File indexing completed on 2024-12-22 05:01:01

0001 /*
0002   SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2024 Laurent Montel <>
0004   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
0005 */
0006 #pragma once
0008 #include "MailCommon/Tag"
0009 #include "configuredialog_p.h"
0010 #include "kmail_export.h"
0011 #include <QListWidgetItem>
0013 class QPushButton;
0014 class QCheckBox;
0015 class QComboBox;
0016 class KFontChooser;
0017 class ColorListBox;
0018 class QButtonGroup;
0019 class QGroupBox;
0020 class QSpinBox;
0021 class QLineEdit;
0022 class QModelIndex;
0023 class KJob;
0024 namespace MessageViewer
0025 {
0026 class ConfigureWidget;
0027 }
0029 namespace MessageList
0030 {
0031 namespace Utils
0032 {
0033 class AggregationComboBox;
0034 class ThemeComboBox;
0035 }
0036 }
0038 namespace MailCommon
0039 {
0040 class Tag;
0041 using TagPtr = QSharedPointer<Tag>;
0042 }
0044 namespace MailCommon
0045 {
0046 class TagWidget;
0047 }
0049 class AppearancePageFontsTab : public ConfigModuleTab
0050 {
0051     Q_OBJECT
0052 public:
0053     explicit AppearancePageFontsTab(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0054     [[nodiscard]] QString helpAnchor() const;
0055     void save() override;
0057 private:
0058     void slotFontSelectorChanged(int);
0059     void doLoadOther() override;
0060     void doResetToDefaultsOther() override;
0062 private:
0063     QCheckBox *mCustomFontCheck = nullptr;
0064     QComboBox *mFontLocationCombo = nullptr;
0065     KFontChooser *mFontChooser = nullptr;
0067     int mActiveFontIndex{-1};
0068     QFont mFont[8];
0069 };
0071 class AppearancePageColorsTab : public ConfigModuleTab
0072 {
0073     Q_OBJECT
0074 public:
0075     explicit AppearancePageColorsTab(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0076     [[nodiscard]] QString helpAnchor() const;
0077     void save() override;
0079 private:
0080     void doLoadOther() override;
0081     void doResetToDefaultsOther() override;
0082     void loadColor(bool loadFromConfig);
0084 private:
0085     QCheckBox *mCustomColorCheck = nullptr;
0086     ColorListBox *mColorList = nullptr;
0087     QCheckBox *mRecycleColorCheck = nullptr;
0088     QSpinBox *mCloseToQuotaThreshold = nullptr;
0089     QCheckBox *mUseInlineStyle = nullptr;
0090 };
0092 class AppearancePageLayoutTab : public ConfigModuleTab
0093 {
0094     Q_OBJECT
0095 public:
0096     explicit AppearancePageLayoutTab(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0097     [[nodiscard]] QString helpAnchor() const;
0099     void save() override;
0101 private:
0102     void doLoadOther() override;
0104 private: // data
0105     QButtonGroup *mFolderListGroup = nullptr;
0106     QButtonGroup *mReaderWindowModeGroup = nullptr;
0107     QButtonGroup *mFolderToolTipsGroup = nullptr;
0108     QButtonGroup *mFavoriteFoldersViewGroup = nullptr;
0109     QCheckBox *mFolderQuickSearchCB = nullptr;
0110 };
0112 class AppearancePageHeadersTab : public ConfigModuleTab
0113 {
0114     Q_OBJECT
0115 public:
0116     explicit AppearancePageHeadersTab(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0118     [[nodiscard]] QString helpAnchor() const;
0120     void save() override;
0122 private: // methods
0123     void doLoadFromGlobalSettings() override;
0124     void doLoadOther() override;
0125     // virtual void doResetToDefaultsOther();
0126     void setDateDisplay(int id, const QString &format);
0127     void slotLinkClicked(const QString &link);
0128     void slotSelectDefaultAggregation();
0129     void slotSelectDefaultTheme();
0131 private: // data
0132     QCheckBox *mDisplayMessageToolTips = nullptr;
0133     MessageList::Utils::AggregationComboBox *mAggregationComboBox = nullptr;
0134     MessageList::Utils::ThemeComboBox *mThemeComboBox = nullptr;
0135     QButtonGroup *mDateDisplay = nullptr;
0136     QGroupBox *mDateDisplayBox = nullptr;
0137     QLineEdit *mCustomDateFormatEdit = nullptr;
0138     QString mCustomDateWhatsThis;
0139 };
0141 class AppearancePageGeneralTab : public ConfigModuleTab
0142 {
0143     Q_OBJECT
0144 public:
0145     explicit AppearancePageGeneralTab(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0147     QString helpAnchor() const;
0149     void save() override;
0151 private:
0152     void doLoadOther() override;
0153     void doResetToDefaultsOther() override;
0155 private: // data
0156     QCheckBox *mCloseAfterReplyOrForwardCheck = nullptr;
0157     MessageViewer::ConfigureWidget *mViewerSettings = nullptr;
0158     QCheckBox *mSystemTrayCheck = nullptr;
0159     QCheckBox *mStartInTrayCheck = nullptr;
0160     QCheckBox *mShowNumberInTaskBar = nullptr;
0161 };
0163 class TagListWidgetItem : public QListWidgetItem
0164 {
0165 public:
0166     explicit TagListWidgetItem(QListWidget *parent = nullptr);
0167     explicit TagListWidgetItem(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, QListWidget *parent = nullptr);
0169     ~TagListWidgetItem() override;
0170     void setKMailTag(const MailCommon::Tag::Ptr &tag);
0171     MailCommon::Tag::Ptr kmailTag() const;
0173 private:
0174     MailCommon::Tag::Ptr mTag;
0175 };
0177 /**Configuration tab in the appearance page for modifying the available set of
0178 +message tags*/
0179 class AppearancePageMessageTagTab : public ConfigModuleTab
0180 {
0181     Q_OBJECT
0182 public:
0183     explicit AppearancePageMessageTagTab(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
0184     ~AppearancePageMessageTagTab() override;
0186     QString helpAnchor() const;
0188     void save() override;
0190 public Q_SLOTS:
0191     /**Enables/disables Add button according to whether @p aText is empty.
