) {
0036         if (cmd == QLatin1StringView("%f")) {
0037             mail << message;
0038         } else if (cmd == QLatin1StringView("%t")) {
0039             mail << i18n("Note: \"%1\"", title);
0040         } else {
0041             mail << cmd.toString();
0042         }
0043     }
0045     if (!mail.startDetached()) {
0046         KMessageBox::error(parent, i18n("Unable to start the mail process."));
0047         return false;
0048     }
0049     return true;
0050 }
0052 void NoteUtils::sendToNetwork(QWidget *parent, const QString &title, const QString &message)
0053 {
0054     // pop up dialog to get the IP
0055     QPointer<NoteShared::NoteHostDialog> hostDlg = new NoteShared::NoteHostDialog(i18n("Send \"%1\"", title), parent);
0056     if (hostDlg->exec()) {
0057         const QString host = hostDlg->host();
0058         if (host.isEmpty()) {
0059             KMessageBox::error(parent, i18n("The host cannot be empty."));
0060             delete hostDlg;
0061             return;
0062         }
0063         quint16 port = hostDlg->port();
0065         if (!port) { // not specified, use default
0066             port = NoteShared::NoteSharedGlobalConfig::port();
0067         }
0069         // Send the note
0070         auto socket = new QSslSocket;
0071         socket->connectToHost(host, port);
0072         auto sender = new NoteShared::NotesNetworkSender(socket);
0073         sender->setSenderId(NoteShared::NoteSharedGlobalConfig::senderID());
0074         sender->setNote(title, message); // FIXME: plainText ??
0075     }
0076     delete hostDlg;
0077 }
0079 QString NoteUtils::createToolTip(const Akonadi::Item &item)
0080 {
0081     const auto noteMessage = item.payload<KMime::Message::Ptr>();
0082     if (!noteMessage) {
0083         return {};
0084     }
0085     const QString description = QString::fromUtf8(noteMessage->mainBodyPart()->decodedContent());
0086     const KMime::Headers::Subject *const subject = noteMessage->subject(false);
0088     const QString realName = subject ? subject->asUnicodeString() : QString();
0089     const bool isRichText = noteMessage->contentType()->isHTMLText();
0091     QString tip;
0092     if (item.hasAttribute<NoteDisplayAttribute>()) {
0093         const auto attr = item.attribute<NoteDisplayAttribute>();
0094         if (attr) {
0095             const QString bckColorName = attr->backgroundColor().name();
0096             const QString txtColorName = attr->foregroundColor().name();
0097             const bool textIsLeftToRight = (QApplication::layoutDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight);
0098             const QString textDirection = textIsLeftToRight ? QStringLiteral("left") : QStringLiteral("right");
0100             tip = QStringLiteral("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\">");
0101             tip += QStringLiteral(
0102                        "<tr>"
0103                        "<td bgcolor=\"%1\" align=\"%4\" valign=\"middle\">"
0104                        "<div style=\"color: %2; font-weight: bold;\">"
0105                        "%3"
0106                        "</div>"
0107                        "</td>"
0108                        "</tr>")
0109                        .arg(bckColorName, txtColorName, realName.toHtmlEscaped(), textDirection);
0110             const QString htmlCodeForStandardRow = QStringLiteral(
0111                 "<tr>"
0112                 "<td bgcolor=\"%1\" align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">"
0113                 "<div style=\"color: %2;\">"
0114                 "%3"
0115                 "</div>"
0116                 "</td>"
0117                 "</tr>");
0119             QString content = description;
0120             if (!content.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
0121                 tip +=
0122                     htmlCodeForStandardRow.arg(bckColorName, txtColorName, isRichText ? content : content.replace(QLatin1Char('\n'), QStringLiteral("<br>")));
0123             }
0124             tip += QLatin1StringView(
0125                 "</table"
0126                 "</td>"
0127                 "</tr>");
0128         }
0129     }
0130     return tip;
0131 }
0133 NoteUtils::NoteText NoteUtils::extractNoteText(QString noteText, const QString &titleAddon)
0134 {
0135     const int pos = noteText.indexOf(QRegularExpression(QStringLiteral("[\r\n]")));
0136     const QString noteTitle = noteText.left(pos).trimmed() + titleAddon;
0138     noteText = noteText.mid(pos).trimmed();
0139     NoteUtils::NoteText noteTextResult;
0140     noteTextResult.noteText = noteText;
0141     noteTextResult.noteTitle = noteTitle;
0142     return noteTextResult;
0143 }