0192     Connected to signal of the line edit widget for adding tags
0193     @param aText String to change add button according to
0194     */
0195     void slotAddLineTextChanged(const QString &aText);
0196     /**Creates a generic tag with the visible name from the line edit widget for
0197     adding tags. Adds it to the end of the list and selects. Empties the line
0198     edit widget*/
0199     void slotAddNewTag();
0200     /**Removes the currently selected text in the list box.*/
0201     void slotRemoveTag();
0202     /**Increases the currently selected tag's priority and handles related visual
0203     changes*/
0204     void slotMoveTagUp();
0205     /**Decreases the currently selected tag's priority and handles related visual
0206     changes*/
0207     void slotMoveTagDown();
0209 private:
0210     /*Handles necessary processing when the selection in the edit box changes.
0211     Records the unselected tag's information, and applies visual changes
0212     necessary depending on the description of the new tag. Private since doesn't
0213     change the selection of the edit box itself*/
0214     void slotSelectionChanged();
0215     /*This slot is necessary so that apply button is not activated when we are
0216     only applying visual changes after selecting a new tag in the list box*/
0217     void slotEmitChangeCheck();
0218     /*Transfers the tag settings from the widgets to the internal data structures.
0219     Private since passing a wrong parameter modifies another tag's data*/
0220     void slotRecordTagSettings(int aIndex);
0221     /*Transfers the tag settings from the internal data structures to the widgets.
0222     Private since passing a wrong parameter visualizes another tag's data*/
0223     void slotUpdateTagSettingWidgets(int aIndex);
0224     /*Transfers changes in the tag name edit box to the list box for tags. Private
0225     since calling externally decouples the name in the list box from name edit box*/
0226     void slotNameLineTextChanged(const QString &);
0227     void slotIconNameChanged(const QString &iconName);
0228     void slotRowsMoved(const QModelIndex &, int sourcestart, int sourceEnd, const QModelIndex &, int destinationRow);
0229     void slotTagsFetched(KJob *job);
0231     void slotDeleteTagJob(KJob *job);
0233     void doLoadFromGlobalSettings() override;
0234     void swapTagsInListBox(const int first, const int second);
0235     void updateButtons();
0236     void slotCustomMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos);
0238 private: // data
0239     QLineEdit *mTagAddLineEdit = nullptr;
0240     QPushButton *mTagAddButton = nullptr;
0241     QPushButton *mTagRemoveButton = nullptr;
0242     QPushButton *mTagUpButton = nullptr;
0243     QPushButton *mTagDownButton = nullptr;
0245     QListWidget *mTagListBox = nullptr;
0247     QGroupBox *mTagsGroupBox = nullptr;
0248     QGroupBox *mTagSettingGroupBox = nullptr;
0250     MailCommon::TagWidget *mTagWidget = nullptr;
0252     // So we can compare to mMsgTagList and see if the user changed tags
0253     QList<MailCommon::TagPtr> mOriginalMsgTagList;
0255     /*Used to safely call slotRecordTagSettings when the selection in
0256     list box changes*/
0257     int mPreviousTag;
0258 };
0260 class KMAIL_EXPORT AppearancePage : public ConfigModuleWithTabs
0261 {
0262     Q_OBJECT
0263 public:
0264     explicit AppearancePage(QObject *parent, const KPluginMetaData &data);
0266     QString helpAnchor() const override;
0267 };